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Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Notes
1.1.4 An agent is just something that acts (agent comes from the Latin agere, to do). Actions include: operate autonomously, perceive their environment, persist over a prolonged time period, adapt to change, and create and pursue goals. A rational age图里查找顶点间是否存在路径,c/c++描述
路径的查找问题,以往我们遇到过的,有栈的迷宫问题,树里根节点到叶节点的路径问题,哈夫曼编码。这些路径的查找,是相似的。找到路径则输出到屏幕。没有则不输出。同时,在图里面要防止路径上顶点重复,基于深度优先遍历DFS。 函数DFSFindPath:基于深度优先遍历,查找给定俩顶点间图算法 广度优先和深度优先递归与非递归
测试 package mm import "testing" func TestAdjacencyLists_Adjacent(t *testing.T) { l := NewAdjacencyLists(10) l.InsertEdge(&Vertex{index: 0},&Vertex{index: 1}) l.InsertEdge(&Vertex{index: 0},&Vertex{index: 2}) l.InsertEdgeGraph
function Graph() { // 属性 this.vertexes = [] // 存储顶点 this.adjList = new Dictionay() // 存储边 // 添加方法 Graph.prototype.addVertex = function (v) { this.vertexes.push(v) this.adjList.react 小技巧
1、当从redux里异步获取数据时,在render里渲染dom会出现数据还未获取到的情况,这时可以用 usableSchemas.data.vertexes && usableSchemas.data.vertexes.map((item, index) => { return <Option value={item.id}>{item.schemaNameCn}</Option> 这种方式操作数据寒假训练——搜索 K - Cycle
A tournament is a directed graph without self-loops in which every pair of vertexes is connected by exactly one directed edge. That is, for any two vertexes u and v (u ≠ v) exists either an edge going from u to v, or an edge from v to u. You are given a t