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  1. 分支预测指令错误预测造成的后续指令流取消
  2. 中断和异常造成的后续指令流取消













相关模块位于rtl/e203/core/e203_exu_commit.v和e203_exu_branchslv.v(这是e203_exu_commit的子模块,用于对分支预测指令 的结果进行判断)







E203具有两级写回仲裁模块,第一个就是最终写回仲裁模块(Final Write-Back Arbitration,FWBA)





module e203_exu_wbck(
  // ALU写回接口
  input  alu_wbck_i_valid, // valid信号
  output alu_wbck_i_ready, // ready信号
  input  [`E203_XLEN-1:0] alu_wbck_i_wdat, // 写回的数据值
  input  [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] alu_wbck_i_rdidx, // 写回的寄存器索引值

  // 长指令写回接口
  input  longp_wbck_i_valid, // valid信号
  output longp_wbck_i_ready, // ready信号
  input  [`E203_FLEN-1:0] longp_wbck_i_wdat, // 写回的数据值
  input  [5-1:0] longp_wbck_i_flags, // 写回标志
  input  [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] longp_wbck_i_rdidx, // 写回的寄存器索引
  input  longp_wbck_i_rdfpu, // 写回到FPU的数据

  // 仲裁后写回寄存器组的接口
  output  rf_wbck_o_ena, // 写使能
  output  [`E203_XLEN-1:0] rf_wbck_o_wdat, // 写回的数据值
  output  [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] rf_wbck_o_rdidx, // 写回的寄存器索引
  input  clk,
  input  rst_n

  // 使用优先级仲裁
  // 如果两种指令同时写回,则长指令拥有更高的优先级
  // 只有当没有长指令时,ALU单周期指令才能写回
  wire wbck_ready4alu = (~longp_wbck_i_valid);
  wire wbck_sel_alu = alu_wbck_i_valid & wbck_ready4alu;
  // 因为长指令优先级更高,所以可以优先写回 
  wire wbck_ready4longp = 1'b1;
  wire wbck_sel_longp = longp_wbck_i_valid & wbck_ready4longp;

  // 最终仲裁写回接口
  wire rf_wbck_o_ready = 1'b1; // 寄存器组因为只有单总线所以总是可以写回的

  wire wbck_i_ready;
  wire wbck_i_valid;
  wire [`E203_FLEN-1:0] wbck_i_wdat;
  wire [5-1:0] wbck_i_flags;
  wire [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] wbck_i_rdidx;
  wire wbck_i_rdfpu;

  assign alu_wbck_i_ready   = wbck_ready4alu   & wbck_i_ready;
  assign longp_wbck_i_ready = wbck_ready4longp & wbck_i_ready;

  assign wbck_i_valid = wbck_sel_alu ? alu_wbck_i_valid : longp_wbck_i_valid;
  `ifdef E203_FLEN_IS_32//{
  assign wbck_i_wdat  = wbck_sel_alu ? alu_wbck_i_wdat  : longp_wbck_i_wdat;
  assign wbck_i_wdat  = wbck_sel_alu ? {{`E203_FLEN-`E203_XLEN{1'b0}},alu_wbck_i_wdat}  : longp_wbck_i_wdat;
  assign wbck_i_flags = wbck_sel_alu ? 5'b0  : longp_wbck_i_flags;
  assign wbck_i_rdidx = wbck_sel_alu ? alu_wbck_i_rdidx : longp_wbck_i_rdidx;
  assign wbck_i_rdfpu = wbck_sel_alu ? 1'b0 : longp_wbck_i_rdfpu;

  assign wbck_i_ready  = rf_wbck_o_ready;
  wire rf_wbck_o_valid = wbck_i_valid;

  wire wbck_o_ena   = rf_wbck_o_valid & rf_wbck_o_ready;

  assign rf_wbck_o_ena   = wbck_o_ena & (~wbck_i_rdfpu);
  assign rf_wbck_o_wdat  = wbck_i_wdat[`E203_XLEN-1:0];
  assign rf_wbck_o_rdidx = wbck_i_rdidx;


E203具有两级写回仲裁模块,第二个就是长指令写回仲裁模块(Long-Pipes Instructions Write-Back Arbitration,LPIWBA)









