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报错Error: Sorted input specified, but the file file.bedgraph has the following out of order record解决方


跑命令时python mountainClimberTU.py -b file.bedgraph -j SRRT.bed -s 0 -g hg38.chrom.sizes -o SRR950078_tu.bed 时出现报错:

Error: Sorted input specified, but the file file.bedgraph has the following out of order record
chr10 12146 12163 1


sort -k1,1 hg38.chrom.sizes > sorted_hg38.chrom.sizes
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n file.bedgraph > sort_file.bedgraph
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n SRRT.bed > sort_SRRT.bed
python mountainClimberTU.py -b sort_file.bedgraph -j sort_SRRT.bed -s 0 -g sorted_hg38.chrom.sizes -o SRR950078_tu.bed

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/chenwenyan/p/14977969.html