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一:   典型的查询语句:    select * from tbl_psd where user_id=436 ORDER BY create_time DESC;    select * from tbl_template_process where user_id=436 ORDER BY id desc ;    select * from idpt_product_desc_template ORDER BY create_time desc;   唯品会 -店铺 在数据表 tbl_authorize_shop 中换绑用户之后,需要修改数据表 tbl_vips_size_table 中的字段 user_id,否则 新用户下 新建的唯品会宝贝,不能提供 尺码表; update tbl_vips_size_table set user_id = 151 WHERE shop_id = 632 /* 浙江森马电子商务有限公司 * /   二:Navicat   工具中的Beautify SQL: SELECT     TABLE_SCHEMA,     TABLE_NAME,     COLUMN_NAME,     COLUMN_TYPE,     COLUMN_COMMENT FROM     information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE     TABLE_SCHEMA = ‘design_1988'   三  选中某张表,点击鼠标右键,然后选择“Design Table”, 即 在右侧展开 该数据表的每个字段,以及一些字段的解释;       四: 数据表中 表示 状态Status的值;     涉及到Status的内容有,详情页的套版(伪套版、待套版、套版中、套版成功)、        套版详情页的审核(未审核、待审核、审核通过、审核失败)、     审核详情页的编辑(微调中、 微调完成、保存中;)、      宝贝发布(发布成功、发布成功、需完善、更新成功、更新失败);   五:   (1)tbl_order 数据表(’财务报表—订单的状态信息’,如 打款、退款等)中的  “ID”  和 tbl_user_resources 数据表中 order_id 进行关联;   (2)然后,          tbl_user_resources 数据表(’财务报表--新增订单’)中  “ id、order_id、user_id、good_id(9表示模板解析、10表示详情套版)”  中的 “ID”         和 tbl_resources_product 数据表(’财务报表--新增订单的有效时间’)中“ resource_id、product_id(1表示模板解析、2表示详情套版)、left_num( 剩余 素材套版次数 或 剩余 模板解析次数)、valid_duration、start_time 、end_time 等” 中 resource_id  进行关联;   (3)数据表tbl_use_operator_record  中 resource_id 字段 实现了 将 套版 或模版解析的 每次消耗 关联到 订单表。     数据表tbl_use_operator_record (“ID、user_id  、resource_id” )中的 resource_id 字段 记录的值是否准确,它记录了 数据表tbl_record 中的 ID 字段。      六:      1.  “产品详情页模版”数据表,即 记录 主站用户的 套版详情页 的 数据表: idpt_product_desc_template           2.  详情页领取记录 数据表:   idpt_desc_examine_log    
  1. 数据表 tbl_shop_form,更改 宝贝发布的状态,改成 15。
        4.    数据表  idpt_product_desc_template:用于记录“ 运营系统-详情审核”页面中,保存每一款详情页模版 的数据。   数据表  idpt_package_group_snapshot: 用于记录 运营系统—详情页审核 页面中,每一款 详情页的 综合信息;           数据表  idpt_package_snapshot: 用于记录 运营系统—详情页审核 页面中,每一款详情页中 图片等数据;   idpt_mark_job 是记录 素材包的 任何一个 前置标注审核、详情页套版审核任务  idpt_material_artificial_mark_info    用于记录运营系统,素材包中每一张图片的颜色聚类信息(运营--图片标注—颜色聚类 ) select * from idpt_material_artificial_mark_info where folder_id = ( select idpt_mark_job.material_id from idpt_mark_job where id = 2558);   /* 云涛 KMSJ-4803 2558 是运营系统 图片标注-颜色聚类 页面链接中的 Key */    
  1. 唯品会尺码表  tbl_vips_size_table ,其中字段 size_table_template_id 是唯品会尺码表模版ID; 备注:星柚店铺的shop_id=1261 
  七: 算法中 用到的数据表 图片标注页面,数据表 tbl_image_material_group 中有 标签;   数据表: idpt_colourplate_tag 是算法中用到数据表,记录“运营系统—场景配置”的相关数据;         主站配置中心—智能裁剪:     tbl_item_image_crop_rule             tbl_item_image_crop_rule_cat_relation   八: 素材空间 素材包的查询        第一步:素材包的ID:   第二步:   九:tbl_authorize_shop     select * from tbl_authorize_shop where shop_nick in ('若只遇见你','主图打标test30');   十: idpt_material_image_info   这张表 用于存储 图片的识别信息。后端是在这张表中,获取 图图片的识别信息的。   20200402: 一: select * from tbl_slice_record ORDER BY id desc  where id=1101   select * from tbl_user where nick='gst' select * from tbl_user where nick='山橘'   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE id=820   delete from tbl_authorize_shop where id=621   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop; SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE user_id=151   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE shop_nick='岭月一线'   SELECT * FROM tbl_single_platform_form where user_id=151 and shop_nick='蓝森空间' ORDER BY create_time desc   /* tbl_shop_form */   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE shop_nick IN ('boylondon官方旗舰店','dcshoes服饰旗舰店')   SELECT * FROM tbl_cat where name Like'%文胸%' and platform in (1,2,4,6,7) /*文胸、文胸套装、内裤、女士内裤、塑身裤、塑身美体裤、丝袜、短袜/打底袜/丝袜/美体袜*/ SELECT * FROM tbl_cat where name Like'%文胸%' and platform = 4      /* 京东有 文胸、文胸套装、连裤袜/丝袜 、女士内裤 ;没有美体裤  */   SELECT ASh.nick,ASh.user_id FROM tbl_authorize_cat as ACa,tbl_authorize_shop as ASh where ACa.shop_id=ASh.id and ACa.name Like'%文胸%'   SELECT tbl_authorize_shop.user_id, tbl_authorize_shop.nick, tbl_authorize_shop.shop_nick,tbl_authorize_shop.platform_id,tbl_authorize_cat.