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1419. Minimum Number of Frogs Croaking (python)






class Solution:
    def minNumberOfFrogs(self, croakOfFrogs: str) -> int:
        # main idea: keep the appeared time of every char, we only need to find the maximum appeared time of one char in 'croak'. When 'k' encountered, meaning one croak finish, so we decrease the appeared time for all other chars by 1 (same as release one frog)
        # two situations for return -1: 1. if a char appeared, but the char supposed to appear before current does not exist, it's invalid 2. when finish, not all the char participated in forming a complete croak
        char2ind = {'c':1,'r':2,'o':3,'a':4,'k':5}
        # a list save the appeared times of every char
        char_appeared = [0]*6
        # make the first to be 1 for the situation when we encouter 'c'
        char_appeared[0] = 1
        min_frog = 0
        for c in croakOfFrogs:
            ind = char2ind[c]
            # if the previous one not exist, it's invalid
            if not char_appeared[ind-1]:
                return -1
            char_appeared[ind] += 1
            min_frog = max(min_frog,char_appeared[ind])
            # once 'k' appear, means we can free 1 frog
            if c == 'k':
                for i in range(1,6):
                    char_appeared[i] -= 1
        # if all the chars can not form several complete 'croak'
        for i in range(1,6):
            if char_appeared[i]:
                return -1
        return min_frog

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37821701/article/details/110227428