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论文阅读笔记-----Efficient Tool-Path Planning for Machining Free-Form Surfaces
背景 Title Efficient Tool-Path Planning for Machining Free-Form Surfaces Authors Rong-Shine Lin, Y. Koren Webpage https://doi.org/10.1115/1.2803642 Problem and goal Free-form surfaces are widely usedFFmpeg+dxva2 H265硬解码 下方出现绿条或被下方拉长
H265的编码格式,显示下面有一块绿色,并且绿色上面一点有被拉长的现象。 主要原因是缓冲分辨率比视频分辨率多出一点宏块,传入高时减去多出来的宏块数量,或者直接传入视频分辨率即可。 在ffmpeg_dxva2.cpp下 找到dxva2_create_decoder(AVCodecContext *s)中的 /* the HEVC DXV(EST 2019 Forecast)Performance of Prediction Algorithms for Modeling Outdoor Air Pollution Spatial S
可参考的表达方式: However, in the past decade linear (stepwise) regression methods have been criticized for their lack of flexibility, their ignorance of potential interaction between predictors, and their limited ability to incorporate highly correlated preIndoor Signal Focusing with Deep Learning Designed Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Indoor Signal Focusing with Deep Learning Designed Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Chongwen Huang1 , George C. Alexandropoulos2 , Chau Yuen1 , and Merouane Debbah ´ 3,4 1Singapore University of Technology and Design, 487372 Singapore Phrases compriopenmvs
稠密重建 1. 加载图像 从Scene类中将image加载到DenseDepthMatData类中。 2. 选择用于稠密重建的图像,该图像是否存在有效的邻居视图,用来计算深度信息。 ("Multi-View Stereo for Community Photo Collections", Goesele, 2007) 对应于论文5.1 部分 代码Scene.cpp 4