首页 > 编程语言> > 无人驾驶算法——Baidu Apollo代码解析之ReferenceLine Smoother参考线平滑

无人驾驶算法——Baidu Apollo代码解析之ReferenceLine Smoother参考线平滑


无人驾驶算法——Baidu Apollo代码解析之ReferenceLine Smoother参考线平滑

Date: 2020/12/15
Contact: 1223167600@qq.com

Apollo 参考线平滑类



    const common::VehicleStateProvider *vehicle_state_provider,
    const hdmap::HDMap *base_map,
    const std::shared_ptr<relative_map::MapMsg> &relative_map)
    : vehicle_state_provider_(vehicle_state_provider) {
  if (!FLAGS_use_navigation_mode) {
    pnc_map_ = std::make_unique<hdmap::PncMap>(base_map);
    relative_map_ = nullptr;
  } else {
    pnc_map_ = nullptr;
    relative_map_ = relative_map;

      << "Failed to load smoother config file "
      << FLAGS_smoother_config_filename;
  if (smoother_config_.has_qp_spline()) {
    smoother_.reset(new QpSplineReferenceLineSmoother(smoother_config_));
  } else if (smoother_config_.has_spiral()) {
    smoother_.reset(new SpiralReferenceLineSmoother(smoother_config_));
  } else if (smoother_config_.has_discrete_points()) {
    smoother_.reset(new DiscretePointsReferenceLineSmoother(smoother_config_));
  } else {
    ACHECK(false) << "unknown smoother config "
                  << smoother_config_.DebugString();
  is_initialized_ = true;




bool CosThetaIpoptInterface::get_starting_point(int n, bool init_x, double* x,
                                                bool init_z, double* z_L,
                                                double* z_U, int m,
                                                bool init_lambda,
                                                double* lambda) {
  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(n), num_of_variables_);
  std::random_device rd;
  std::default_random_engine gen = std::default_random_engine(rd());
  std::normal_distribution<> dis{0, 0.05};
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_points_; ++i) {
    size_t index = i << 1;
    x[index] = ref_points_[i].first + dis(gen);
    x[index + 1] = ref_points_[i].second + dis(gen);
  return true;
bool CosThetaIpoptInterface::eval_f(int n, const double* x, bool new_x,
                                    double& obj_value) {
  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(n), num_of_variables_);
  if (use_automatic_differentiation_) {
    eval_obj(n, x, &obj_value);
    return true;
  obj_value = 0.0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_points_; ++i) {
    size_t index = i << 1;
    obj_value +=
        (x[index] - ref_points_[i].first) * (x[index] - ref_points_[i].first) +
        (x[index + 1] - ref_points_[i].second) *
            (x[index + 1] - ref_points_[i].second);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_points_ - 2; i++) {
    size_t findex = i << 1;
    size_t mindex = findex + 2;
    size_t lindex = mindex + 2;
    obj_value -=
        weight_cos_included_angle_ *
        (((x[mindex] - x[findex]) * (x[lindex] - x[mindex])) +
         ((x[mindex + 1] - x[findex + 1]) * (x[lindex + 1] - x[mindex + 1]))) /
        std::sqrt((x[mindex] - x[findex]) * (x[mindex] - x[findex]) +
                  (x[mindex + 1] - x[findex + 1]) *
                      (x[mindex + 1] - x[findex + 1])) /
        std::sqrt((x[lindex] - x[mindex]) * (x[lindex] - x[mindex]) +
                  (x[lindex + 1] - x[mindex + 1]) *
                      (x[lindex + 1] - x[mindex + 1]));
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_points_ - 1; ++i) {
    size_t findex = i << 1;
    size_t nindex = findex + 2;
    *obj_value +=
        weight_length_ *
        ((x[findex] - x[nindex]) * (x[findex] - x[nindex]) +
         (x[findex + 1] - x[nindex + 1]) * (x[findex + 1] - x[nindex + 1]));

  return true;

