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状语从 句



  1. 当...的时候:when../as..从句多用一般态,while.. 强调动作进行从句多用进行态bedoing,只能接延续性动词。
    1. as可以接进行态也可以一般态
    2. when有时候也有“就在此时”的意思,用以说明前一个分句的时间。这时,when引导的从句必须放在主句后面
    3. 如果时间状语从句表示将来,一般将来时要改为一般现在时
    4. whenever(无论何时,每当)是when的强调形式
    5. while既可以做副词连词引导状语从句,也可以做并列连词。表达意义不同作用也不同,前后事态不同时引导状语从句,并列连词的时“而...”
  2. after和before:一般是短暂动词,可以接延续性动词
    1. before如果表达主句时间很长,译为“才”
    2. before表达时间短,译为“就”
  3. 直到...until/till:从句只能接短暂动词,主句肯定用延续动词,主句否定用短暂动词。
    1. 例:他在这里待了几天等火山平静下来。主句:等:延续动词。从句:平静:短暂动词
  4. 一...就.. as soon as/the moment:只能接短暂动词
  5. 刚..就..no sooner..than..(主句动作已经完成)hardly/scarcely...when/before..(主句动作差点完成)主句用过去完成,从句用一般过去时且只能接短暂动词不能出现延续性动词
  6. 自从...since/ever since:可以接短暂动词也可以接延续动词,since后面只能接一般过去的短暂动词


  1. 当我走进这座大楼,看见一位拿着公文包的女士。
    i saw a lady with a briefcase while i was walking into the building
  2. 当你长大,你就会知道父母有多伟大。
    when you grow up,you will understand how great your parents are.
  3. 每当你发现你和多数人站在同一边时,就是改革的时候了
    whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority,it's the time to reform
  4. 玛丽打开礼物后,便开始写感谢函了
    after she opened her gifts,mary started writing thank-you notes
  5. 雨一停,天空中就出现了一道彩虹
    the moment the rain stopped,the rainbow appeared the sky.
  6. 比赛才刚刚开始,两个队就打了起来
    the game had no sooner started than the two teams began to fight
  7. lulu刚用他的新电脑,电脑就坏了
    lulu had hardly used her new computer when it broke
  8. 我们会待在海边直到天黑
    we are going to stay at the beach until it gets dark
  9. 已经过了三个月,大卫才提到他生病了
    it had been three months before david mentioned he was sick
  10. 我在电影院门口等lisa,不久以后她就到了
    i waited for lisa in front of the cinema and it was not long before she arrived


  1. where引导的地点壮语从句不仅可以表示地点,还可以表示抽象意义下的:“在...形势之下”


  1. 有生命就有希望
    where there is life,there is hope.
  2. 在我成长的地方,人们在马路上都是靠右行驶
    where i grew up,people drive on the right side of the road
  3. 医生建议我住在空气更新鲜的地方
    the doctor advised me to live where the air is fresher
  4. 在你有足够信心的前提下,你将会成功 where you have enough confidence,you will succeed
  5. 无论你去哪里,无论你做什么,我将一直在这等你
    wherever you go,whatever you do, i will be right here waiting for you


  1. because,as,since,for,in that
  2. 只有because才能被强调词only,just,perhaps来修饰
  3. for/inthat语气最弱所以只能放在主句后面,for表推断的时候用
  4. 汉译英的时候,“既然”译为since,“由于”译为as。


  1. 我们将取消音乐会,因为音乐家出了意外,现在人在医院里
    we will cancel the concert because the musician had an accident and is in the hospital
  2. 由于下周一是法定假日,所有的政府机关都将休息
    thanks to next monday is a legal holiday,all goverment offices will be closed.
  3. 既然你是英语专业的,我猜想你能帮我学习这个句子
    since you are english major,i guess you could help me study the sentence
  4. 这个问题的答案我很久都理解不透,也许是因为问题太简单了
    the answer to this question eluded me for a long time,perhaps because it was so simple
  5. 昨晚下雨了,因为今天早上地面是湿的
    it rained last night,for the ground is wet this morning


  1. 如此..以至于...so..that..,such..that..,so that
  2. so..that..:so后面接形容词或副词,或相当于形容词的分词。本句型中的so可用enough取代,但是enough that要连用
  3. such..that..:such后接名词


  1. 湖面上的雾太浓,所有我们不能看到对岸
    the fog on the lake was very thick,so we can't see the other side
  2. 玛丽很贴心,以至于大家都很喜欢她
    mary is so thoughtful that everyone likes her
  3. 他们是很糟糕的厨师以至于没人去他们的餐厅
    they are such terrible cooks that no one came to their restaurant


  1. 以便于...so that,in order that,that主句和从句一般没有逗号分开,目的状语中常含有情态动词。
  2. so that:主从逗号分开的译为“结果...”没逗号分开译为“为了..”


  1. 这位电影明星伪装自己,以便在人群中不被认出来
    the movie star disguised himself so that he wouldn't be recognized in the crowd
  2. 我们应该早起以便能看到日出
    we should wake up early in the morning so that we can see the sunrise


  1. 虽然但是...though,although,even though,even if后不可用but,但可以用yet/still
  2. though,although,even though是对事实的让步译为“虽然,尽管”
  3. even if是对假设的让步译为“即使,哪怕是”
  4. while/whereas也可以引导让步,相当于though
  5. no matter how/what/who/which/where/whatever/whoevernot也可以用于引导让步
  6. whether..or not也可以用于引导让步译为“无论..是否”


  1. 虽然他是我兄弟,但我们长得不像
    though he is my brother,we don't look alike
  2. 尽管我父亲已经到了退休年龄,却打算继续工作
    my father plans to carry on working even though he is old enough to retire
  3. 尽全力去奋斗,不管是否喜欢
    try your best to fight,whether you enjoy it or not
  4. 无论是你做还是他做,这个工作今天都得做完
    whatever you or he do it, the work must be finished today


  1. 表示动作的方式,译为“就像...一样”“以...样的方式”引导词:as,as if,as though,the way


  1. 你应该像规划假期一样规划你的退休生活
    you should plan your retirement as you plan your vacation
  2. 请照我这样,读这个单词
    please pronounce the word the way i do

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42030496/article/details/117634213