/*                      e203_exu_disp                */
module e203_exu_disp(
  input  wfi_halt_exu_req,
  output wfi_halt_exu_ack,

  input  oitf_empty,
  input  amo_wait,
  // The operands and decode info from dispatch
  input  disp_i_valid, // Handshake valid
  output disp_i_ready, // Handshake ready 

  // The operand 1/2 read-enable signals and indexes
  input  disp_i_rs1x0,
  input  disp_i_rs2x0,
  input  disp_i_rs1en,
  input  disp_i_rs2en,
  input  [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_rs1idx,
  input  [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_rs2idx,
  input  [`E203_XLEN-1:0] disp_i_rs1,
  input  [`E203_XLEN-1:0] disp_i_rs2,
  input  disp_i_rdwen,
  input  [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_rdidx,
  input  [`E203_DECINFO_WIDTH-1:0]  disp_i_info,  
  input  [`E203_XLEN-1:0] disp_i_imm,
  input  [`E203_PC_SIZE-1:0] disp_i_pc,
  input  disp_i_misalgn,
  input  disp_i_buserr ,
  input  disp_i_ilegl  ,

  // Dispatch to ALU
  output disp_o_alu_valid, 
  input  disp_o_alu_ready,

  input  disp_o_alu_longpipe,

  output [`E203_XLEN-1:0] disp_o_alu_rs1,
  output [`E203_XLEN-1:0] disp_o_alu_rs2,
  output disp_o_alu_rdwen,
  output [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_o_alu_rdidx,
  output [`E203_DECINFO_WIDTH-1:0]  disp_o_alu_info,  
  output [`E203_XLEN-1:0] disp_o_alu_imm,
  output [`E203_PC_SIZE-1:0] disp_o_alu_pc,
  output [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] disp_o_alu_itag,
  output disp_o_alu_misalgn,
  output disp_o_alu_buserr ,
  output disp_o_alu_ilegl  ,

  // Dispatch to OITF
  input  oitfrd_match_disprs1,
  input  oitfrd_match_disprs2,
  input  oitfrd_match_disprs3,
  input  oitfrd_match_disprd,
  input  [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] disp_oitf_ptr ,

  output disp_oitf_ena,
  input  disp_oitf_ready,

  output disp_oitf_rs1fpu,
  output disp_oitf_rs2fpu,
  output disp_oitf_rs3fpu,
  output disp_oitf_rdfpu ,

  output disp_oitf_rs1en ,
  output disp_oitf_rs2en ,
  output disp_oitf_rs3en ,
  output disp_oitf_rdwen ,

  output [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_oitf_rs1idx,
  output [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_oitf_rs2idx,
  output [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_oitf_rs3idx,
  output [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_oitf_rdidx ,

  output [`E203_PC_SIZE-1:0] disp_oitf_pc ,

  input  clk,
  input  rst_n

  wire [`E203_DECINFO_GRP_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_info_grp  = disp_i_info [`E203_DECINFO_GRP];

  // Based on current 2 pipe stage implementation, the 2nd stage need to have all instruction
  //   to be commited via ALU interface, so every instruction need to be dispatched to ALU,
  //   regardless it is long pipe or not, and inside ALU it will issue instructions to different
  //   other longpipes
  //wire disp_alu  = (disp_i_info_grp == `E203_DECINFO_GRP_ALU) 
  //               | (disp_i_info_grp == `E203_DECINFO_GRP_BJP) 
  //               | (disp_i_info_grp == `E203_DECINFO_GRP_CSR) 
  //              `ifdef E203_SUPPORT_SHARE_MULDIV //{
  //               | (disp_i_info_grp == `E203_DECINFO_GRP_MULDIV) 
  //              `endif//E203_SUPPORT_SHARE_MULDIV}
  //               | (disp_i_info_grp == `E203_DECINFO_GRP_AGU);

  wire disp_csr = (disp_i_info_grp == `E203_DECINFO_GRP_CSR); 

  wire disp_alu_longp_prdt = (disp_i_info_grp == `E203_DECINFO_GRP_AGU)  

  wire disp_alu_longp_real = disp_o_alu_longpipe;