以 n n n个点为例子 P 0 , P 1 , P 2 , P 3 , ⋯   , P n P_0, P_1, P_2, P_3, \cdots, P_n P0​,P1​,P2​,P3​,⋯,Pn​

o b j v a l u e 1 = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 ( x i − x i − r e f ) 2 + ( y i − y i − r e f ) 2 obj_{value}1 = \sum^{n-1}_{i=0}(x_i-x_{i-ref})^2 + (y_i-y_{i-ref})^2 objvalue​1=i=0∑n−1​(xi​−xi−ref​)2+(yi​−yi−ref​)2
o b j v a l u e 2 = − ∑ i = 0 n − 2 ( x i + 1 − x i ) × ( x i + 2 − x i + 1 ) + ( y i + 1 − y i ) × ( y i + 2 − y i + 1 ) ( x i + 1 − x i ) 2 + ( y i + 1 − y i ) 2 ( x i + 2 − x i + 1 ) 2 + ( y i + 2 − y i + 1 ) 2 obj_{value}2 = -\sum^{n-2}_{i=0}\frac{(x_{i+1} - x_i)\times (x_{i+2} - x_{i+1}) + (y_{i+1} - y_{i})\times (y_{i+2} - y_{i+1}) }{\sqrt{(x_{i+1} - x_{i})^2+(y_{i+1} - y_{i})^2} \sqrt{(x_{i+2} - x_{i+1})^2+(y_{i+2} - y_{i+1})^2}} objvalue​2=−i=0∑n−2​(xi+1​−xi​)2+(yi+1​−yi​)2 ​(xi+2​−xi+1​)2+(yi+2​−yi+1​)2 ​(xi+1​−xi​)×(xi+2​−xi+1​)+(yi+1​−yi​)×(yi+2​−yi+1​)​
o b j v a l u e 3 = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 ( x i − x i + 1 ) 2 + ( y i − y i + 1 ) 2 obj_{value}3 = \sum^{n-1}_{i=0}(x_i-x_{i+1})^2 + (y_i-y_{i+1})^2 objvalue​3=i=0∑n−1​(xi​−xi+1​)2+(yi​−yi+1​)2

o b j v a l u e = w 1 × o b j v a l u e 1 + w 2 × o b j v a l u e 2 + w 3 × o b j v a l u e 3 obj_{value} = w_1 \times obj_{value}1 + w_2 \times obj_{value}2 + w_3 \times obj_{value}3 objvalue​=w1​×objvalue​1+w2​×objvalue​2+w3​×objvalue​3


cos_theta方法: = 前面是 - 号

连续3点 P 0 , P 1 , P 2 P_0, P_1, P_2 P0​,P1​,P2​ 如上图所示,其中向量 P 0 P 1 ⃗ = ( x 1 − x 0 , y 1 − y 0 ) \vec{P_0P_1} = (x_1-x_0, y_1-y_0) P0​P1​ ​=(x1​−x0​,y1​−y0​)和 P 1 P 2 ⃗ = ( x 2 − x 1 , y 2 − y 1 ) \vec{P_1P_2} = (x_2-x_1, y_2-y_1) P1​P2​ ​=(x2​−x1​,y2​−y1​)之间的夹角 θ \theta θ
c o s θ = P 0 P 1 ⃗ ⋅ P 1 P 2 ⃗ ∣ P 0 P 1 ⃗ ∣ ∣ P 1 P 2 ⃗ ∣ = ( x 1 − x 0 ) × ( x 2 − x 1 ) + ( y 1 − y 0 ) × ( y 2 − y 1 ) / ( x 1 − x 0 ) 2 + ( y 1 − y 0 ) 2 / ( x 2 − x 1 ) 2 + ( y 2 − y 1 ) 2 \begin{aligned} cos\theta &= \frac{\vec{P_0P_1} \cdot \vec{P_1P_2}}{|\vec{P_0P_1}| |\vec{P_1P_2}|}\\ & = (x_1 - x_0)\times (x_2 - x_1) + (y_1 - y_0)\times (y_2 - y_1) / \sqrt{(x_1 - x_0)^2+(y_1 - y_0)^2} / \sqrt{(x_2 - x_1)^2+(y_2 - y_1)^2} \end{aligned} cosθ​=∣P0​P1​ ​∣∣P1​P2​ ​∣P0​P1​ ​⋅P1​P2​ ​​=(x1​−x0​)×(x2​−x1​)+(y1​−y0​)×(y2​−y1​)/(x1​−x0​)2+(y1​−y0​)2 ​/(x2​−x1​)2+(y2​−y1​)2 ​​
c o s θ cos\theta cosθ值越大, θ \theta θ越小, P 0 , P 1 , P 2 P_0, P_1, P_2 P0​,P1​,P2​ 越接近直线,曲线越平滑


