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手把手教你如何从Tushare库下载股票数据,并保存在硬盘当中。第三篇多线程 前言一、Tushare是什么?二、代码1.引入库2.多线程函数比例切割3.多线程的loop逻辑4.我们把函数都拼装起来就完成了 总结 前言 我之前发过一片关于通过爬虫技术从网易金融上获取股票数据的文章,大家


手把手教你如何从Tushare库下载股票数据,并保存在硬盘当中。 前言一、Tushare是什么?二、代码1.引入库2.交易日的逻辑3.先把每天个股的基础数据调出来3.接下来我们来组织一下第二组股票池:4.合并List 总结 前言 我之前发过一片关于通过爬虫技术从网易金融上获取股票数据的

UBS - Algo Trading C++Developer

Algo Trading C++Developer 2022-02-24 Group Functions JobID: 237638BR 上海 Information Technology (IT) Job Information 收起 BR Number: 237638BR Job Type: Full Time Your Role 收起 Are you a passionate technologist and enjoy bringing systems to life? Do you enjo

NFT 的崛起之路| 2021 区块链年报|Footprint Analytics

Footprint Analytics Analyst: lynn@footprint.network Jan. 2022 Data Source: Footprint Analytics - 2021 NFT Annual Report Dashboard  这篇文章是我们年度回顾系列的一部分。 引言:如果说 DeFi 把资本带入了加密领域,那 NFT 就是把人们带入了加密领域。 2021 年被称为

git 解决push报错

今天对代码进行了修改优化,然后往往远程push,但push后报错了 1.git 操作 git add . git commit -m"fix" git push origin master:dev-gaochao 2. 报错信息 To https://amc-msra.visualstudio.com/trading-algo/_git/real-trading ! [rejected] master -> dev-gaochao (fet

Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)

What Is a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA)? A commodity trading advisor (CTA) is an individual or firm that provides individualized advice regarding the buying and selling of futures contracts, options on futures, or certain foreign exchange contracts. Co

trading env & action

10/2021   env: earning: 疫情下的供应链短缺, 影响公司10月底的earning, >>短期的影响, 在明年年初应该会出现好转。           intest rate:美联储 tapering 下,  购债规模降低, 债卷跌, 长期利率涨, 短期波动会持续, 长期利率上涨的趋势不会变         my plan:短期内保

(2) retail investors were overlooked

For decades retail investors were overlooked and underserved. The rich might have dabbled in trading stocks directly, but most workers earned defined-benefit pensions, which kicked any portfolio-management decisions regarding their biggest pot of savings


1、《Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management》 作者:Ludwig B Chincarini/Daehwan Kim 2、《量化投资策略:如何实现超额收益Alpha》 作者:Richard Tortoriello 3、《Inside the Black Box:A Simple Guide to Quantitative and High Frequency》 作者:Rishi K Narang 4、《A

历时6年打造,高频交易巨头Jump Trading推出的加密投资部门要做什么?

https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/410946074 Jump Crypto负责人通过这篇文章告诉读者,他们正在做什么,又要做什么? 原文链接:《Introducing Jump Crypto》原文作者:Kanav Kariya,Jump Crypto原文编译:Perry Wang,链闻Chain News总部位于芝加哥的高频交易公司 Jump Trading 刚刚宣布完成第七支

[Trading] 专业交易员和散户交易员之间的不同

  专业交易员可能用的是公司的钱或者自己的钱 有基本工资支持,散户用的是自己的钱 没有人提供工资来做交易。 目标不同,专业交易员的目的是增长投资账户和获得奖金,散户大部分是为了提取盈利收入而无法增长投资账户 。 风控不同,专业交易员在盈利时持续投入 亏损时减少投入,散户大部分


