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自然语言处理NLP星空智能对话机器人系列:深入理解Transformer自然语言处理 Summarizing documents with T5-large


自然语言处理NLP星空智能对话机器人系列:深入理解Transformer自然语言处理 Summarizing documents with T5-large


Summarizing documents with T5-large


Creating a summarization function

首先, 我们创建一个名为summary的摘要函数,该函数有两个参数,第一个参数是preprocess_text,即要摘要的文本。第二个参数是ml,是摘要文本的最大长度。

我们将 T5任务前缀prefix“summarize"”应用于输入文本,T5模型有一个统一的结构, 任务是通过前缀prefix+input sequence方法。这看起来很简单,但NLP transformer模型更接近于此普遍训练和zero-shot下游任务

def summarize(text,ml):
  preprocess_text = text.strip().replace("\n","")
  t5_prepared_Text = "summarize: "+preprocess_text
  print ("Preprocessed and prepared text: \n", t5_prepared_Text)

  tokenized_text = tokenizer.encode(t5_prepared_Text, return_tensors="pt").to(device)

  # summmarize 
  summary_ids = model.generate(tokenized_text,

  output = tokenizer.decode(summary_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
  return output


A general topic sample

The United States Declaration of Independence was the first Etext
released by Project Gutenberg, early in 1971.  The title was stored
in an emailed instruction set which required a tape or diskpack be
hand mounted for retrieval.  The diskpack was the size of a large
cake in a cake carrier, cost $1500, and contained 5 megabytes, of
which this file took 1-2%.  Two tape backups were kept plus one on
paper tape.  The 10,000 files we hope to have online by the end of
2001 should take about 1-2% of a comparably priced drive in 2001.
print("Number of characters:",len(text))
print ("\n\nSummarized text: \n",summary)


Number of characters: 534
Preprocessed and prepared text: 
 summarize: The United States Declaration of Independence was the first Etextreleased by Project Gutenberg, early in 1971.  The title was storedin an emailed instruction set which required a tape or diskpack behand mounted for retrieval.  The diskpack was the size of a largecake in a cake carrier, cost $1500, and contained 5 megabytes, ofwhich this file took 1-2%.  Two tape backups were kept plus one onpaper tape.  The 10,000 files we hope to have online by the end of2001 should take about 1-2% of a comparably priced drive in 2001.

Summarized text: 
 the united states declaration of independence was the first etext published by project gutenberg, early in 1971. the 10,000 files we hope to have online by the end of2001 should take about 1-2% of a comparably priced drive in






The Bill of Rights sample

#Bill of Rights,V
text ="""
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime,
unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising
in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service
in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for
the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb;
nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,
nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;
nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

print("Number of characters:",len(text))
print ("\n\nSummarized text: \n",summary)


Number of characters: 591
Preprocessed and prepared text: 
 summarize: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime,unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arisingin the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual servicein time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject forthe same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb;nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

Summarized text: 
 no person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless ona presentment or indictment ofa Grand Jury. nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put

A corporate law sample

#Montana Corporate Law

text ="""The law regarding corporations prescribes that a corporation can be incorporated in the state of Montana to serve any lawful purpose.  In the state of Montana, a corporation has all the powers of a natural person for carrying out its business activities.  The corporation can sue and be sued in its corporate name.  It has perpetual succession.  The corporation can buy, sell or otherwise acquire an interest in a real or personal property.  It can conduct business, carry on operations, and have offices and exercise the powers in a state, territory or district in possession of the U.S., or in a foreign country.  It can appoint officers and agents of the corporation for various duties and fix their compensation.
The name of a corporation must contain the word “corporation” or its abbreviation “corp.”  The name of a corporation should not be deceptively similar to the name of another corporation incorporated in the same state.  It should not be deceptively identical to the fictitious name adopted by a foreign corporation having business transactions in the state.
The corporation is formed by one or more natural persons by executing and filing articles of incorporation to the secretary of state of filing.  The qualifications for directors are fixed either by articles of incorporation or bylaws.  The names and addresses of the initial directors and purpose of incorporation should be set forth in the articles of incorporation.  The articles of incorporation should contain the corporate name, the number of shares authorized to issue, a brief statement of the character of business carried out by the corporation, the names and addresses of the directors until successors are elected, and name and addresses of incorporators.  The shareholders have the power to change the size of board of directors.
print("Number of characters:",len(text))
print ("\n\nSummarized text: \n",summary)
Number of characters: 1816
Preprocessed and prepared text: 
 summarize: The law regarding corporations prescribes that a corporation can be incorporated in the state of Montana to serve any lawful purpose.  In the state of Montana, a corporation has all the powers of a natural person for carrying out its business activities.  The corporation can sue and be sued in its corporate name.  It has perpetual succession.  The corporation can buy, sell or otherwise acquire an interest in a real or personal property.  It can conduct business, carry on operations, and have offices and exercise the powers in a state, territory or district in possession of the U.S., or in a foreign country.  It can appoint officers and agents of the corporation for various duties and fix their compensation.The name of a corporation must contain the word “corporation” or its abbreviation “corp.”  The name of a corporation should not be deceptively similar to the name of another corporation incorporated in the same state.  It should not be deceptively identical to the fictitious name adopted by a foreign corporation having business transactions in the state.The corporation is formed by one or more natural persons by executing and filing articles of incorporation to the secretary of state of filing.  The qualifications for directors are fixed either by articles of incorporation or bylaws.  The names and addresses of the initial directors and purpose of incorporation should be set forth in the articles of incorporation.  The articles of incorporation should contain the corporate name, the number of shares authorized to issue, a brief statement of the character of business carried out by the corporation, the names and addresses of the directors until successors are elected, and name and addresses of incorporators.  The shareholders have the power to change the size of board of directors.

Summarized text: 
 a corporation can be incorporated in the state of Montana to serve any lawful purpose. the corporation has perpetual succession and can sue and be sued in its corporate name. it can conduct business, carry on operations, and have offices


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/duan_zhihua/article/details/120770732