  // Both fence and fencei need to make sure all outstanding instruction have been completed
  wire disp_fence_fencei   = (disp_i_info_grp == `E203_DECINFO_GRP_BJP) & 
                               ( disp_i_info [`E203_DECINFO_BJP_FENCE] | disp_i_info [`E203_DECINFO_BJP_FENCEI]);   

  // Since any instruction will need to be dispatched to ALU, we dont need the gate here
  //   wire   disp_i_ready_pos = disp_alu & disp_o_alu_ready;
  //   assign disp_o_alu_valid = disp_alu & disp_i_valid_pos; 
  wire disp_i_valid_pos; 
  wire   disp_i_ready_pos = disp_o_alu_ready;
  assign disp_o_alu_valid = disp_i_valid_pos; 
  // The Dispatch Scheme Introduction for two-pipeline stage
  //  #1: The instruction after dispatched must have already have operand fetched, so
  //      there is no any WAR dependency happened.
  //  #2: The ALU-instruction are dispatched and executed in-order inside ALU, so
  //      there is no any WAW dependency happened among ALU instructions.
  //      Note: LSU since its AGU is handled inside ALU, so it is treated as a ALU instruction
  //  #3: The non-ALU-instruction are all tracked by OITF, and must be write-back in-order, so 
  //      it is like ALU in-ordered. So there is no any WAW dependency happened among
  //      non-ALU instructions.
  //  Then what dependency will we have?
  //  * RAW: This is the real dependency
  //  * WAW: The WAW between ALU an non-ALU instructions
  //  So #1, The dispatching ALU instruction can not proceed and must be stalled when
  //      ** RAW: The ALU reading operands have data dependency with OITF entries
  //         *** Note: since it is 2 pipeline stage, any last ALU instruction have already
  //             write-back into the regfile. So there is no chance for ALU instr to depend 
  //             on last ALU instructions as RAW. 
  //             Note: if it is 3 pipeline stages, then we also need to consider the ALU-to-ALU 
  //                   RAW dependency.
  //      ** WAW: The ALU writing result have no any data dependency with OITF entries
  //           Note: Since the ALU instruction handled by ALU may surpass non-ALU OITF instructions
  //                 so we must check this.
  //  And #2, The dispatching non-ALU instruction can not proceed and must be stalled when
  //      ** RAW: The non-ALU reading operands have data dependency with OITF entries
  //         *** Note: since it is 2 pipeline stage, any last ALU instruction have already
  //             write-back into the regfile. So there is no chance for non-ALU instr to depend 
  //             on last ALU instructions as RAW. 
  //             Note: if it is 3 pipeline stages, then we also need to consider the non-ALU-to-ALU 
  //                   RAW dependency.

  wire raw_dep =  ((oitfrd_match_disprs1) |
                   (oitfrd_match_disprs2) |
               // Only check the longp instructions (non-ALU) for WAW, here if we 
               //   use the precise version (disp_alu_longp_real), it will hurt timing very much, but
               //   if we use imprecise version of disp_alu_longp_prdt, it is kind of tricky and in 
               //   some corner case. For example, the AGU (treated as longp) will actually not dispatch
               //   to longp but just directly commited, then it become a normal ALU instruction, and should
               //   check the WAW dependency, but this only happened when it is AMO or unaligned-uop, so
               //   ideally we dont need to worry about it, because
               //     * We dont support AMO in 2 stage CPU here
               //     * We dont support Unalign load-store in 2 stage CPU here, which 
               //         will be triggered as exception, so will not really write-back
               //         into regfile
               //     * But it depends on some assumption, so it is still risky if in the future something changed.
               // Nevertheless: using this condition only waiver the longpipe WAW case, that is, two
               //   longp instruction write-back same reg back2back. Is it possible or is it common? 
               //   after we checking the benmark result we found if we remove this complexity here 
               //   it just does not change any benchmark number, so just remove that condition out. Means
               //   all of the instructions will check waw_dep
  //wire alu_waw_dep = (~disp_alu_longp_prdt) & (oitfrd_match_disprd & disp_i_rdwen); 
  wire waw_dep = (oitfrd_match_disprd); 

  wire dep = raw_dep | waw_dep;

