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如何让电脑找到这条线呢? 所以接下来我们要学习找到这条线的算法。










    我们将见到感知器的很多强大应用之一。作为逻辑运算符!你将有机会为最常见的逻辑运算符创建感知器:ANDOR 和 NOT 运算符。然后,我们将看看如何处理比较难处理的 XOR 运算符。


AND 感知器的权重和偏差是什么?

将权重(weight1weight2)和偏差 bias 设为正确的值,以便如上所示地计算 AND 运算。

  1. import pandas as pd
  2. # TODO: Set weight1, weight2, and bias
  3. weight1 = 2.0
  4. weight2 = 2.0
  5. bias = -3.0
  7. # Inputs and outputs
  8. test_inputs = [( 0, 0), ( 0, 1), ( 1, 0), ( 1, 1)]
  9. correct_outputs = [ False, False, False, True]
  10. outputs = []
  11. # Generate and check output
  12. for test_input, correct_output in zip(test_inputs, correct_outputs):
  13. linear_combination = weight1 * test_input[ 0] + weight2 * test_input[ 1] + bias
  14. output = int(linear_combination >= 0)
  15. is_correct_string = 'Yes' if output == correct_output else 'No'
  16. outputs.append([test_input[ 0], test_input[ 1], linear_combination, output, is_correct_string])
  17. # Print output
  18. num_wrong = len([output[ 4] for output in outputs if output[ 4] == 'No'])
  19. output_frame = pd.DataFrame(outputs, columns=[ 'Input 1', ' Input 2', ' Linear Combination', ' Activation Output', ' Is Correct'])
  20. if not num_wrong:
  21. print( 'Nice! You got it all correct.\n')
  22. else:
  23. print( 'You got {} wrong. Keep trying!\n'.format(num_wrong))
  24. print(output_frame.to_string(index= False))
OR 感知器

    OR 感知器和 AND 感知器很相似。在下图中,OR 感知器和 AND 感知器的直线一样,只是直线往下移动了。你可以如何处理权重和/或偏差以实现这一效果?请使用下面的 AND 感知器来创建一个 OR 感知器。



NOT 感知器

和我们刚刚研究的其他感知器不一样,NOT 运算仅关心一个输入。如果输入是 1,则运算返回 0,如果输入是 0,则返回 1。感知器的其他输入被忽略了。

在此测验中,你将设置权重(weight1weight2)和偏差 bias,以便对第二个输入进行 NOT 运算,并忽略第一个输入。

  1. import pandas as pd
  2. # TODO: Set weight1, weight2, and bias
  3. weight1 = 0.0
  4. weight2 = -4.0
  5. bias = 3.0
  7. # Inputs and outputs
  8. test_inputs = [( 0, 0), ( 0, 1), ( 1, 0), ( 1, 1)]
  9. correct_outputs = [ True, False, True, False]
  10. outputs = []
  11. # Generate and check output
  12. for test_input, correct_output in zip(test_inputs, correct_outputs):
  13. linear_combination = weight1 * test_input[ 0] + weight2 * test_input[ 1] + bias
  14. output = int(linear_combination >= 0)
  15. is_correct_string = 'Yes' if output == correct_output else 'No'
  16. outputs.append([test_input[ 0], test_input[ 1], linear_combination, output, is_correct_string])
  17. # Print output
  18. num_wrong = len([output[ 4] for output in outputs if output[ 4] == 'No'])
  19. output_frame = pd.DataFrame(outputs, columns=[ 'Input 1', ' Input 2', ' Linear Combination', ' Activation Output', ' Is Correct'])
  20. if not num_wrong:
  21. print( 'Nice! You got it all correct.\n')
  22. else:
  23. print( 'You got {} wrong. Keep trying!\n'.format(num_wrong))
  24. print(output_frame.to_string(index= False))
XOR 感知器

测验:构建一个 XOR 多层感知器

现在我们使用 AND、NOT 和 OR 感知器构建一个多层感知器,以便创建 XOR 逻辑!

