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被动 语态




  1. 一般态:be +done
  2. 进行态:be+being+过去分词
  3. 完成态:have/has/had been + done


  1. 欧元在大部分欧洲国家都被使用
  2. the euro is used in most europen contries(欧元:euro,一般现在时)
  3. 这些电脑是在台湾制造的
  4. these computers were manufactured taiwan(制造:manufactur)
  5. 2012年的奥运会将在伦敦举行
  6. the 2012 olympic games will be held in london
  7. 一名应聘者正被我们的人事经理面试着
  8. an applicant is being interviewed by our personnel manager(应聘者:candidate,人事经理:personnel manager)
  9. 那栋旧大楼已经被拆除
  10. the old building has been torn down (拆除:tear down )
  11. 我们办公室的房间都是每天打扫的
  12. our office rooms are cleaned up every day(打扫:clean up)
  13. 汤姆昨天被一只狗咬到,所幸无大碍
  14. tom was bitten by a dog yesterday. foutunatly, it was nothing serious
  15. 因为经济不景气,大约5000名员工将被裁员
  16. because of the economic recession,about 5000 employees will be laid off(经济不景气:the economic recession,裁员:lay off)
  17. 六个人被困在矿井里已经有17个小时了
  18. six men have been trapped in a mine for 17 hours(困住:trap,矿井:mine,时间段:for)
  19. 这场地震结束的时候有多少建筑被损坏了
  20. how many buildings have been destoryed when the earthquake ended


  1. 为了突出受动者(主动语态中的宾语)
    1. a hero is distinguished in difficult circunmstance 困境之中显英雄
    2. a liar is not believed when he tells the truth 撒谎的人将真理也没人相信
  2. 在主动语态下的主语不明确或不必指明
    1. once a year, a race is held for old cars 旧式汽车的比赛每年举行一次(不必强调举行者是谁)




例:he made this task be finished.他让这个任务背完成了,强调这个人使用了什么自己的方法才完成了任务 (被动的时候,这种句型中的宾语和宾补是被动语态,此时要省略be和to be) 所以这句话应该是:he made this task finished.






  1. 使役动词:使役动词+宾语+过去分词(补语)(句中省略了to be)
    1. now a group of students will have the plane restored.一群学生计划修复这架飞机
    2. officials have the clock checked twice a day.官员们每天两次派人检查此钟。
  2. 使役动词+宾语+名词、形容词或地点副词(句中省略了to be)
    1. his teacher made him a good student.(名词做宾补,)他的老师使他成为好学生
    2. the trip made him happy.(形容词作宾补)这次旅行使他很愉快
    3. he let me in.(地点副词做宾补)他让我进来
    4. get him out of here(介词短语,相当于地点副词)把他弄出去!

3. 各种常用的不完全及物动词:

  1. 见第一课:make,get,let,have
  2. 让某人做某事一类:只能接不定时做宾补
  1. 知觉动词:5看2听1感觉
    1. feel
    2. hear,listen to
    3. see,observe,watch,look at,notice
      1. 表事实:此类动词+宾语+动词原形(补语),译为:“....了”
        1. 例:i saw him dance.我看见他跳舞了
      2. 表进行状态:此类动词+宾语+现在分词(补语),译为“...正在...”
        1. 例:the pilot saw one of the men taking photographs.当气球飞临基地上空的时候,飞行员看见有一个人在拍照。(过去看见他的时候他在拍照)
      3. 表被动状态:此类动词+宾语+过去分词(补语),译为“...被...”
        1. 例:i saw him killed.我看见他被杀了(这里的kill是及物动词,只有及物动词才有被动)
  2. 认定动词:视...为...;认为...是...:
    1. 动词+宾语+介词as+名词或形容词(补语)
      • regard
      • look upon
      • think of
      • see
      • view
        例:we view every customer as a partner.我们将每一位客户视为合作伙伴
    2. 动词+宾语+(to be)+名词或形容词(补语)
      • consider
      • deem
      • think
      • believe
      • find
        例:i found his advice really useful.我发现他的建议非常有用。
  3. 转变动词:使...变成...
    1. change/turn+宾语+into+名词(补语)
      例:i need to change my dollars into francs.我需要把美金换成法郎。
  4. 命名动词:call/name +宾语+名词(补语)
    例:you can call your pet dog doctor.你可以把你的狗取名为博士
  5. help后接不定式(to可以省略)做宾语补语
    例:a short while go,my sister helped me to carry my old bookcases up the stairs.几分钟前,我妹妹帮我把我的旧书橱抬上了楼


  1. 店员看见这个衣着很好的妇女正在偷东西
    the shop assistant saw the well-dressed woman stealing something(知觉动词+宾语+现在分词)
  2. 你能帮我洗衣服吗
    can you help me to wash clothes(help+宾语+todo/do)
  3. 作为老师,你应该鼓励你的学生努力学习
    as a teacher,you should engrouage your students to study hard(某人做某事要用不定式)
  4. 父母不应该期望他们的孩子做任何事情都成功
    the parents shouldn't expect their children to succeed in doing everything.(同上)
  5. 你应该命令这个计划在一个月内完成
    you should order the project finished within a month(同上)
  6. 我发现我们的老师被警察逮捕了
    i found our teacher arrested by the police
  7. 工人们明天将把墙刷成绿色
    the workers will paint the wall green tomorrow(省略了tobe)
  8. 女主人邀请我们进去 the hostess invited us in(tobe省略)
  9. 我们认为这个男人处于危险中
    we considered the man in danger(省略tobe)
  10. 大部分人把他当作英雄
    most of people regarded him as a hero(视为)


  1. 间接宾语和直接宾语位置可以换,此时要加to,for,of
    1. 表给与的概念,用to
    2. 表代劳(buy等),用for
    3. ask,用of
      例:i give him a book. i give a book to him.
  2. 与of连用的授予动词
    • rob 抢夺
    • deprive 剥夺(权利)
    • cure 治愈
    • relieve 减轻
      例:he robbed me of my money.他抢了我的钱(不能直接robbed my money)
  3. 表“提供”概念的授予动词provide,furnish,supply必须与介词with连用(双宾语倒置的时候仍然要用to,for)
    例:he provided me with a lot of money.它提供我很多钱。双宾语倒置:he provided a lot of money to me


  1. 这个著名歌手给我们演唱了一首流行歌曲
    the famous singer sang a popular song for us
  2. 这座新桥带给当地人极大的方便
    the new brige brings the local people the great convinent
  3. 你不能剥夺他的权利
    you can't deprive him of his power
  4. 这张照片让我想起了我们在夏令营的日子
    the photo reminds me of the days which spent in the summer camp


  1. 第四大句型变成被动语态时,原句的宾补,在被动语态中的名称为主语补语

    1. 例:my father was shocked. now we are not allowed to touch it.我父亲大为吃惊,不许我们在动它。my father doesn't allow us to touch it.
    2. 1感2听1使5看可以用于被动语态,但其中主语补语必须加上to
      1. they made me repeat the story./i was made to repeat the story.他们让我又把那事讲了一遍。
      2. i saw him dance./he was seen to dance.我看见他跳舞了
  2. 第五大句型变成被动的时候,两个宾语都可以成为被动句的主语,但由于间接宾语是人,通常更常变成主语。
    例:he was given a book by me./a book was given to him by me./i give him a book.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42030496/article/details/117634303