  // The WFI halt exu ack will be asserted when the OITF is empty
  //    and also there is no AMO oustanding uops 
  assign wfi_halt_exu_ack = oitf_empty & (~amo_wait);

  wire disp_condition = 
                 // To be more conservtive, any accessing CSR instruction need to wait the oitf to be empty.
                 // Theoretically speaking, it should also flush pipeline after the CSR have been updated
                 //  to make sure the subsequent instruction get correct CSR values, but in our 2-pipeline stage
                 //  implementation, CSR is updated after EXU stage, and subsequent are all executed at EXU stage,
                 //  no chance to got wrong CSR values, so we dont need to worry about this.
                 (disp_csr ? oitf_empty : 1'b1)
                 // To handle the Fence: just stall dispatch until the OITF is empty
               & (disp_fence_fencei ? oitf_empty : 1'b1)
                 // If it was a WFI instruction commited halt req, then it will stall the disaptch
               & (~wfi_halt_exu_req)   
                 // No dependency
               & (~dep)   
                 // If dispatch to ALU as long pipeline, then must check
                 //   the OITF is ready
                & ((disp_alu & disp_o_alu_longpipe) ? disp_oitf_ready : 1'b1);
               // To cut the critical timing  path from longpipe signal
               // we always assume the LSU will need oitf ready
               & (disp_alu_longp_prdt ? disp_oitf_ready : 1'b1);

  assign disp_i_valid_pos = disp_condition & disp_i_valid; 
  assign disp_i_ready     = disp_condition & disp_i_ready_pos; 

  wire [`E203_XLEN-1:0] disp_i_rs1_msked = disp_i_rs1 & {`E203_XLEN{~disp_i_rs1x0}};
  wire [`E203_XLEN-1:0] disp_i_rs2_msked = disp_i_rs2 & {`E203_XLEN{~disp_i_rs2x0}};
    // Since we always dispatch any instructions into ALU, so we dont need to gate ops here
  //assign disp_o_alu_rs1   = {`E203_XLEN{disp_alu}} & disp_i_rs1_msked;
  //assign disp_o_alu_rs2   = {`E203_XLEN{disp_alu}} & disp_i_rs2_msked;
  //assign disp_o_alu_rdwen = disp_alu & disp_i_rdwen;
  //assign disp_o_alu_rdidx = {`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH{disp_alu}} & disp_i_rdidx;
  //assign disp_o_alu_info  = {`E203_DECINFO_WIDTH{disp_alu}} & disp_i_info;  
  assign disp_o_alu_rs1   = disp_i_rs1_msked;
  assign disp_o_alu_rs2   = disp_i_rs2_msked;
  assign disp_o_alu_rdwen = disp_i_rdwen;
  assign disp_o_alu_rdidx = disp_i_rdidx;
  assign disp_o_alu_info  = disp_i_info;  
    // Why we use precise version of disp_longp here, because
    //   only when it is really dispatched as long pipe then allocate the OITF
  assign disp_oitf_ena = disp_o_alu_valid & disp_o_alu_ready & disp_alu_longp_real;

  assign disp_o_alu_imm  = disp_i_imm;
  assign disp_o_alu_pc   = disp_i_pc;
  assign disp_o_alu_itag = disp_oitf_ptr;
  assign disp_o_alu_misalgn= disp_i_misalgn;
  assign disp_o_alu_buserr = disp_i_buserr ;
  assign disp_o_alu_ilegl  = disp_i_ilegl  ;