下面的神经网络包含三个感知器:A、B 和 C。最后一个 (AND) 已经提供给你了。神经网络的输入来自第一个节点。输出来自最后一个节点。

上面的多层感知器计算出 XOR。每个感知器都是 AND、OR 和 NOT 的逻辑运算。但是,感知器 A、B、C 和 D 并不表明它们的运算。在下面的测验中,请为四个感知器设置正确的运算,以便计算 XOR。

                                                       在 XOR 神经网络中为感知器设置运算

6、感知器技巧 - 计算机如何“学习”分类? 

     在上一部分,你使用你自己的逻辑和数学知识为某些最常见的逻辑运算符创建了感知器。 但是在现实生活中,除了这些非常简单的形式,我们人类是无法靠自己构建这些感知器函数,找到用于分类的曲线的。



     上面就是去改变这条直线可是怎么改变呢?就是让原本是1的点归化为0的点,使得 w、b 都减去一个学习率,然后得到新直线,看是否会越来近。同理原本是0的点归为1的点,使得w,b都加上一个学习率。




    该编写代码了!在此练习中,你将实现感知器算法以分类下面的数据(位于文件 data.csv 中)。



  1. import numpy as np
  2. # Setting the random seed, feel free to change it and see different solutions.
  3. np.random.seed( 42)
  4. def stepFunction(t):
  5. if t >= 0:
  6. return 1
  7. return 0
  8. def prediction(X, W, b):
  9. return stepFunction((np.matmul(X,W)+b)[ 0])
  10. # TODO: Fill in the code below to implement the perceptron trick.
  11. # The function should receive as inputs the data X, the labels y,
  12. # the weights W (as an array), and the bias b,
  13. # update the weights and bias W, b, according to the perceptron algorithm,
  14. # and return W and b.
  15. def perceptronStep(X, y, W, b, learn_rate = 0.05):
  16. # Fill in code
  17. for i in range(len(X)):
  18. y_hat = prediction(X[i],W,b)
  19. if y[i]-y_hat == 1:
  20. W[ 0] += X[i][ 0]*learn_rate
  21. W[ 1] += X[i][ 1]*learn_rate
  22. b += learn_rate
  23. elif y[i]-y_hat == -1:
  24. W[ 0] -= X[i][ 0]*learn_rate
  25. W[ 1] -= X[i][ 1]*learn_rate
  26. b -= learn_rate
  27. return W, b
  28. # This function runs the perceptron algorithm repeatedly on the dataset,
  29. # and returns a few of the boundary lines obtained in the iterations,
  30. # for plotting purposes.
  31. # Feel free to play with the learning rate and the num_epochs,
  32. # and see your results plotted below.
  33. def trainPerceptronAlgorithm(X, y, learn_rate = 0.01, num_epochs = 25):
  34. x_min, x_max = min(X.T[ 0]), max(X.T[ 0])
  35. y_min, y_max = min(X.T[ 1]), max(X.T[ 1])
  36. W = np.array(np.random.rand( 2, 1))
  37. b = np.random.rand( 1)[ 0] + x_max
  38. # These are the solution lines that get plotted below.
  39. boundary_lines = []
  40. for i in range(num_epochs):
  41. # In each epoch, we apply the perceptron step.
  42. W, b = perceptronStep(X, y, W, b, learn_rate)
  43. boundary_lines.append((-W[ 0]/W[ 1], -b/W[ 1]))
  44. return boundary_lines


