首页 > 数据库> > 《生物信息学:导论与方法》----序列数据库搜索----听课笔记(五)



3.1 序列数据库

3.2 BLAST算法初探

3.3 学生课堂报告

  1. Homology is the central concept for all of biology.
  2. BLAST is the tool most frequently used for calculating sequence similarity, by searching the databases.
  3. If you work with one or a few proteins or genes, it can tell you about their conservation, active sites, structure and regulation in other organisms, etc.
  1. Identity: the occurrence of exactly the same nucleotide or amino acid in the same position in aligned sequences.
  2. Similarity: measure the sameness or difference of the sequences
  3. Homology: is defined in terms of shared ancestors. Homologous sequences are often similar. Sequence regions that are homologous are also called conserved regions.
  1. BLAST统计上的结果并不能完全代表生物学上意义,因此在分析结果的时候,还是要考虑到序列的其他结构上或其他的问题。
  2. 如果序列可以翻译成蛋白质的话,最好还是比对一下它的蛋白质序列来研究它是不是具有高度的相似性。
  3. 相似度的概念并不能够代表同源性的概念。
  4. 50%的同源性或者80%的同源性,这样的概念是不太科学的,要避免这样的表达。

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/wxw060709/article/details/100699912