  `ifndef E203_HAS_FPU//{
  wire disp_i_fpu       = 1'b0;
  wire disp_i_fpu_rs1en = 1'b0;
  wire disp_i_fpu_rs2en = 1'b0;
  wire disp_i_fpu_rs3en = 1'b0;
  wire disp_i_fpu_rdwen = 1'b0;
  wire [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_fpu_rs1idx = `E203_RFIDX_WIDTH'b0;
  wire [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_fpu_rs2idx = `E203_RFIDX_WIDTH'b0;
  wire [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_fpu_rs3idx = `E203_RFIDX_WIDTH'b0;
  wire [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_fpu_rdidx  = `E203_RFIDX_WIDTH'b0;
  wire disp_i_fpu_rs1fpu = 1'b0;
  wire disp_i_fpu_rs2fpu = 1'b0;
  wire disp_i_fpu_rs3fpu = 1'b0;
  wire disp_i_fpu_rdfpu  = 1'b0;
  assign disp_oitf_rs1fpu = disp_i_fpu ? (disp_i_fpu_rs1en & disp_i_fpu_rs1fpu) : 1'b0;
  assign disp_oitf_rs2fpu = disp_i_fpu ? (disp_i_fpu_rs2en & disp_i_fpu_rs2fpu) : 1'b0;
  assign disp_oitf_rs3fpu = disp_i_fpu ? (disp_i_fpu_rs3en & disp_i_fpu_rs3fpu) : 1'b0;
  assign disp_oitf_rdfpu  = disp_i_fpu ? (disp_i_fpu_rdwen & disp_i_fpu_rdfpu ) : 1'b0;

  assign disp_oitf_rs1en  = disp_i_fpu ? disp_i_fpu_rs1en : disp_i_rs1en;
  assign disp_oitf_rs2en  = disp_i_fpu ? disp_i_fpu_rs2en : disp_i_rs2en;
  assign disp_oitf_rs3en  = disp_i_fpu ? disp_i_fpu_rs3en : 1'b0;
  assign disp_oitf_rdwen  = disp_i_fpu ? disp_i_fpu_rdwen : disp_i_rdwen;

  assign disp_oitf_rs1idx = disp_i_fpu ? disp_i_fpu_rs1idx : disp_i_rs1idx;
  assign disp_oitf_rs2idx = disp_i_fpu ? disp_i_fpu_rs2idx : disp_i_rs2idx;
  assign disp_oitf_rs3idx = disp_i_fpu ? disp_i_fpu_rs3idx : `E203_RFIDX_WIDTH'b0;
  assign disp_oitf_rdidx  = disp_i_fpu ? disp_i_fpu_rdidx  : disp_i_rdidx;

  assign disp_oitf_pc  = disp_i_pc;


/*                      e203_exu_oitf                */

module e203_exu_oitf (
  output dis_ready,

  input  dis_ena,
  input  ret_ena,

  output [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] dis_ptr,
  output [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] ret_ptr,

  output [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] ret_rdidx,
  output ret_rdwen,
  output ret_rdfpu,
  output [`E203_PC_SIZE-1:0] ret_pc,

  input  disp_i_rs1en,
  input  disp_i_rs2en,
  input  disp_i_rs3en,
  input  disp_i_rdwen,
  input  disp_i_rs1fpu,
  input  disp_i_rs2fpu,
  input  disp_i_rs3fpu,
  input  disp_i_rdfpu,
  input  [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_rs1idx,
  input  [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_rs2idx,
  input  [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_rs3idx,
  input  [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] disp_i_rdidx,
  input  [`E203_PC_SIZE    -1:0] disp_i_pc,

  output oitfrd_match_disprs1,
  output oitfrd_match_disprs2,
  output oitfrd_match_disprs3,
  output oitfrd_match_disprd,

  output oitf_empty,
  input  clk,
  input  rst_n

  wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] vld_set;
  wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] vld_clr;
  wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] vld_ena;
  wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] vld_nxt;
  wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] vld_r;
  wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rdwen_r;
  wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rdfpu_r;
  wire [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] rdidx_r[`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0];
  // The PC here is to be used at wback stage to track out the
  //  PC of exception of long-pipe instruction
  wire [`E203_PC_SIZE-1:0] pc_r[`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0];

  wire alc_ptr_ena = dis_ena;
  wire ret_ptr_ena = ret_ena;

  wire oitf_full ;
  wire [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] alc_ptr_r;
  wire [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] ret_ptr_r;

