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ABAP面试问题 - 不使用加减乘除等操作比较两个整数大小

Our team architect has asked us this question which is said to be an interview question from Microsoft long time ago: Please implement one function which accepts two integers as input and generate the following result accordingly: If a > b, return 1, i


ABAP2XLSX     ABAP2XLS是一个操作EXCEL的开源项目,相比较OLE2和DOI方式操作excel更加方便。     ABAP中搜索ZDEMO_EXCEL*搜索Program可以查看SAP提供的示例程序,实现多种Excel。 1.创建excel     Excel类:zcl_excel类,代表一个excel文档;     Worksheet类:zcl_excel_worksh

UI5-技术篇-Implementing Expand Entity/Entity Set

转载:https://blogs.sap.com/2014/07/18/implementing-expand-entityentity-set/   Requirement   Considering a basic scenario where i am using  BAPI_PO_GETDETAIL which has multiple output tables and input is PO number     Now we shall start with SAP Gateway  

How to make the message displayed for only a given times in UI

Created by Wang, Jerry, last modified on Dec 06, 2014 class ZCL_MESSAGE_HANDLER definition public final create private . public section. interfaces IF_BSP_WD_MESSAGE_HANDLER . class-methods GET_INSTANCE returning value(RO_INSTANCE) type ref to ZCL_MESSAG