1.1观察以下数字,括号内应该填什么? 1,1,3,7,17,41,(B ) A.89 B.99 C.109 D.119 解析: 从第三项开始,第一项都等于前一项的2倍加上前前一项.2×1+1=3;2×3+1=7; 2×7+3=17; …;2×41+17=99 1.2观察以下数字,括号内应该填什么? 17,24,33,46,( A),92 A.65 B.67 C.69 D.71 解析: 65 理


with cte1 as ( SELECT trading_day, instrument_id ,sum(volume) as sum_vol FROM public."AP_1minute_bars" group by trading_day,instrument_id ), cte2 as ( select trading_day ,max(sum_vol) as max_vol from cte1 group by trading_day ), cte3


​ 下载地址:https://download.csdn.net/download/qq_31293575/18340399   摘  要 随着互联网技术的不断发展,改变了以往的商品交易模式,人们能够在网上查看商品信息,进行商品交易。但二手车领域的交易与其他商品不同,首先车辆的成交金额较大,交易需谨慎;其次,二手车价格的影响因素很

[Trading] 关于短线交易 Day Trading 的知识

  短线交易员操纵市场,试图利用股票、期货和其他金融产品价值的短期波动。 以下是你需要知道的关于日交易的知识,包括免费的交易图表,交易策略,以及日交易软件和平台。   https://www.thebalance.com/day-trading-4074032 希望对你有用。   Link:https://www.cnblogs.com/farwish/p/

An adaptive portfolio trading system

An adaptive portfolio trading system: A risk-return portfolio optimization using recurrent reinforcement learning with expected maximum drawdown 期刊:Expert Systems With Applications 87 (2017) 267–279 论文链接:An adaptive portfolio trading system: A risk-

clickhouse Join

SELECT mb.`datetime` , mb.trading_day , mb.stock_code , mb.open_price , mb.high_price , mb.low_price , mb.close_price, mb.volume , mb.amount , ga.adjustment, ga.tra

MySQL 8.0 grant all privileges不生效

运行了语句:grant all privileges on stocktrading to 'trading'@'localhost';之后在django中调用命令 python manage.py migrate发现报错:    在mysql中使用show grants for 'trading'@'localhost'命令查看权限发现:    明明已经grant all privileges了,为什么没有创建表的权限

The Top 85 Algorithmic Trading Open Source Projects

https://awesomeopensource.com/projects/algorithmic-trading?categoryPage=12 Zipline ⭐ 13,698 Zipline, a Pythonic Algorithmic Trading Library   Abu ⭐ 7,752 阿布量化交易系统(股票,期权,期货,比特币,机器学习) 基于python的开源量化交易,量化投资架构 Freqtrade 

8 Best Cryptocurrency Trading Bots [Free, Paid, Open-Source] For 2021

https://coinfunda.com/cryptocurrency-trading-bots-bitcoin-autotrading/ Cryptocurrency trading bot (software) automates the process of trading on exchanges. We listed 8 best crypto trading bots for automated trading including Free, Open-source, API, subscr

Exploring Market Making Strategy for High Frequency Trading: An Agent-Based Approach

https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-20591-5_6 Abstract This paper utilizes agent-based simulation to explore market making strategy for high frequency traders (HFTs) and tests its performance under competition environments. After proposing

List of electronic trading protocols

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_electronic_trading_protocols   Communications on electronic trading platforms are based on a list of well-defined protocols. Although FIX protocol has grown significant market share, the exchange specific protocols

Backtesting strategies using tick data

https://www.refinitiv.com/perspectives/future-of-investing-trading/backtesting-strategies-using-tick-data/ Tick data isn’t just relevant for backtesting high frequency trading strategies. It enables more robust and granular backtesting, giving useful insi

CER.LIVE Report: Top 25 Decentralized Exchanges by Cybersecurity Score

https://blog.coinmarketcap.com/2020/11/10/cer-live-report-top-25-decentralized-exchanges-by-cybersecurity-score/ Report Highlights 1. Only 2 crypto exchanges out of 25 gained “high” scores of 8 out of 10 points or higher — Uniswap and Synthetix. 2. 14 D

25 Places To Find Quantitative Trading Strategies

https://decodingmarkets.com/places-quantitative-trading-strategies/ Quantitative trading involves the use of mathematical calculations, data analysis and number crunching to seek out profitable trading opportunities in the financial markets. Price, volume