  if(`E203_OITF_DEPTH > 1) begin: depth_gt1//{
      wire alc_ptr_flg_r;
      wire alc_ptr_flg_nxt = ~alc_ptr_flg_r;
      wire alc_ptr_flg_ena = (alc_ptr_r == ($unsigned(`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1))) & alc_ptr_ena;
      sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) alc_ptr_flg_dfflrs(alc_ptr_flg_ena, alc_ptr_flg_nxt, alc_ptr_flg_r, clk, rst_n);
      wire [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] alc_ptr_nxt; 
      assign alc_ptr_nxt = alc_ptr_flg_ena ? `E203_ITAG_WIDTH'b0 : (alc_ptr_r + 1'b1);
      sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(`E203_ITAG_WIDTH) alc_ptr_dfflrs(alc_ptr_ena, alc_ptr_nxt, alc_ptr_r, clk, rst_n);
      wire ret_ptr_flg_r;
      wire ret_ptr_flg_nxt = ~ret_ptr_flg_r;
      wire ret_ptr_flg_ena = (ret_ptr_r == ($unsigned(`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1))) & ret_ptr_ena;
      sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) ret_ptr_flg_dfflrs(ret_ptr_flg_ena, ret_ptr_flg_nxt, ret_ptr_flg_r, clk, rst_n);
      wire [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0] ret_ptr_nxt; 
      assign ret_ptr_nxt = ret_ptr_flg_ena ? `E203_ITAG_WIDTH'b0 : (ret_ptr_r + 1'b1);

      sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(`E203_ITAG_WIDTH) ret_ptr_dfflrs(ret_ptr_ena, ret_ptr_nxt, ret_ptr_r, clk, rst_n);

      assign oitf_empty = (ret_ptr_r == alc_ptr_r) &   (ret_ptr_flg_r == alc_ptr_flg_r);
      assign oitf_full  = (ret_ptr_r == alc_ptr_r) & (~(ret_ptr_flg_r == alc_ptr_flg_r));
  else begin: depth_eq1//}{
      assign alc_ptr_r =1'b0;
      assign ret_ptr_r =1'b0;
      assign oitf_empty = ~vld_r[0];
      assign oitf_full  = vld_r[0];

  assign ret_ptr = ret_ptr_r;
  assign dis_ptr = alc_ptr_r;

  // If the OITF is not full, or it is under retiring, then it is ready to accept new dispatch
  assign dis_ready = (~oitf_full) | ret_ena;
 // To cut down the loop between ALU write-back valid --> oitf_ret_ena --> oitf_ready ---> dispatch_ready --- > alu_i_valid
 //   we exclude the ret_ena from the ready signal
 assign dis_ready = (~oitf_full);
  wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rd_match_rs1idx;
  wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rd_match_rs2idx;
  wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rd_match_rs3idx;
  wire [`E203_OITF_DEPTH-1:0] rd_match_rdidx;

  genvar i;
  generate //{
      for (i=0; i<`E203_OITF_DEPTH; i=i+1) begin:oitf_entries//{
        assign vld_set[i] = alc_ptr_ena & (alc_ptr_r == i);
        assign vld_clr[i] = ret_ptr_ena & (ret_ptr_r == i);
        assign vld_ena[i] = vld_set[i] |   vld_clr[i];
        assign vld_nxt[i] = vld_set[i] | (~vld_clr[i]);
        sirv_gnrl_dfflr #(1) vld_dfflrs(vld_ena[i], vld_nxt[i], vld_r[i], clk, rst_n);
        //Payload only set, no need to clear
        sirv_gnrl_dffl #(`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH) rdidx_dfflrs(vld_set[i], disp_i_rdidx, rdidx_r[i], clk);
        sirv_gnrl_dffl #(`E203_PC_SIZE    ) pc_dfflrs   (vld_set[i], disp_i_pc   , pc_r[i]   , clk);
        sirv_gnrl_dffl #(1)                 rdwen_dfflrs(vld_set[i], disp_i_rdwen, rdwen_r[i], clk);
        sirv_gnrl_dffl #(1)                 rdfpu_dfflrs(vld_set[i], disp_i_rdfpu, rdfpu_r[i], clk);

        assign rd_match_rs1idx[i] = vld_r[i] & rdwen_r[i] & disp_i_rs1en & (rdfpu_r[i] == disp_i_rs1fpu) & (rdidx_r[i] == disp_i_rs1idx);
        assign rd_match_rs2idx[i] = vld_r[i] & rdwen_r[i] & disp_i_rs2en & (rdfpu_r[i] == disp_i_rs2fpu) & (rdidx_r[i] == disp_i_rs2idx);
        assign rd_match_rs3idx[i] = vld_r[i] & rdwen_r[i] & disp_i_rs3en & (rdfpu_r[i] == disp_i_rs3fpu) & (rdidx_r[i] == disp_i_rs3idx);
        assign rd_match_rdidx [i] = vld_r[i] & rdwen_r[i] & disp_i_rdwen & (rdfpu_r[i] == disp_i_rdfpu ) & (rdidx_r[i] == disp_i_rdidx );