/** Template to return the objective value */
template <class T>
bool FemPosDeviationIpoptInterface::eval_obj(int n, const T* x, T* obj_value) {
  *obj_value = 0.0;

  // 第1部分——参考点距离代价
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_points_; ++i) {
    size_t index = i * 2;
    *obj_value +=
        weight_ref_deviation_ *
        ((x[index] - ref_points_[i].first) * (x[index] - ref_points_[i].first) +
         (x[index + 1] - ref_points_[i].second) *
             (x[index + 1] - ref_points_[i].second));

  // 第2部分——平滑性代价
  for (size_t i = 0; i + 2 < num_of_points_; ++i) {
    size_t findex = i * 2;
    size_t mindex = findex + 2;
    size_t lindex = mindex + 2;

    *obj_value += weight_fem_pos_deviation_ *
                  (((x[findex] + x[lindex]) - 2.0 * x[mindex]) *
                       ((x[findex] + x[lindex]) - 2.0 * x[mindex]) +
                   ((x[findex + 1] + x[lindex + 1]) - 2.0 * x[mindex + 1]) *
                       ((x[findex + 1] + x[lindex + 1]) - 2.0 * x[mindex + 1]));

  // 第3部分——总长度代价
  for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < num_of_points_; ++i) {
    size_t findex = i * 2;
    size_t nindex = findex + 2;
    *obj_value +=
        weight_path_length_ *
        ((x[findex] - x[nindex]) * (x[findex] - x[nindex]) +
         (x[findex + 1] - x[nindex + 1]) * (x[findex + 1] - x[nindex + 1]));

  // 第4部分——对于松弛变量的惩罚
  for (size_t i = slack_var_start_index_; i < slack_var_end_index_; ++i) {
    *obj_value += weight_curvature_constraint_slack_var_ * x[i];

  return true;


以 n n n个点为例子 P 0 , P 1 , P 2 , P 3 , ⋯   , P n P_0, P_1, P_2, P_3, \cdots, P_n P0​,P1​,P2​,P3​,⋯,Pn​

o b j v a l u e 1 = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 ( x i − x i − r e f ) 2 + ( y i − y i − r e f ) 2 obj_{value}1 = \sum^{n-1}_{i=0}(x_i-x_{i-ref})^2 + (y_i-y_{i-ref})^2 objvalue​1=i=0∑n−1​(xi​−xi−ref​)2+(yi​−yi−ref​)2
o b j v a l u e 2 = ∑ i = 0 n − 2 ( x i + x i + 2 − 2 × x i + 1 ) 2 + ( y i + y i + 2 − 2 × y i + 1 ) 2 obj_{value}2 = \sum^{n-2}_{i=0}(x_i+x_{i+2}-2 \times x_{i+1})^2+(y_{i}+y_{i+2}-2 \times y_{i+1})^2 objvalue​2=i=0∑n−2​(xi​+xi+2​−2×xi+1​)2+(yi​+yi+2​−2×yi+1​)2
o b j v a l u e 3 = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 ( x i − x i + 1 ) 2 + ( y i − y i + 1 ) 2 obj_{value}3 = \sum^{n-1}_{i=0}(x_i-x_{i+1})^2 + (y_i-y_{i+1})^2 objvalue​3=i=0∑n−1​(xi​−xi+1​)2+(yi​−yi+1​)2


o b j v a l u e = w 1 × o b j v a l u e 1 + w 2 × o b j v a l u e 2 + w 3 × o b j v a l u e 3 obj_{value} = w_1 \times obj_{value}1 + w_2 \times obj_{value}2 + w_3 \times obj_{value}3 objvalue​=w1​×objvalue​1+w2​×objvalue​2+w3​×objvalue​3

Fem_pos_deviation方法:= 前面是 + 号
( x i + x i + 2 − 2 × x i + 1 ) 2 + ( y i + y i + 2 − 2 × y i + 1 ) 2 (x_i+x_{i+2}-2 \times x_{i+1})^2+(y_{i}+y_{i+2}-2 \times y_{i+1})^2 (xi​+xi+2​−2×xi+1​)2+(yi​+yi+2​−2×yi+1​)2

