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Linux-1. 基本命令的基本格式
1 基本命令的基本格式 目录1 基本命令的基本格式1. 命令提示符说明2. 命令的基本格式3. 目录相关的命令3.1 ls 命令3.2 cd 命令3.3 pwd 命令3.4 mkdir 命令3.5 rmdir 命令4. 文件操作相关的命令4.1 touch 命令4.2 stat 命令4.3 cat命令4.4 more 命令4.5 less 命令4.6 head 命令4.7空间四面体体积公式
int T,n,m; int va[N]; db volume(db x1,db y1,db z1,db x2,db y2,db z2,db x3,db y3,db z3,db x4,db y4,db z4); signed main() { IOS; double x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,x4,y4,z4; cin>>x1>>y1>>z1; cin>>x2>>y2>>z2;Counting Triangles
题目描述 Goodeat finds an undirected complete graph with n vertices. Each edge of the graph is painted black or white. He wants you to help him find the number of triangles (a, b, c) (a < b < c), such that the edges between (a, b), (b, c), (c, a) have tCounting Triangles(逆向思维)2021牛客暑期多校训练营3
J. Counting Triangles 题意: (a, b, c) (a < b < c),(a, b), (b, c), (c, a) 三边同时为true or false 计数++ 复盘: a -> b -> c -> a , 形成了一个三角形,首先肯定能想到 n 三次暴力枚举,必然超时,想半天也没什么思路,经队友提醒,首先是无向图(一直拿有向图去写),然后三角形的