  assign oitfrd_match_disprs1 = |rd_match_rs1idx;
  assign oitfrd_match_disprs2 = |rd_match_rs2idx;
  assign oitfrd_match_disprs3 = |rd_match_rs3idx;
  assign oitfrd_match_disprd  = |rd_match_rdidx ;

  assign ret_rdidx = rdidx_r[ret_ptr];
  assign ret_pc    = pc_r [ret_ptr];
  assign ret_rdwen = rdwen_r[ret_ptr];
  assign ret_rdfpu = rdfpu_r[ret_ptr];


/*                      e203_exu_longwbck                */
module e203_exu_longpwbck(
  // The LSU Write-Back Interface
  input  lsu_wbck_i_valid, // Handshake valid
  output lsu_wbck_i_ready, // Handshake ready
  input  [`E203_XLEN-1:0] lsu_wbck_i_wdat,
  input  [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH -1:0] lsu_wbck_i_itag,
  input  lsu_wbck_i_err , // The error exception generated
  input  lsu_cmt_i_buserr ,
  input  [`E203_ADDR_SIZE -1:0] lsu_cmt_i_badaddr,
  input  lsu_cmt_i_ld, 
  input  lsu_cmt_i_st, 

  // The Long pipe instruction Wback interface to final wbck module
  output longp_wbck_o_valid, // Handshake valid
  input  longp_wbck_o_ready, // Handshake ready
  output [`E203_FLEN-1:0] longp_wbck_o_wdat,
  output [5-1:0] longp_wbck_o_flags,
  output [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH -1:0] longp_wbck_o_rdidx,
  output longp_wbck_o_rdfpu,
  // The Long pipe instruction Exception interface to commit stage
  output  longp_excp_o_valid,
  input   longp_excp_o_ready,
  output  longp_excp_o_insterr,
  output  longp_excp_o_ld,
  output  longp_excp_o_st,
  output  longp_excp_o_buserr , // The load/store bus-error exception generated
  output [`E203_ADDR_SIZE-1:0] longp_excp_o_badaddr,
  output [`E203_PC_SIZE -1:0] longp_excp_o_pc,
  //The itag of toppest entry of OITF
  input  oitf_empty,
  input  [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH -1:0] oitf_ret_ptr,
  input  [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] oitf_ret_rdidx,
  input  [`E203_PC_SIZE-1:0] oitf_ret_pc,
  input  oitf_ret_rdwen,   
  input  oitf_ret_rdfpu,   
  output oitf_ret_ena,
  `ifdef E203_HAS_NICE//{
  input  nice_longp_wbck_i_valid , 
  output nice_longp_wbck_i_ready ,
  input  [`E203_XLEN-1:0]  nice_longp_wbck_i_wdat ,
  input  [`E203_ITAG_WIDTH-1:0]  nice_longp_wbck_i_itag ,
  input  nice_longp_wbck_i_err,

  input  clk,
  input  rst_n

  // The Long-pipe instruction can write-back only when it's itag 
  //   is same as the itag of toppest entry of OITF
  wire wbck_ready4lsu = (lsu_wbck_i_itag == oitf_ret_ptr) & (~oitf_empty);
  wire wbck_sel_lsu = lsu_wbck_i_valid & wbck_ready4lsu;

  `ifdef E203_HAS_NICE//{
  wire wbck_ready4nice = (nice_longp_wbck_i_itag == oitf_ret_ptr) & (~oitf_empty);
  wire wbck_sel_nice = nice_longp_wbck_i_valid & wbck_ready4nice; 

