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一 单词躲不掉: Family


**一 单词躲不掉: Family **

  1. When I was younger ,my family was not emotionally stable.

    emotionally stable 家庭感情稳定的
    Stable :
    用于表示家庭生活的稳定 ,例如 a stable home/family /relationship
    用于关系的稳定 a stable situation /environment
    人的性格稳定 a stable mind

  2. When I was 10 year old my parents went through a bitter divoce

    bitter divoce 痛苦的离婚,包含恨,不愉快痛苦愤怒等
    messsy divoce 麻烦的离婚,离婚流程很难处理,很长
    mutual divoce 达成一致的离婚(官方).平时说的比较多
    civil divorce 协议离婚(不用上法院打官司)

  3. My parents fought over who would get custody of me ,eventually the judge awarded custody to my mom
    and ordered my dad to pay child support until I reached the age of 18 .

    custody : 法律上的监护权利或责任
    join custody 父母共同监护
    sole custody 单亲监护
    awarded :
    1. 奖励 He was awarded the Nobel Prize
    2. 正式判决给予某物 offcial decision to give something
    近义词 grant

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/coilan/p/15450828.html