其中上式的物理意义如上图中 P 1 P ’ ⃗ \vec{P_1P’} P1​P’ ​向量的模的平方,它可以理解为:向量 P 1 P 0 ⃗ \vec{P_1P_0} P1​P0​ ​和 向量 P 1 P 2 ⃗ \vec{P_1P_2} P1​P2​ ​相加结果新的向量 P 1 P ’ ⃗ \vec{P_1P’} P1​P’ ​的模平方。如果这三个点在一条直线上,那么这个值最小;三个点组成的两个线段的夹角 θ \theta θ越大,即曲线越平滑。



/** Template to compute contraints */
template <class T>
bool FemPosDeviationIpoptInterface::eval_constraints(int n, const T* x, int m,
                                                     T* g) {
  // a. 位置约束
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_points_; ++i) {
    size_t index = i * 2;
    g[index] = x[index];
    g[index + 1] = x[index + 1];

  // b. 曲率约束
  for (size_t i = 0; i + 2 < num_of_points_; ++i) {
    size_t findex = i * 2;
    size_t mindex = findex + 2;
    size_t lindex = mindex + 2;
    g[curvature_constr_start_index_ + i] =
        (((x[findex] + x[lindex]) - 2.0 * x[mindex]) *
             ((x[findex] + x[lindex]) - 2.0 * x[mindex]) +
         ((x[findex + 1] + x[lindex + 1]) - 2.0 * x[mindex + 1]) *
             ((x[findex + 1] + x[lindex + 1]) - 2.0 * x[mindex + 1])) -
        x[slack_var_start_index_ + i];

  // c. 松弛变量的约束
  size_t slack_var_index = 0;
  for (size_t i = slack_constr_start_index_; i < slack_constr_end_index_; ++i) {
    g[i] = x[slack_var_start_index_ + slack_var_index];
  return true;


bool FemPosDeviationIpoptInterface::get_bounds_info(int n, double* x_l,
                                                    double* x_u, int m,
                                                    double* g_l, double* g_u) {
  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(n), num_of_variables_);
  CHECK_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(m), num_of_constraints_);
  // 状态变量
  // a. for x, y
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_points_; ++i) {
    size_t index = i * 2;
    // x
    x_l[index] = -1e20;
    x_u[index] = 1e20;

    // y
    x_l[index + 1] = -1e20;
    x_u[index + 1] = 1e20;
  // b. for slack var
  for (size_t i = slack_var_start_index_; i < slack_var_end_index_; ++i) {
    x_l[i] = -1e20;
    x_u[i] = 1e20;

  // 约束
  // a. 点的上下左右边界约束
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_of_points_; ++i) {
    size_t index = i * 2;
    // x
    g_l[index] = ref_points_[i].first - bounds_around_refs_[i];
    g_u[index] = ref_points_[i].first + bounds_around_refs_[i];

    // y
    g_l[index + 1] = ref_points_[i].second - bounds_around_refs_[i];
    g_u[index + 1] = ref_points_[i].second + bounds_around_refs_[i];

  // b. 曲率约束上下界
  double ref_total_length = 0.0;
  auto pre_point = ref_points_.front();
  for (size_t i = 1; i < num_of_points_; ++i) {
    auto cur_point = ref_points_[i];
    double x_diff = cur_point.first - pre_point.first;
    double y_diff = cur_point.second - pre_point.second;
    ref_total_length += std::sqrt(x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff);
    pre_point = cur_point;
  double average_delta_s =
      ref_total_length / static_cast<double>(num_of_points_ - 1);
  double curvature_constr_upper =
      average_delta_s * average_delta_s * curvature_constraint_;

  for (size_t i = curvature_constr_start_index_;
       i < curvature_constr_end_index_; ++i) {
    g_l[i] = -1e20;
    g_u[i] = curvature_constr_upper * curvature_constr_upper;

  // c. 松弛变量约束
  for (size_t i = slack_constr_start_index_; i < slack_constr_end_index_; ++i) {
    g_l[i] = 0.0;
    g_u[i] = 1e20;

  return true;


