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xtrabackup: error: xb_load_tablespaces() failed with error code 57
问题描述:在数据库上运行xtrabackup备份脚本出现的一些报错 DB_version:mysql8.0.26 Xtrabackup:percona-xtrabackup-8.0.27-19-Linux-x86_64.glibc2.12.tar.gz [root@orch2 scripts]# $xtrDir --defaults-file=$mysql_cnf --user=$mysql_user --password=$mysql_password --sockeoracle 表空间Tablespaces
一、表空间 1、oracle创建的一个数据库fp可以包含多个表空间,一个表空间里可以有多张表,每个表空间对应多个数据文件。 结合着上面的pl/sql工具远程访问的fp数据库看到的即 oracle---->数据库fp--->实例fp2(sid)--->sh表空间---->a1表ORA-01144: File size (4224000 blocks) exceeds maximum of 4194303
原文地址:http://blog.itpub.net/31397003/viewspace-2152896/ SummaryOracle has limitation boundaries related with the db_block_size.Depending the db_block_size you can create datafiles up to one specific size. For example: db_block_size | Datafile upper limiOracle OCP 19c 认证1Z0-083考试题库(第4题)
Oracle OCP 19c 认证1Z0-083考试题库(第4题)-CUUG整理 4、For which two requirements can you use the USER_TABLESPACE clause with the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE command? (Choose two.) A. to specify a default tablespace in a PDB cloned from another PDB in the same CDB.ERROR 1238 (HY000): Variable 'innodb_undo_tablespaces' is a read only variable
mysql在5.6版本之后,就可以将undo表空间从系统表空间分离出来。如果在初始化mysql的时候,/etc/my.cnf文件中,并没有指定innodb_undo_tablespaces的数量,那么默认情况undo就是存放在系统表空间中。初始化成功之后,尝试修改innodb_undo_tablespaces参数,数据库就会报错 root@localhost [(MySQL Data Directory -- Creating file-per-table tablespaces outside the data directory
Creating file-per-table tablespaces outside the data directory 一、 Data Directory 1、应对情况 当数据库所在空间不足的时候,通过新增一块磁盘,如何将新建的表放到新建磁盘,就可以用到MySQL的Data Directory 2、使用Data Directory条件 1)InnoDB引擎 2)开启innodb_file_per_table14.7 InnoDB Tablespaces
14.7.1 Resizing the InnoDB System Tablespace14.7.2 Changing the Number or Size of InnoDB Redo Log Files14.7.3 Using Raw Disk Partitions for the System Tablespace14.7.4 InnoDB File-Per-Table Tablespaces14.7.5 Creating File-Per-Table Tablespaces Outside the14.4.11 Undo Tablespace
An undo tablespace comprises one or more files that contain undo logs. The number of undo tablespaces used by InnoDB is defined by the innodb_undo_tablespaces configuration option. For more information, see Section 14.7.7, “Configuring Undo Tablespaces”.撤