  1. 0 .78051, -0 .063669,1
  2. 0 .28774,0 .29139,1
  3. 0 .40714,0 .17878,1
  4. 0 .2923,0 .4217,1
  5. 0 .50922,0 .35256,1
  6. 0 .27785,0 .10802,1
  7. 0 .27527,0 .33223,1
  8. 0 .43999,0 .31245,1
  9. 0 .33557,0 .42984,1
  10. 0 .23448,0 .24986,1
  11. 0 .0084492,0 .13658,1
  12. 0 .12419,0 .33595,1
  13. 0 .25644,0 .42624,1
  14. 0 .4591,0 .40426,1
  15. 0 .44547,0 .45117,1
  16. 0 .42218,0 .20118,1
  17. 0 .49563,0 .21445,1
  18. 0 .30848,0 .24306,1
  19. 0 .39707,0 .44438,1
  20. 0 .32945,0 .39217,1
  21. 0 .40739,0 .40271,1
  22. 0 .3106,0 .50702,1
  23. 0 .49638,0 .45384,1
  24. 0 .10073,0 .32053,1
  25. 0 .69907,0 .37307,1
  26. 0 .29767,0 .69648,1
  27. 0 .15099,0 .57341,1
  28. 0 .16427,0 .27759,1
  29. 0 .33259,0 .055964,1
  30. 0 .53741,0 .28637,1
  31. 0 .19503,0 .36879,1
  32. 0 .40278,0 .035148,1
  33. 0 .21296,0 .55169,1
  34. 0 .48447,0 .56991,1
  35. 0 .25476,0 .34596,1
  36. 0 .21726,0 .28641,1
  37. 0 .67078,0 .46538,1
  38. 0 .3815,0 .4622,1
  39. 0 .53838,0 .32774,1
  40. 0 .4849,0 .26071,1
  41. 0 .37095,0 .38809,1
  42. 0 .54527,0 .63911,1
  43. 0 .32149,0 .12007,1
  44. 0 .42216,0 .61666,1
  45. 0 .10194,0 .060408,1
  46. 0 .15254,0 .2168,1
  47. 0 .45558,0 .43769,1
  48. 0 .28488,0 .52142,1
  49. 0 .27633,0 .21264,1
  50. 0 .39748,0 .31902,1
  51. 0 .5533,1,0
  52. 0 .44274,0 .59205,0
  53. 0 .85176,0 .6612,0
  54. 0 .60436,0 .86605,0
  55. 0 .68243,0 .48301,0
  56. 1,0 .76815,0
  57. 0 .72989,0 .8107,0
  58. 0 .67377,0 .77975,0
  59. 0 .78761,0 .58177,0
  60. 0 .71442,0 .7668,0
  61. 0 .49379,0 .54226,0
  62. 0 .78974,0 .74233,0
  63. 0 .67905,0 .60921,0
  64. 0 .6642,0 .72519,0
  65. 0 .79396,0 .56789,0
  66. 0 .70758,0 .76022,0
  67. 0 .59421,0 .61857,0
  68. 0 .49364,0 .56224,0
  69. 0 .77707,0 .35025,0
  70. 0 .79785,0 .76921,0
  71. 0 .70876,0 .96764,0
  72. 0 .69176,0 .60865,0
  73. 0 .66408,0 .92075,0
  74. 0 .65973,0 .66666,0
  75. 0 .64574,0 .56845,0
  76. 0 .89639,0 .7085,0
  77. 0 .85476,0 .63167,0
  78. 0 .62091,0 .80424,0
  79. 0 .79057,0 .56108,0
  80. 0 .58935,0 .71582,0
  81. 0 .56846,0 .7406,0
  82. 0 .65912,0 .71548,0
  83. 0 .70938,0 .74041,0
  84. 0 .59154,0 .62927,0
  85. 0 .45829,0 .4641,0
  86. 0 .79982,0 .74847,0
  87. 0 .60974,0 .54757,0
  88. 0 .68127,0 .86985,0
  89. 0 .76694,0 .64736,0
  90. 0 .69048,0 .83058,0
  91. 0 .68122,0 .96541,0
  92. 0 .73229,0 .64245,0
  93. 0 .76145,0 .60138,0
  94. 0 .58985,0 .86955,0
  95. 0 .73145,0 .74516,0
  96. 0 .77029,0 .7014,0
  97. 0 .73156,0 .71782,0
  98. 0 .44556,0 .57991,0
  99. 0 .85275,0 .85987,0
  100. 0 .51912,0 .62359,0











      如果仅仅是距离的话,那么正巧都是2 那么如何选择,那么就无法选择了,所以科学家们想到了梯度,变化最快的那个方向,因为梯度所以不能时离散函数,必须是连续的哦。





来源: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15242250/2842425