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Suzhou is notable ______ its beautiful gardens, _______ attract a large number of tourists.

If more people join in the trend to ride bicycles to work then the air quality will be improved _______(notable).

The ________(fascinate) of the game lies in trying to guess what your opponent is thinking.

Despite the recession, the company is confident of further _________(expand).

Yuan Longping searched for a way to increase rice harvests without __________(expand) the area of the fields.  

He stood on the sidewalk with his hands ________(bury) in the pockets of his dark overcoat.

______ his peak, the writer was able to produce up to 10 novels a year.

This affects their nervous systems and ability ________(produce) baby birds, and can lead ______ kidney failure and death.

Waseda University, which is familiar ______ the Chinese people, has a long relationship with China.

________(give) that he apologized to me, I forgave him finally.


1.how 2.unfinished 3.applicant; to apply; application 4.dug; to bury 5.buried 6.it; be applied 7.assisting 8.abandoned 9.ruins; on 10.waiting 11.making; understood 12.wanting 13.ruining 14.Burying 15.to; for 16.in 17.has been 18.were spent 19.informed 20.living 21.for; which 22.notably 23.fascination 24.expansion 25.expanding 26.buried 27.At 28. to produce; to 29. to 30.Given


1.When she realized what happened, she buried her face in her hands and cried.

2.It is generally believed that one’s preference for color can reflect one’s personality.

3. Under the tree sat a young man with a magazine in his hand.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/gaokao/p/15754949.html