`name` FROM tbl_authorize_shop LEFT JOIN tbl_authorize_cat ON tbl_authorize_shop.id=tbl_authorize_cat.shop_id WHERE tbl_authorize_cat.`name`Like'%文胸%' and tbl_authorize_shop.user_id!=''   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_cat where name Like'%文胸%'   /* */ SHOW INDEX in tbl_authorize_shop // 二: SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE user_id= 151   SELECT * FROM tbl_platform_form order by id DESC;   /*  待发布列表  */   SELECT * FROM tbl_shop_form order by id DESC;       /*  已发布列表  */   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE shop_nick= '杭州星柚服饰有限公司' SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop where shop_nick Like "%西瓜%" SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop where nick Like "%Lily%" SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop where platform_id=7  /* 7:拼多多*/   SELECT * FROM tbl_vips_size_table;   SELECT * FROM tbl_psd where user_id=436 ORDER BY id desc; select * from tbl_person_template where user_id=151 and title like "%夏大大%" ORDER BY id desc; select * from tbl_template_process where user_id=436 ORDER BY id desc ;   select * from idpt_product_desc_template ORDER BY create_time desc;   select * from tbl_shop_form where user_id=151 and  title="商品标题" ORDER BY create_time desc; select * from tbl_shop_form where user_id=436 and  title="淘宝女休闲裤商品标题" ORDER BY create_time desc;   update tbl_shop_form set STATUS=15 where user_id=151;  /* 436,538,edit_status */   select * from tbl_item_image_crop_rule; select * from tbl_item_image_crop_rule_cat_relation;     select * from tbl_slice_record ORDER BY id desc  where id=1101   select * from tbl_user where nick = 13736835403 select * from tbl_user where nick='苏子' select * from tbl_user where ID=151   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE id=820     delete from tbl_authorize_shop where id=621     SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop; SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE user_id=151  /*151,436,504,524,538,621,820,10588*/   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE shop_nick='杭州爵卓服饰有限公司'   SELECT * FROM tbl_shop_form ORDER BY create_time desc   SHOW INDEX in tbl_authorize_shop     三:SELECT id,user_id,name,group_id,code from idpt_material where id = 421912;   SELECT id,name,group_id from idpt_material where user_id = 151 and parent_code = '0000057' and type = 1;     select * idpt_package_snapshot; select * idpt_package_group_snapshot;           /*151,436,504,524,621,820,10588*/ SELECT * idpt_product_desc;   SELECT * tbl_psd; select * tbl_image_templet; select * tbl_shop_form;   四: select * from tbl_slice_record ORDER BY id desc  where id=1101 select * from tbl_psd; select * from tbl_image_templet;   select * from tbl_user_resources; select * from tbl_resource_product; select * from tbl_request_resource;   select * from tbl_user_platforms; select * from tbl_use_operator_record; select * from tbl_user; select * from tbl_shop_form;   select * from idpt_product_desc; select * from idpt_product_desc_template where user_id=436 ORDER BY id desc ; /*详情页列表*/ select * from idpt_image_export_record;   select * from tbl_vips_size_table ORDER BY create_time DESC;  /* size_table_template_id 是尺码表ID,星柚的shop_id=1261, tbl_vips_size_table 是唯品会尺码表*/   