首页 > 其他分享> > 【电信学】【2005.01】用于视觉辅助惯性导航的随机约束




本文为美国MIT(作者:David D. Diel)的硕士论文,共110页。


This thesis describes a new method toimprove inertial navigation using feature-based constraints from one or morevideo cameras. The proposed method lengthens the period of time during which ahuman or vehicle can navigate in GPS-deprived environments. Our approachintegrates well with existing navigation systems, because we invoke generalsensor models that represent a wide range of available hardware. The inertialmodel includes errors in bias, scale, and random walk. Any camera and trackingalgorithm may be used, as long as the visual output can be expressed as rayvectors extending from known locations on the sensor body. A modified linearKalman filter performs the data fusion. Unlike traditional SimultaneousLocalization and Mapping (SLAM/CML), our state vector contains only inertialsensor errors related to position. This choice allows uncertainty to beproperly represented by a covariance matrix. We do not augment the state withfeature coordinates. Instead, image data contributes stochastic epipolarconstraints over a broad baseline in time and space, resulting in improvedobservability of the IMU error states. The constraints lead to a relativeresidual and associated relative covariance, defined partly by the statehistory. Navigation results are presented using high-quality synthetic data andreal fisheye imagery.

  1. 引言
  2. 研究方法
  3. 惯性测量
  4. 视觉测量
  5. 极线约束滤波器
  6. 实验
  7. 分析
  8. 结论
    附录A 系统参数权衡
    附录B 映射参考
    附录C 旋转参考





来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42825609/article/details/119045924