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Sometimes the bad impression your co-workers may have formed has nothing to do with you. Ten years ago, I met a woman at a meeting. Today, we’re close friends. But, she said that she hadn’t liked me at first. She thought I seemed “too positive”-and therefore somewhat fake. It was only after knowing me for years that she realized that was in fact how I was. If you’re patient and continue to act in ways you’re proud of, most people will finally come around.

It’s unfair when we feel misunderstood. But while first impressions are likely to stick, they can-with time and effort-be changed, so that your true talents can be appreciated.

When you’ve lost something, you’ll feel upset and fear that you will never find the lost object. Actually,if you think about it for a moment, you’ll find it soon.This won’t help you find the lost object but it helps you calm down. Only when you regain your calm can you focus on finding the object again. Often when we’ve lost something, especially if it’s an important object like a set of keys or a passport, we get worried. 


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/gaokaos/p/15940145.html