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School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne COMP90073 Security Analytics


School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne COMP90073 Security Analytics, Semester 2 2021

Project 2: Machine learning based cyberattack detection

Release: Tue 31 Aug 2021
Due: 1pm, Tue 12 Oct 2021
Marks: The Project will contribute 25% of your overall mark for the subject;
you will be assigned a mark out of 25, according to the criteria below.
There are three tasks in this project: Task I aims to develop your skills in applying
unsupervised machine learning techniques for anomaly detection. Task II helps you better
understand how to use gradient descent-based methods to generate adversarial samples
against supervised learning models beyond the computer vision domain. In Task III, you are
asked to read a recent paper on adversarial machine learning and write a review on it.
Specifically, (1) for Tasks I and II, two network traffic (NetFlow) datasets are provided, one
for each task. Both datasets contain botnet traffic and normal traffic. You need to identify
botnet IP addresses from both two datasets. (2) For Task II you also need to choose a
botnet IP address, and explain how to manipulate the corresponding raw network traffic
records in order to bypass detection. (3) Each student has been assigned a paper for Task
III, which will be sent individually via email.

  1. Task I – Source code (Python) and SPL queries used to do the following:
    a. Generate/Select features from the packet capture files (training and test datasets)
    using Splunk. You can use apps such as Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit, but all
    features have to be generated/selected within Splunk. (1 mark)
    b. Use two alternative feature generation/selection methods (filter-based, wrapperbased, etc.) to select features from packet capture files (training and test datasets).
    (2 marks)
    c. Use Python/Splunk to build six models: apply two different anomaly detection
    techniques on each of the three set of features generated/extracted from 1.a. and
    1.b. (3 marks)
    d. Score the test data such that cyberattacks are assigned the highest (or lowest)1
    scores. (1 mark)
    1 Optionally anomalies may have lowest scores given the applied technique. Some anomaly detection techniques
    assign high scores (e.g., distance measure) to anomalies and some of them assign low scores (e.g., probability)
    to anomalies.
    e. Return the IP addresses of attackers and the timestamps of their first and last
    attempt for attacking the network service (per attack scenario). (3 marks)
    f. Compare and discuss the results from different feature extraction and different
    anomaly detection techniques. (2 marks)
    g. Prepare a TXT file including all stream ID which your program classifies as attack
    traffic, separated by newlines (i.e., one stream ID in each line). (1 mark)
  2. Task II
    a. Source code in Python, including:
    i. Building, training and testing the supervised learning model. (1 mark)
    ii. Generating adversarial samples for a chosen botnet IP address, i.e., how to
    modify its feature values. (2 marks)
    b. Explain how to change the raw traffic sent from/to the chosen botnet IP address, in
    order to reflect the modified feature values. For example, the following six features
    are extracted for each IP address: (1) mean outbound packet size, (2) variance of
    outbound packet size, (3) mean packet count per second, (4) max packet count per
    second, (5) mean of packet jitter, (6) variance of packet jitter. A supervised model
    is trained on these features to decide whether the corresponding IP address is
    malicious. You find that by manipulating the values of the third and fourth features,
    a botnet IP address is labelled as “normal” by the model. Then how do you change
    the raw traffic records so that they are consistent with the modified feature values?
    For instance, if 1000 raw traffic records were related to the bot, do you change all
    1000 records, or only a subset, e.g., 100/200 of them? How do you change each of
    the selected traffic records? (2 marks)
  1. Task III (6 marks). In this task, you will learn how to write a review for an academic
    paper. Typically, a review should include the following parts:
    a. Summary. Your review starts with a brief summary of the main ideas of the paper.
    It helps meta-reviewers, program chairs and the authors to determine whether
    there are any misunderstandings.
    b. Merits. List the main contributions of the paper in this section. Contributions can be
    theoretical, methodological, algorithmic, empirical, etc.
    c. Main review. Provide a thorough review of the paper, including:
    i. Originality: Are the tasks or methods new? Is the work a novel combination of
    well-known techniques? Is it clear how this work differs from previous
    contributions? Is related work adequately cited?
    ii. Quality: Is the submission technically sound? Are claims well supported (e.g., by
    theoretical analysis or experimental results)? Are the methods used appropriate?
    Is this a complete piece of work or work in progress? Are the authors careful and
    honest about evaluating both the strengths and weaknesses of their work?
    iii. Clarity: Is the submission clearly written? Is it well organized? If not, please make
    constructive suggestions for improving its clarity.
    iv. Significance: Are the results important? Are others (researchers or practitioners)
    likely to use the ideas or build on them? Does the submission address a difficult
    task in a better way than previous work? Does it advance the state of the art in a
    demonstrable way? Does it provide unique data, unique conclusions about
    existing data, or a unique theoretical or experimental approach?
    *Note that (1) the questions listed in c.i -- c.iv are for explanation only. DO NOT write the
    main review in the form of Q&A. Write it like an essay instead. (2) Some papers include
    appendix, which may include proofs, additional experimental settings and results. The
    appendix helps you better understand the paper, but your review should focus on the main
    part of the paper.
    For Tasks I & II:
  2. A README that briefly details how your program(s)/queries work(s). You may use
    any external resources for your program(s) that you wish. You must indicate (cite)
    what these external resources are and where you obtained them, in the README
    file. (0.5 mark * 2)
    *Note: please submit a separate README file for Tasks I & II.
    Technical Report
    A technical report of around 2000 words comprising:
    Task I:
  3. An overview of the test dataset using Splunk and explaining feature
    generation/selection using SPL queries and Splunk native functionalities.
  4. Description of your methodology for generating features. Briefly explain your method
    for the first project, and discuss your modifications and new findings in Project 2.
  5. Review of at least two anomaly detection methods that you have used.
  6. Description of the experimental setup and evaluation of the (two) methods in
    detecting anomalies on the test datasets using features generated in Splunk and also
    features generated using alternative methods. Description should also comprise IP
    addresses of attacker(s) and victim(s), the attacked service(s), the timestamp, and
    the type of the attack per attack scenario identified.
  7. Description of your final CSV file, the scoring and thresholding technique you used
    for detecting the reported anomalies2.
  8. Conclusion and discussion: describe anomaly detection method worked best given
    the attack scenario.
    Task II:
  9. Explanation of the generated features and your choice of supervised learning
    model. Note that supervised learning is used here, and the mode is the target against
    which adversarial samples will be generated.
    2 For example, you may choose the best model as your final model or make an ensemble of models.
  10. Choosing one IP address classified as botnet by your model, and explaining:
    a. How to perturb its features via gradient descent-based method to bypass the
    detection of your model;
    b. How to change the raw network traffic sent from/to it, in order to be consistent
    with the modified feature values and without affecting the botnet functionality.
    You should include a bibliography and citations to relevant research papers and external
    resources and code you have used.
    A review of 400 – 500 words of the assignment paper.
  11. Summary. This part should contain no more than three sentences. Please be brief,
    but specific.
  12. Merits. List the top three or more main contributions.
  13. Main review. In order for your reviews to provide useful feedback to authors, write
    this section in a top-down manner and start from the most important aspects. Your
    arguments should be objective, specific, concise and polite.
    Assessment Criteria
    Code quality and README (2 marks)
    Technical report (17 marks)
  14. Methodology: (4 marks)
    You will describe your methodology in a manner that would make your work
    reproducible. You should describe in detail:
    Tasks I and II
    a. The features that were generated and/or selected.
    b. The training data that was used to learn the anomaly detection models. You
    should explain how the parameter settings for your methods were performed
    (e.g., setting the

    来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/codedesign/p/15363463.html