pip install baidu-aip
1 # *_* coding : UTF-8 *_* 2 # 开发团队 :乾龙科技 3 # 开发人员 :Administrator 4 # 开放时间 :2021/2/17 15:31 5 # 文件名称 :baidu.PY 6 # 开发工具 :PyCharm 7 # 程序代码 : 8 # 检测键盘、截图 9 # 检测键盘、截图 10 from aip import AipOcr 11 12 """ 你的 APPID AK SK """ 13 """注册百度文字识别后,获得下面的值""" 14 APP_ID = '*******' 15 API_KEY = '************' 16 SECRET_KEY = '*********************' 17 18 client = AipOcr(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) 19 20 """ 读取图片 """ 21 22 23 def get_file_content(filePath): 24 with open(filePath, 'rb') as f: 25 return f.read() 26 27 28 def get_connect(): 29 image = get_file_content('../../pdf/screen.png') 30 31 """ 调用通用文字识别, 图片参数为本地图片 """ 32 content = client.basicGeneral(image) 33 # print(content['words_result'])# 34 image_content = '' 35 for words in content['words_result']: 36 # print(words) 37 image_content += words['words'] 38 39 return image_content 40 41 42 def get_connect_mul(path): 43 image = get_file_content(path) 44 45 """ 调用通用文字识别, 图片参数为本地图片 """ 46 content = client.basicGeneral(image) 47 # print(content['words_result'])# 48 image_content = '' 49 for words in content['words_result']: 50 # print(words) 51 image_content += words['words'] 52 53 return image_content 54 55 56 # PDF转word 57 58 59 if __name__ == '__main__': 60 with open('../../doc/test.doc', 'a') as f: 61 f.write(get_connect())
1 import tkinter as tk 2 import tkinter.filedialog 3 from email.header import decode_header 4 import os 5 import time 6 import sys 7 from PIL import ImageGrab 8 from baidu import get_connect, get_connect_mul 9 10 11 # 字符编码转换 12 def decode_str(s): 13 value, charset = decode_header(s)[0] 14 if charset: 15 value = value.decode(charset) 16 return value 17 18 19 # “退出”按钮,退出程序 20 def exit_sys(): 21 sys.exit() 22 23 24 # 选择识别的文件夹路径 25 def select_s(): 26 # 获取选择文件夹路径 27 foldername = tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory() 28 # 如果选择了文件夹 29 if foldername != '': 30 # 删除en4中的最后一个字符 31 # len_entry = len(en0.get()) 32 # en0.delete(len_entry - 1) 33 # 删除en4中的所有字符 34 en0.delete(0, tkinter.END) 35 # 将选择的文件路径,插入到en4的第0个字符位置 36 en0.insert(0, foldername) 37 38 # 保存识别出来的文本内容为桌面文本文件 39 def save(): 40 # 获取桌面路径 41 path_three = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'Desktop') 42 # 获取当前日期字符串 43 time_now = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime()) 44 # 以写方式打开以当前日期命名的文本文件,同时保存到桌面 45 f = open(f'{path_three}/{time_now}文字识别.txt', 'w') 46 # 读取tex_character文本框中的所有文字, 47 # 将该字符串作为初参数交给文件对象的write方法保存到文件。 48 # 1.0表示第一行,第一列 49 f.write(tex_character.get(1.0, 'end')) 50 f.close() 51 52 # 识别通过微信截屏的图片文字 53 def show_character(): 54 # 调用screen()函数,截屏并保存到专用文件 55 screen() 56 # 调用get_connect()函数,读取截屏图片文字并显示到tex_character文本框中 57 tex_character.insert('end', f'{get_connect()}\n') 58 59 60 61 # 识别指定文件夹下的多个图片中的文字 62 def show_mpcharacter(): 63 # 获取指定文件路径 64 path_one = f'{en0.get()}/' 65 # 获取指定路径下的所有图片列表 66 imgs = [path_one + i for i in os.listdir(path_one)] 67 # 循环调用baidu模块的get_connect_mul()函数识别图片文字, 68 # 同时把文字插入到tex_character文本框中 69 for img in imgs: 70 tex_character.insert('end', f'{get_connect_mul(img)}\n') 71 72 # 截屏图片文字识别,识别单图片文字 73 def screen(): 74 # 等待键盘事件(同时按下'ctrl+alt+a'三个键) 75 # print('等待键盘同时按下alt+a三个键') 76 # keyboard.wait(hotkey='alt+a') 77 # keyboard.wait(hotkey='enter') 78 # 图片保存在剪切板里需要时间 79 time.sleep(2) 80 # 读取剪切板里面的图片到image 81 if ImageGrab.grabclipboard(): 82 image = ImageGrab.grabclipboard() 83 # 保存图片 84 image.save('../../pdf/screen.png') 85 # print(image) 86 87 88 if __name__ == '__main__': 89 fm_main = tk.Tk() 90 fm_main.title("批量识别图片文字V1.0") 91 # 获取显示区域的宽度 92 screenWidth = fm_main.winfo_screenwidth() 93 # 获取显示区域的高度 94 screenHeight = fm_main.winfo_screenheight() 95 # 设置窗口宽度 96 width = 586 97 # 设置窗口高度 98 height = 400 99 left = (screenWidth - width) / 2 100 top = (screenHeight - height) / 2 101 # 宽度x高度+x偏移+y偏移 102 # 在设定宽度和高度的基础上指定窗口相对于屏幕左上角的偏移位置 103 # fm_main.geometry('586x492') 104 fm_main.