对于除去首尾的每个anchor point(因为需要三个点计算曲率,故首尾无法计算),需要满足:
( x i + x i + 2 − 2 × x i + 1 ) 2 + ( y i + y i + 2 − 2 × y i + 1 ) 2 − s t a c k i ≤ ( c u r v a t u r e _ c o n s t r _ u p p e r ) 2 c u r v a t u r e _ c o n s t r _ u p p e r = a v e r a g e _ d e l t a _ s × a v e r a g e _ d e l t a _ s × c u r v a t u r e _ c o n s t r a i n t _ (x_i+x_{i+2}-2 \times x_{i+1})^2+(y_{i}+y_{i+2}-2 \times y_{i+1})^2 - stack_i \leq (curvature\_constr\_upper)^2 \\\\ curvature\_constr\_upper = average\_delta\_s \times average\_delta\_s \times curvature\_constraint\_ (xi​+xi+2​−2×xi+1​)2+(yi​+yi+2​−2×yi+1​)2−stacki​≤(curvature_constr_upper)2curvature_constr_upper=average_delta_s×average_delta_s×curvature_constraint_
该约束是之前提到的那个矢量的模的平方减去松弛变量。首先计算了原始的anchor points之间的平均距离average_delta_s,定义最大曲率curvature_constraint = 0.2,该约束的上界设置为 a v e r a g e _ d e l t a _ s 2 × c u r v a t u r e _ c o n s t r a i n t average\_delta\_s^2 \times curvature\_constraint average_delta_s2×curvature_constraint。该约束没有下界,而计算其上界的具体物理意义如下图所示,黄色线段可以理解为松弛变量。


如图所示,假设 P 0 , P 1 , P 2 P_0, P_1, P_2 P0​,P1​,P2​三点处在同一个圆上,当 θ 1 \theta_1 θ1​较小时,向量 P 1 P 0 ⃗ \vec{P_1P_0} P1​P0​ ​和 向量 P 1 P 2 ⃗ \vec{P_1P_2} P1​P2​ ​的模近似等于弧长,因此有:
θ 1 = d S R \theta_1 = \frac{dS} {R} θ1​=RdS​
根据 O − P 0 − P 1 O-P_0-P_1 O−P0​−P1​等腰三角形几何关系有:
θ 2 = π − θ 1 2 \theta_2 = \frac{\pi - \theta_1}{2} θ2​=2π−θ1​​
由于 ∣ P 1 P 0 ⃗ ∣ = ∣ P 1 P 2 ⃗ ∣ |\vec{P_1P_0}|=|\vec{P_1P_2}| ∣P1​P0​ ​∣=∣P1​P2​ ​∣,所以 C C C是 P 1 P 3 P_1P_3 P1​P3​的中点,有 ∣ P 1 C ⃗ ∣ = ∣ C P 3 ⃗ ∣ |\vec{P_1C}|=|\vec{CP_3}| ∣P1​C ​∣=∣CP3​ ​∣关系,由此得:
∣ P 1 P 3 ⃗ ∣ = 2 P 1 C |\vec{P_1P_3}| = 2P_1C ∣P1​P3​ ​∣=2P1​C
根据 C − P 0 − P 1 C-P_0-P_1 C−P0​−P1​直角三角形几何关系有:
P 1 C = d S × c o s ( θ 2 ) P_1C = dS \times cos(\theta_2) P1​C=dS×cos(θ2​)
把 P 1 C P_1C P1​C带入 ∣ P 1 P 3 ⃗ ∣ |\vec{P_1P_3}| ∣P1​P3​ ​∣得:
∣ P 1 P 3 ⃗ ∣ = 2 P 1 C = 2 × d S × c o s ( θ 2 ) \begin{aligned} |\vec{P_1P_3}| &= 2P_1C\\ & = 2 \times dS \times cos(\theta_2) \end{aligned} ∣P1​P3​ ​∣​=2P1​C=2×dS×cos(θ2​)​
把 θ 2 \theta_2 θ2​带入得:
∣ P 1 P 3 ⃗ ∣ = 2 × d S × c o s ( θ 2 ) = 2 × d S × c o s ( π − θ 1 2 ) = 2 × d S × c o s ( π 2 − θ 1 2 ) = 2 × d S × s i n ( θ 1 2 ) = 2 × d S × θ 1 2 = d S × θ 1 \begin{aligned} |\vec{P_1P_3}| & = 2 \times dS \times cos(\theta_2)\\ & = 2 \times dS \times cos(\frac{\pi - \theta_1}{2})\\ & = 2 \times dS \times cos(\frac{\pi}{2} - \frac{\theta_1}{2})\\ & = 2 \times dS \times sin(\frac{\theta_1}{2})\\ & = 2 \times dS \times \frac{\theta_1}{2}\\ & = dS \times \theta_1\\ \end{aligned} ∣P1​P3​ ​∣​=2×dS×cos(θ2​)=2×dS×cos(2π−θ1​​)=2×dS×cos(2π​−2θ1​​)=2×dS×sin(2θ1​​)=2×dS×2θ1​​=dS×θ1​​