select * from tbl_vips_size_table where     select * from tbl_user where ID =504 select * from tbl_user where nick='gst'   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE id=820   delete from tbl_authorize_shop where id=621   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop; SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE user_id=151 /*151,436,502,504,524,538,621,820,10588*/   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE shop_nick Like '%星柚%'   SHOW INDEX in tbl_authorize_shop   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop where platform_id=7  /* 7:拼多多*/   五: select * from tbl_slice_record ORDER BY id desc  where id=1101 select * from tbl_psd where user_id=10586 ORDER BY create_time desc; select * from tbl_image_templet;   select * from tbl_user_resources; select * from tbl_resource_product; select * from tbl_request_resource;   select * from tbl_user_platforms; select * from tbl_use_operator_record; select * from tbl_user; select * from tbl_shop_form;   select * from idpt_product_desc; select * from idpt_product_desc_template; select * from idpt_image_export_record;   select * from idpt_material where user_id =151 ; select * from idpt_master_material where user_id =151 and material_id=406717;   select * from tbl_user where id=502 select * from tbl_user where nick='gst' select * from tbl_user where nick Like '%圆圆%'      SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE id=15 delete from tbl_authorize_shop where id=621   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop; SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE user_id=524        /*151,436,504,524,621,820,10588*/   SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop WHERE shop_nick Like '%童曲%'   SHOW INDEX in tbl_authorize_shop SELECT * FROM tbl_authorize_shop where platform_id=7  /* 7:拼多多*/   SELECT * FROM idpt_product_desc_template WHERE id = 268230 SELECT * FROM idpt_product_desc_template WHERE template_id = 7716 ORDER BY create_time DESC   20200601   素材包的查询,素材包商品图的查询;  注意:素材包URL中 包含了  material_root_id,在materialSpace/的后面。 select material_root_id,b.name from idpt_master_material a left join idpt_material b on a.material_root_id = b.id where a.user_id = 151 and a.platform = 8 group by material_root_id,b.name;   select * from idpt_master_material where user_id = 151 and material_root_id=489498 and platform=8 select * from idpt_material where user_id = 151 and id=489498;   四: SELECT * FROM idpt_detail_operation_log where  user_id =151  ORDER BY create_time DESC // 运营系统--数据统计--服务效率统计,这个页面的表格   insert into idpt_detail_operation_log (product_desc_template_id,item_number,template_type,type,user_id,user_nick,service_user_id,service_user_nick, template_id,template_name,initiate_time,initiate_date,receive_duration,mark_duration,audit_duration,service_duration,total_duration,modify_time, create_time,`status`,transfer_status) select product_desc_template_id,item_number,template_type,type,user_id,user_nick,service_user_id,service_user_nick,template_id,template_name, initiate_time,initiate_date,receive_duration,mark_duration,audit_duration,service_duration,total_duration,modify_time,create_time,`status`, transfer_status from idpt_detail_operation_log    // 4083   select count(*) from idpt_detail_operation_tail -f tomcat/logs/catalina.out   五: 运营系统—标签配置,相关数据表中的字段含义:   标签的类型,type=1 是 通用 ;2 是 用户  适用场景,useScenes=1 商品图裁剪; =2 模版/详情页编辑器 (1)当useScenes=1,scope的值对应以下含义 标签的作用域:scope=1是全局级规则;2 是坑位类型级; 3是坑位级   (2)当useScenes=2,scope的值对应以下含义 标签的作用域:scope=1是模版;2是 模块 ; 3是坑位;4是 场景;5是 元件组、6是元件;                

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zimi/p/16663134.html