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (width, height, left, top)) 105 fm_main.resizable(0, 0) # 设置窗口大小不可变 106 107 lb0 = tk.Label(fm_main, text="请选择需要文字识别的图片文件夹:") 108 lb0.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky=tk.W) 109 en0 = tk.Entry(fm_main) 110 en0.grid(row=5, column=1, sticky=tk.N + tk.E + tk.W) 111 112 b0 = tk.Button(fm_main, text='...', command=select_s) 113 b0.grid(row=5, column=2, sticky=tk.N + tk.E + tk.W) 114 115 b1 = tk.Button(fm_main, text='文件夹多图片文字识别', command=show_mpcharacter) 116 b1.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=tk.N + tk.E + tk.W) 117 118 b2 = tk.Button(fm_main, text='截屏图片文字识别', command=show_character) 119 b2.grid(row=6, column=1, sticky=tk.N + tk.E + tk.W) 120 121 b3 = tk.Button(fm_main, text='保存文本', command=save) 122 b3.grid(row=8, column=0, sticky=tk.N + tk.E + tk.W) 123 124 # columnspan=2,表示t1占用0,1二列 125 tex_character = tk.Text(fm_main) 126 tex_character.grid(row=7, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.N + tk.E + tk.W) 127 128 # 创建滚动条 129 scroll = tk.Scrollbar(orient="vertical", command=tex_character.yview) 130 131 # 将滚动条填充 132 tex_character.config(yscrollcommand=scroll.set) 133 scroll.grid(row=7, column=2, sticky=tk.S + tk.W + tk.E + tk.N) 134 135 # 将滚动条与文本框关联 136 scroll['command'] = tex_character.yview 137 # scroll.config(command=t1.yview) 138 # 将滚动条填充 139 tex_character.config(yscrollcommand=scroll.set) 140 141 b3 = tk.Button(fm_main, text='退出', command=exit_sys) 142 b3.grid(row=8, column=1, sticky=tk.N + tk.E + tk.W) 143 144 fm_main.mainloop()
1 import re 2 import time 3 import os 4 5 # 获取桌面路径 6 path_three = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'Desktop') 7 # 获取当前日期字符串 8 time_now = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime()) 9 10 # 打开桌面待处理文本文件。 11 # f = open(f'{path_three}/系统规划与管理师/001、信息系统综合知识.txt', 'r') 12 path_one = f'{path_three}/系统规划与管理师/' 13 # print(os.listdir(path_one)) 14 for i in os.listdir(path_one): 15 f = open(path_one + i, 'r') 16 p = f.readlines() 17 for s in p: 18 s.strip() 19 # 用join()将列表p转换为字符串all_words 20 all_words = ''.join(p) 21 # 获取题目 22 question = re.findall('\d{1,3}、[\s\S]+?(?=解析:)', all_words) 23 # print(question) 24 for s in range(len(question)): 25 question[s] = question[s] + '\n' 26 27 word_one = ''.join(question) 28 # 获取解析 29 # answer = re.findall('解析:[\s\S]+?(?=\d{1,3}、)', all_words) 30 answer = re.findall('解析:[\s\S]+?(?=\d{1,3}、|$)', all_words) 31 # print(answer) 32 # for s in answer: 33 # s.strip() 34 for j in range(1, len(answer) + 1): 35 answer[j - 1] = f'{j}{answer[j - 1]}' 36 word_two = ''.join(answer) 37 print(word_one) 38 # print(word_two) 39 f.close() 40 f1 = open(f'{path_three}/系统规划与管理师(题目及答案)/{i}', 'w') 41 f1.write(word_one) 42 f1.close() 43 # 截取文件名称 44 k=i.split('.') 45 f2 = open(f'{path_three}/系统规划与管理师(题目及答案)/{k[0]}(答案).txt', 'w') 46 f2.write(f'{k[0]}(答案)\n{word_two}') 47 f2.close()
标签:words,python,content,tk,005,整理,path,main,fm 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/lqsj2018/p/16380110.html