把 θ 1 \theta_1 θ1​带入得:
∣ P 1 P 3 ⃗ ∣ = d S × θ 1 = d S × d S R = d S 2 × 1 R = d S 2 × c u r \begin{aligned} |\vec{P_1P_3}| & = dS \times \theta_1\\ & = dS \times \frac{dS} {R}\\ & = dS^2 \times \frac{1} {R}\\ & = dS^2 \times cur\\ \end{aligned} ∣P1​P3​ ​∣​=dS×θ1​=dS×RdS​=dS2×R1​=dS2×cur​


void FemPosDeviationOsqpInterface::CalculateKernel(
    std::vector<c_float>* P_data, std::vector<c_int>* P_indices,
    std::vector<c_int>* P_indptr) {
  CHECK_GT(num_of_variables_, 4);

  // Three quadratic penalties are involved:
  // 1. Penalty x on distance between middle point and point by finite element
  // estimate;
  // 2. Penalty y on path length;
  // 3. Penalty z on difference between points and reference points

  // General formulation of P matrix is as below(with 6 points as an example):
  // I is a two by two identity matrix, X, Y, Z represents x * I, y * I, z * I
  // 0 is a two by two zero matrix
  // |X+Y+Z, -2X-Y,   X,       0,       0,       0    |
  // |0,     5X+2Y+Z, -4X-Y,   X,       0,       0    |
  // |0,     0,       6X+2Y+Z, -4X-Y,   X,       0    |
  // |0,     0,       0,       6X+2Y+Z, -4X-Y,   X    |
  // |0,     0,       0,       0,       5X+2Y+Z, -2X-Y|
  // |0,     0,       0,       0,       0,       X+Y+Z|

  // Only upper triangle needs to be filled
  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<c_int, c_float>>> columns;
  int col_num = 0;

  for (int col = 0; col < 2; ++col) {
    columns[col].emplace_back(col, weight_fem_pos_deviation_ +
                                       weight_path_length_ +

  for (int col = 2; col < 4; ++col) {
        col - 2, -2.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ - weight_path_length_);
    columns[col].emplace_back(col, 5.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ +
                                       2.0 * weight_path_length_ +

  int second_point_from_last_index = num_of_points_ - 2;
  for (int point_index = 2; point_index < second_point_from_last_index;
       ++point_index) {
    int col_index = point_index * 2;
    for (int col = 0; col < 2; ++col) {
      col_index += col;
      columns[col_index].emplace_back(col_index - 4, weight_fem_pos_deviation_);
          col_index - 2,
          -4.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ - weight_path_length_);
          col_index, 6.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ +
                         2.0 * weight_path_length_ + weight_ref_deviation_);

  int second_point_col_from_last_col = num_of_variables_ - 4;
  int last_point_col_from_last_col = num_of_variables_ - 2;
  for (int col = second_point_col_from_last_col;
       col < last_point_col_from_last_col; ++col) {
    columns[col].emplace_back(col - 4, weight_fem_pos_deviation_);
        col - 2, -4.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ - weight_path_length_);
    columns[col].emplace_back(col, 5.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ +
                                       2.0 * weight_path_length_ +

  for (int col = last_point_col_from_last_col; col < num_of_variables_; ++col) {
    columns[col].emplace_back(col - 4, weight_fem_pos_deviation_);
        col - 2, -2.0 * weight_fem_pos_deviation_ - weight_path_length_);
    columns[col].emplace_back(col, weight_fem_pos_deviation_ +
                                       weight_path_length_ +

  CHECK_EQ(col_num, num_of_variables_);

  int ind_p = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < col_num; ++i) {
    for (const auto& row_data_pair : columns[i]) {
      // Rescale by 2.0 as the quadratic term in osqp default qp problem setup
      // is set as (1/2) * x' * P * x
      P_data->push_back(row_data_pair.second * 2.0);


