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【21天精听打卡 2/21】20211110 TED精听 SusanGraham: A new way to restore Earth’s biodiversity—from the air


20211110 TED精听 SusanGraham: A new way to restore Earth’s biodiversity—from the air

  1. Every year human change 10 million hm of plant, and not for the better.

    [Every year, humans change 10 million hectares of land, and not for the better.]

  2. Right now , there are more than 2 biilion hactare of the greatest land around the world

    [Right now, there are more than two billion hectares of degraded land around the world.]

  3. We need to fix it, fast, and technology can help.

    [We need to fix this fast, and technology can help.]

  4. Restration is a normal complex challenge.

    [Restoration in an enormous, complex challenge.]

  5. It can not be done by simply planting trees.

    [It cannot be done by simply planting trees.]

  6. We need to bring native complec eco system that is a life and require deep ???

    [We need to bring native, complex ecosystems back to life, and it requires deep ecological expertise.]

  7. Until now , we have been limited to poor fastimately

    [Until now, we have been limited to poor facsimiles.]

  8. Like a wast and a single kind of tree. ???

    [like vast plantations巨大的种植园 of a single kind of tree.]

  9. But during changing that by lowing ++ dater quickly and normal scale.??????

    [But drones change that by allowing us to gather data and **plant the right mix of vegetation*种植正确的植被组合 quickly, at enormous scales在巨大的尺度上.]

  10. And machine learning, analysie can to plant the planting and then can moderaing the work. ??

    [And machine-learning analysis enables us to plan the planting and then monitor our restoration work.]

  11. For example , In Austrilia we using drom and AI to restore thousands of hectare of land mind for coat.

    [For example , in Australia , we are using drone-based planting and ecology-trained AI to restore thousands of hectares of land mined for coal.]

  12. Not just planting trees, but bring back biodiversity complex ecosystem , on a large scale native farmer in austria ?/ and land argiculture.

    [Not just planting trees, but bringing back biodiverse, complex ecosystems. On a larger scale, native foresrts here in Australia have been decimated by catastrophic bushfires and land-clearing for agriculture]

  13. This mean to min food source and save habitat for Koalas.

    [This means diminished减少 food sources and safe habitats for koalas.]

  14. A new project would allow + to ecelerate to restration for thousands of hectare of koalas + for a few years.

    [A new project would allow us to accelerate the restoration of thousands of hectares of koala forests over the next few years.]

  15. We deed need combi tech will able to scale up restoration for the small island to the entire constant.???

    [With these combined technologies, we’re able to scale up restoration from a small island to an entire continent.]

  16. We can return forests to land what it mind to be.

    [We can return forests to land where a mine used to be, ]

  17. We recreate +ecosystem like a one world ++ birth place and larger insects

    [or recreate ecosystems like the one we’re hoping to restore on Lord Howe Island, birthplace of one of the world’s largest insects.]

  18. If you need to this place to desirable place to en BC to thrive. ????

    [This unique island is plagued by imported species, where we’re helping to eradicate根除 the undesirable plants to allow endemic species 本土特有物种 to thrive.]

  19. It’s not just billions of trees.

    [It’s not just billions of trees.]

  20. It is restoring nature in all complex city and beauty

    [It’s restoring nature in all its complexity and beauty.]


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来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yanluohenglin/p/15538240.html