  //assign longp_excp_o_ld   = wbck_sel_lsu & lsu_cmt_i_ld;
  //assign longp_excp_o_st   = wbck_sel_lsu & lsu_cmt_i_st;
  //assign longp_excp_o_buserr = wbck_sel_lsu & lsu_cmt_i_buserr;
  //assign longp_excp_o_badaddr = wbck_sel_lsu ? lsu_cmt_i_badaddr : `E203_ADDR_SIZE'b0;

  assign {
        ,longp_excp_o_badaddr } = 
             ({`E203_ADDR_SIZE+4{wbck_sel_lsu}} & 
  // The Final arbitrated Write-Back Interface
  wire wbck_i_ready;
  wire wbck_i_valid;
  wire [`E203_FLEN-1:0] wbck_i_wdat;
  wire [5-1:0] wbck_i_flags;
  wire [`E203_RFIDX_WIDTH-1:0] wbck_i_rdidx;
  wire [`E203_PC_SIZE-1:0] wbck_i_pc;
  wire wbck_i_rdwen;
  wire wbck_i_rdfpu;
  wire wbck_i_err ;

  assign lsu_wbck_i_ready = wbck_ready4lsu & wbck_i_ready;

  assign wbck_i_valid =   ({1{wbck_sel_lsu}} & lsu_wbck_i_valid)
                        `ifdef E203_HAS_NICE//{
                        |  ({1{wbck_sel_nice}} & nice_longp_wbck_i_valid)
  `ifdef E203_FLEN_IS_32 //{
  wire [`E203_FLEN-1:0] lsu_wbck_i_wdat_exd = lsu_wbck_i_wdat;
  wire [`E203_FLEN-1:0] lsu_wbck_i_wdat_exd = {{`E203_FLEN-`E203_XLEN{1'b0}},lsu_wbck_i_wdat};
  `ifdef E203_HAS_NICE//{
  wire [`E203_FLEN-1:0] nice_wbck_i_wdat_exd = {{`E203_FLEN-`E203_XLEN{1'b0}},nice_longp_wbck_i_wdat};
  assign wbck_i_wdat  = ({`E203_FLEN{wbck_sel_lsu}} & lsu_wbck_i_wdat_exd )
                        `ifdef E203_HAS_NICE//{
                        | ({`E203_FLEN{wbck_sel_nice}} & nice_wbck_i_wdat_exd )
  assign wbck_i_flags  = 5'b0
  `ifdef E203_HAS_NICE//{
  wire nice_wbck_i_err = nice_longp_wbck_i_err;

  assign wbck_i_err   = wbck_sel_lsu & lsu_wbck_i_err 
  assign wbck_i_pc    = oitf_ret_pc;
  assign wbck_i_rdidx = oitf_ret_rdidx;
  assign wbck_i_rdwen = oitf_ret_rdwen;
  assign wbck_i_rdfpu = oitf_ret_rdfpu;

  // If the instruction have no error and it have the rdwen, then it need to 
  //   write back into regfile, otherwise, it does not need to write regfile
  wire need_wbck = wbck_i_rdwen & (~wbck_i_err);

  // If the long pipe instruction have error result, then it need to handshake
  //   with the commit module.
  wire need_excp = wbck_i_err
                   `ifdef E203_HAS_NICE//{
                   & (~ (wbck_sel_nice & nice_wbck_i_err))   

  assign wbck_i_ready = 
       (need_wbck ? longp_wbck_o_ready : 1'b1)
     & (need_excp ? longp_excp_o_ready : 1'b1);

  assign longp_wbck_o_valid = need_wbck & wbck_i_valid & (need_excp ? longp_excp_o_ready : 1'b1);
  assign longp_excp_o_valid = need_excp & wbck_i_valid & (need_wbck ? longp_wbck_o_ready : 1'b1);

  assign longp_wbck_o_wdat  = wbck_i_wdat ;
  assign longp_wbck_o_flags = wbck_i_flags ;
  assign longp_wbck_o_rdfpu = wbck_i_rdfpu ;
  assign longp_wbck_o_rdidx = wbck_i_rdidx;

  assign longp_excp_o_pc    = wbck_i_pc;

  assign oitf_ret_ena = wbck_i_valid & wbck_i_ready;

  `ifdef E203_HAS_NICE//{
  assign nice_longp_wbck_i_ready = wbck_ready4nice & wbck_i_ready;




来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40500005/article/details/117845773