以 n n n个点为例子 P 0 , P 1 , P 2 , P 3 , ⋯   , P n P_0, P_1, P_2, P_3, \cdots, P_n P0​,P1​,P2​,P3​,⋯,Pn​

o b j v a l u e 1 = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 ( x i − x i − r e f ) 2 + ( y i − y i − r e f ) 2 obj_{value}1 = \sum^{n-1}_{i=0}(x_i-x_{i-ref})^2 + (y_i-y_{i-ref})^2 objvalue​1=i=0∑n−1​(xi​−xi−ref​)2+(yi​−yi−ref​)2
o b j v a l u e 2 = ∑ i = 0 n − 2 ( x i + x i + 2 − 2 × x i + 1 ) 2 + ( y i + y i + 2 − 2 × y i + 1 ) 2 obj_{value}2 = \sum^{n-2}_{i=0}(x_i+x_{i+2}-2 \times x_{i+1})^2+(y_{i}+y_{i+2}-2 \times y_{i+1})^2 objvalue​2=i=0∑n−2​(xi​+xi+2​−2×xi+1​)2+(yi​+yi+2​−2×yi+1​)2
o b j v a l u e 3 = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 ( x i − x i + 1 ) 2 + ( y i − y i + 1 ) 2 obj_{value}3 = \sum^{n-1}_{i=0}(x_i-x_{i+1})^2 + (y_i-y_{i+1})^2 objvalue​3=i=0∑n−1​(xi​−xi+1​)2+(yi​−yi+1​)2

o b j v a l u e = w 1 × o b j v a l u e 1 + w 2 × o b j v a l u e 2 + w 3 × o b j v a l u e 3 obj_{value} = w_1 \times obj_{value}1 + w_2 \times obj_{value}2 + w_3 \times obj_{value}3 objvalue​=w1​×objvalue​1+w2​×objvalue​2+w3​×objvalue​3
其中 w 1 w 2 w 3 w_1 w_2 w_3 w1​w2​w3​分别代表上述三种代价的权重,经过化简得到矩阵形式:
o b s v a l u e = 1 2 x T P x + q T x obs_{value} = \frac{1}{2}x^TPx + q^T x obsvalue​=21​xTPx+qTx
其中 P P P和 q q q矩阵形式如下:
P = W 2 + W 3 + W 1 − 2 W 2 − W 3 W 2 0 0 0 0 − 2 W 2 − W 3 5 W 2 + 2 W 3 + W 1 − 4 W 2 − W 3 W 2 0 0 0 W 2 − 4 W 2 − W 3 6 W 2 + 2 W 3 + W 1 − 4 W 2 − W 3 W 2 0 0 0 ⋱ ⋱ ⋱ ⋱ ⋱ 0 0 0 W 2 − 4 W 2 − W 3 6 W 2 + 2 W 3 + W 1 − 4 W 2 − W 3 W 2 0 0 0 W 2 − 4 W 2 − W 3 5 W 2 + 2 W 3 + W 1 − 2 W 2 − W 3 0 0 0 0 W 2 − 2 W 2 − W 3 W 2 + W 3 + W 1 P = \begin{matrix} W_2+W_3+W_1 & -2W_2-W_3 & W_2 & 0 & 0 &0 &0\\ -2W_2-W_3 & 5W_2+2W_3+W_1 & -4W_2-W_3 & W_2 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ W_2 & -4W_2-W_3 & 6W_2+2W_3+W_1 & -4W_2-W_3 & W_2 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & W_2 & -4W_2-W_3 & 6W_2+2W_3+W_1 & -4W_2-W_3 & W_2 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & W_2 & -4W_2-W_3 & 5W_2+2W_3+W_1 & -2W_2-W_3 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & W_2 & -2W_2-W_3 & W_2+W_3+W_1 \end{matrix} P=W2​+W3​+W1​−2W2​−W3​W2​0000​−2W2​−W3​5W2​+2W3​+W1​−4W2​−W3​⋱000​W2​−4W2​−W3​6W2​+2W3​+W1​⋱W2​00​0W2​−4W2​−W3​⋱−4W2​−W3​W2​0​00W2​⋱6W2​+2W3​+W1​−4W2​−W3​W2​​000⋱−4W2​−W3​5W2​+2W3​+W1​−2W2​−W3​​0000W2​−2W2​−W3​W2​+W3​+W1​​

q = − 2 W 1 X r e f q = -2 W_1X_{ref} q=−2W1​Xref​

l ≤ A x ≤ u l \leq Ax \leq u l≤Ax≤u
A A A为单位矩阵 I n × n I_{n \times n } In×n​, l l l和 u u u为 x y xy xy设置的上下界

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/renyushuai900/article/details/111191413