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void main()
	struct sutdent
		int nun;
		char name[20];
		char sex;
		int age;
		float score;
		char addr[30];
	struct sutdent sutdent1;
	struct sutdent sutdent2;
	printf("%lu\n", sizeof(sutdent));




#if 1

void main()
#if 0
	struct date
		int month;
		int day;
		int year;

	struct student
		int num;
		char *name;
		char sex;
		//struct date birthday;
		float score;
	} boy1, boy2;

	boy1.num = 007;
	boy1.name = "Jane";

	printf("Please input sex and score\n");
	scanf("%c %f", &boy1.sex, &boy1.score);

	boy2 = boy1;

	printf("Number =%d\nName = %s\n", boy2.num, boy2.name);
	printf("Sex = %c\nScore = %f\n", boy2.sex, boy2.score);



#if 1
#include <stdio.h>

void main()
    struct date
        int month;
        int day;
        int year;
    struct student
        int num;
        char* name;
        char sex;
        float score;
        struct date brithday;
    struct student boy1;
    struct student boy2;

    printf("Please input brithday (YY:)");
    scanf("%d", &boy1.brithday.year);
    printf("Please input brithday (MM:)");
    scanf("%d", &boy1.brithday.month);
    printf("Please input brithday (DD:)");
    scanf("%d", &boy1.brithday.day);

    boy2 = boy1;

    printf("boy1's brithday is %d-%d-%d\n", boy1.brithday.year, boy1.brithday.month, boy1.brithday.day);
    printf("boy2's brithday is %d-%d-%d\n", boy2.brithday.year, boy2.brithday.month, boy2.brithday.day);
Please input brithday (YY:)2022
Please input brithday (MM:)03
Please input brithday (DD:)02
boy1's brithday is 2022-3-2
boy2's brithday is 2022-3-2


(1) 正确引用结构体变量中成员的方式为:


(2) 如果成员本身又属一个结构体类型,则要用若干个成员运算符,一级一级地找到最低的一级的成员。只能对最低级的成员进行赋值或存取以及运算。



#if 0
#include <stdio.h>

void main()
      struct student
            int num;
            char *name;
            char sex;
            float score;
      } boy1;
      boy1.num = 007;
      boy1.name = "Jane";
      printf("The address of struct is %o :\n", &boy1 );
      printf("The address of num is %o :\n", &boy1.num );



来源: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_59949484/article/details/123182682