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Hi, throwaway because everyone in my lab uses reddit.

I am doing a PhD in machine learning but my field is heavily based in computer vision and also some techniques from natural language processing, so I'm mostly doing deep learning.

I have some conference contributions, but none of them in major conferences. Reviewers are always fairly critical but I have not gotten a rejection yet (though last time was pretty close).

I get why they are critical too. I'm not a top student, our lab is not a top lab, and what I do is mostly repurpose existing methods for different domains. Think taking a ResNet and applying it to medical imaging, or transformers for music classification (not actually my domains).

I feel like compared to many others, I heavily lack in mathematical background even though I try to read up, I often immediately forget concepts that I don't actually apply. I couldn't tell you what the rank of a matrix is, let alone how to use it.

This is partly why I don't really come up with new methods. I'm better at combining existing stuff, but it doesn't feel like research but more like engineering at times.

Because my contributions are fairly underwhelming, I don't think I will be able to achieve a career in academia. So I will likely look for a job in the industry.

But there I would like to be able to show something more than "I applied method X to data Y and got a slightly better result so I published it".

Do you have any tips for (1) growing beyond the niche of your PhD, and (2) making actual contributions that are not purely incremental and applied during your PhD?

Perhaps side projects that I should do if I have some left over energy in the weekend?



他也明白他们为什么这么挑剔,坦言自己不是一个优秀的学生,实验室也不是一个优秀的实验室,所做的主要工作就是重新使用现有的方法为不同的领域,例如使用一个 ResNet 用来做医疗成像,或是基于Transformer的音乐分类。






可以参考学习 https://github.com/shengyp/doing_the_PhD





来源: https://blog.csdn.net/lj2048/article/details/118703677