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委托-Lambda 表达式

// 左边传参写法 // 无参写法 () => { print("C"); // 两个参数写法 (a, b) =>{print(a); print(b);} // 一个参数写法 s => { string str = s + "|" + s; print(str); }; 或: (s) => { string str = s + "|" + s; print(str); }; // 右边是表达式写法 //


下载 npx create-nuxt-app <项目名> 选项 Project name: (demo2)//项目名 Programming language: (Use arrow keys)//语言 > JavaScript TypeScript Package manager: (Use arrow keys)//包管理器 > Yarn Npm UI framework: (Use arrow keys)//UI框架 > None Ant Desi

Pytorch torch.nn.functional.softmax: What dimension to use?

torch.nn.functional.softmax https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.functional.softmax.html?highlight=softmax#torch.nn.functional.softmax https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49036993/pytorch-softmax-what-dimension-to-use Pytorch softmax: What d

ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'tables'. Use pip or conda to install tables.

解决to_hdf() 报错ImportError: Missing optional dependency ‘tables‘. Use pip or conda to install tables.   解决方法 conda install pytables 1 或是: pip install tables

mongo 创建库和用户

mongo 默认超级管理员数据库为 admin,创建默认超级管理员须记住超管用户和密码,如忘记超管密码可自行搜索解决方案。 以下为创建数据库和用户方法: 1、登录 mongo 命令:mongo 2、切换到 admin 数据库:use admin 3、使用超管授权登录:db.auth("root", "123456") 4、创建


第一步:手动编译pytorch wenet用的是libtorch1.10.0,这里需要下载pytorch1.10.0进行编译。 git clone -b v1.10.0 https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch.git pip install typing-extensions    如果编译时报错缺少这个包,需要提前安装 export USE_CUDA=False     不编译CUDA

Cannot use non-english characters correctly in your source code, which triggers elusive bugs when ca

This problem can cause the following elusive bugs by AUTOMATIC ENCODING CONVERSION without any warnings or errors: Cannot read or write strings of the type WCHAR , LPCWSTR... correctly; can not declare any non-English wchar_t with the format of L"おか

how to use vanilla js iterate the Symbol Object All In One

how to use vanilla js iterate the Symbol Object All In One bug ❌ Uncaught TypeError: UIComponents is not iterable import * as UIComponents from './index' console.log(`UIComponents =`, UIComponents); // UIComponents = Module {Symbol(Symbol.to

9. SQL--use:选择数据库

1. 前言 如果您的系统中有多个数据库,那么在开始操作之前,您需要先选择一个数据库。 sql use 语句用来选择一个已经存在的数据库。 2. 语法 use 语句的基本语法如下: use databasename; databasename 表示要选择的数据库名称,它必须是存在的。 3. 示例 首先使用 show databases 语句

Leveldb Compile and Use

先clone下来 git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/google/leveldb.git 再Build mkdir -p build && cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && cmake --build . && cd .. && sudo cp build/libleveldb.a /usr/local/lib

[Javascript] Module Pattern

Module pattern provide a way to have both public and private pieces with the export keyword. This protects values from leaking into the global scope or ending up in a naming collision. secretis a private variable inside Math.js which is not accessible ou


function use len() 用来求元组利润表或者字符串等的长度 str() 将数据转化成字符串类型


vue集成elementUI 1.使用npm 安装element ui 模块: 指令:npm/cnpm install element-ui –S 2.安装按需引入的插件: 指令:npm install babel-plugin-component -D 3.设置.babelrc文件 { "presets": [ ["env", { "modules": false, "targets"

IDEA Version Control 窗口 local changes显示

IDEA 2022以前窗口底部是有个Version Control的窗口的(如下图所示),但是现在没有了   可以进入Settings/Preferences/Version Control/Commit将Use non-modal commit interface取消勾选   Local Changes标签页又回来了~

ansible ansible-playbook参数

ansible ansible-playbook参数 1.1 语法详情 Options: --ask-vault-pass #ask for vault password #加密playbook文件时提示输入密码 -C, --check #don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the ch

UML建模——用例图(Use Case Diagram)

UML建模——用例图(Use Case Diagram) 用例图主要用来描述角色以及角色与用例之间的连接关系。说明的是谁要使用系统,以及他们使用该系统可以做些什么。一个用例图包含了多个模型元素,如系统、参与者和用例,并且显示这些元素之间的各种关系,如泛化、关联和依赖。它展示了一个外部用户能

vue3黄色警告信息太多 关闭警告提示

在main.js中加上  app.config.warnHandler = () => null;   const app = createApp(App) for (const [key, component] of Object.entries(ElementPlusIconsVue)) { app.component(key, component) } app.use(store) app.use(router) app.use(ElementPlus) app.config.

MathProblem 34 Drug test problem

10% of the people in a certain population use an illegal drug. A drug test yields the correct result 90% of the time, whether the person uses drugs or not. A random person is forced to take the drug test and the result is positive. What is the probability


本文只发布于:https://www.cnblogs.com/Icys/p/IsAdminProcess.html BOOL IsAdminProcess(UINT PID) { if (PID <= 0) PID = GetCurrentProcessId(); HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, PID); if (hProcess == NULL) {//要么没


1.wget是什么 ​ wget 是一个GNU开发的从网络上自动下载文件的自由工具,支持通过 HTTP、HTTPS、FTP 三个最常见的 TCP/IP协议 下载,并可以使用 HTTP 代理。“wget”这个名称来源于 “World Wide Web” 与 “get” 的结合。 2.国密wget是什么 ​ wget自身不支持国密SSL协议(TLCP)。国

Please remove unnecessary stubbings or use 'lenient' strictness. More info: javadoc for Un

问题是来自使用Mockito进行单元测试出现的问题 一个方法被调用了,再次调用就会显示是不必要了 如果只是想要单纯的隐藏这个问题,可以使用如下方案 @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.slient.class)   问题的描述还可以说的更多点,就是当mock检查到有不必须的存根时(只定义而没有使用),会

batch size 会影响训练的计算效率吗?

We also use a smaller mini-batch size of 256 without any noticeable performance degradation. This is in contrast to CURL and DrQ that both use a larger batch size of 512 to attain more stable training in the expense of computational efficiency.      


In order to use iLocalizable and its services, you should read and abide by the "iLocalizable License Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as (this agreement). A separate agreement for a service, and choose to accept or not. Restrictions, disclai


SLINT Mission Slint is a toolkit to efficiently develop fluid graphical user interfaces for any display: embedded devices and desktop applications. We support multiple programming languages, such as Rust, C++, and JavaScript. OUR DESIGN GOALS ARE: Strai


tensorflow——常见报错 问题一: 描述:UnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0x93 in position 5456: illegal multibyte sequence 图片描述: 解决方法:将open(file) :改成 open(file, ‘r’, encoding=‘utf-8’)  问题二: 描述:WARNING:tensorflow:Layer gru_3 will no