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APP - Appium-Inspector连接报错Failed to create session. The requested resource could not be found

appium版本:Appium-Server-GUI-windows-1.22.3-4 Appium-Inspector版本:Appium-Inspector-windows-2022.5.4   填写好参数连接时报错:   错误信息: 错误 Failed to create session. The requested resource could not be found, or a request was received using an HTTP metho

Vue3+Vite+Vant报错Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/node_modules/.vite/vue.js?v=xxxx&#

原因 在开发过程中Vue3的依赖版本有变更,直接使用的npm install下载新的版本,会导致node_modules下存在旧版本的缓存,从而影响了本地项目的启动编译。 解决方案 删除项目的 node_modules 文件夹,如果根目录存在 package-lock.json ,最好也一并删除。 修改 package.json ,如下

Failed to list *v1.CronJob: the server could not find the requested resource

基础环境 kubectl version Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"20", GitVersion:"v1.20.7", GitCommit:"132a687512d7fb058d0f5890f07d4121b3f0a2e2", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-05-12T12:40:0

git clone 报错remote:Access denied The requested URL returned error:403

git clone project_URL命令向远程仓库克隆项目时遇到报错403      error 403是服务器拒绝了终端的访问,是账户密码的问题,可是在客户端没有弹出需要输入账户密码的弹窗。是因为git客户端缓存了错误的密码。  https协议方式每次都要输入密码,git 客户端可以设置缓存密码,这样可以


3.1   使用and检查多个条件、使用or检查多个条件 3.2   检查特定值是否包含在列表中。可使用关键词in判断特定的值是否已包含在列表中。 >>>bikes=[‘bike1’, ‘bike2’, ‘bike3‘, ’bike4‘, ’bike5’, ’bike6’] >>>‘bike2’ in bikes True 检查特定值是否不包含在列

首页可以进去,其他页面一点击跳转出现The requested URL * was not found on this server.;

检测你的apache开启了rewrite_module模块,   如果开启了Apache的rewrite_module模块: 在项目目录添加.htaccess文件。   如果没有开启了Apache的rewrite_module模块: 找到apache的httpd.conf文件 LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so 就是将前面"#"去掉,如果不存在则

【Mac】Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEKit.ExtensionPointIdentifie

1、报错 2022-06-29 17:48:29.821 xcodebuild[1217:12822] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.IDEKit.ExtensionPointIdentifierToBundleIdentifier for extension Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.AppExtensionToBundleIdentifierMap.watchOS of plu

nodejs连接mysql数据库,报错Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server的解决方法

最近想要尝试nodejs连接本地数据库,往全栈方向做一个小小的尝试,于是下载了一个 MySQL8.0,发现Navicat连接不上,结果就下载了mysql自身的Workbench,继续使用。然而,难受的是,在我连接下载安装好nodejs、express等一系列东西之后 // 数据库连接配置 module.exports = { mysql: {

swiper报错The requested module 'react' is expected to be of type CommonJS, which does not su

低版本node与swiper版本导致的错误 最近在nextjs项目中使用swiper,版本信息如下: node版本12.9.1 "next": "11.1.0", "swiper": "7.4.1", 项目打包后报错: (node:159) ExperimentalWarning: The ESM module loader is experimental. > Build error occurred file:/

navicat连接mysql,Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server;consider upgradin

一、问题产生在centOS 通过docker pull mysql下载mysql镜像并成功启动mysql容器。 当通过windows主机navicat连接虚拟的mysql时报如下错误。Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client     二、原因查找通过查看网

ThinkPHP The requested URL /admin/index/login.html was not found on this server.

1.创建网站到入口文件目录public下  使用工具phpstudy(工具不限)   2.ThinkPHP报错 The requested URL /admin/index/login.html was not found on this server.  在入口文件夹public下查看.htaccess是否存在。不存在则新建,存在的话,那内容替换为下面这串代码 就可以解决Not F

xcode-select: note: install requested for command line developer tools报错

安装brew软件管理工具的时候遇见了怎么一个错误:xcode-select: note: install requested for command line developer tools 手动下载commandLineTools 点击这里下载https://developer.apple.com/download/all/     进入下载页,搜索Command Line Tools,查看系统版本,找到跟系统版

TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descripto

简介 Oracle安装完成后,plsqldev连接报错; 检查 listener和tnsnames文件是否修改其监听IP端口号(服务器内网IP),检查完毕后,并无发现问题; 修改 修改listener文件 修改前 SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME = CLRExtProc) (ORACLE_HOME = C

HT-IDE3000显示This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way

打开HT-IDE3000时先弹出无法加载窗口,再弹出显示This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way的窗口。 解决方法:将HT-IDE3000路径下的所有中文文件改成英文的     如果错误只有后者,可能是兼容性等问题,复制“This application has …

flask The method is not allowed for the requested URL

python requests.post 返回报错信息:  解决办法: 加上methods    

Qt自作聪明对QMutex初始化导致出现问题this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way

我在Linux下编写好的程序编译运行都没有问题,但是关掉程序后会在Application Output里提示The program has unexpectedly finished.以为是一些内存没有释放的小问题,没有管它。当把程序放到windows下后编译没有问题,但是运行起来就提示this application has requested the runtime

解决报错Text note: Client requested name “.SFNS-Regular“, it will get Times-Roman rather than the intend

使用idea运行javafx项目时常常报错: CoreText note: Client requested name ".SFNS-Regular", it will get Times-Roman rather than the intended font. All system UI font access should be through proper APIs such as CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage() or +[NSFont syst

go 连接 mysql: could not use requested auth plugin ‘mysql_native_password‘

文章目录 go 连接 mysql 问题 go 连接 mysql 问题 参考官方文档 https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/database-access var db *sql.DB func main() { // Capture connection properties. cfg := mysql.Config{ User: os.Getenv("DBUSER"), Passwd:

idea提交代码到gitee报错:The requested URL returned error: 403

问题: 今天,使用idea提交git代码到gitee,突然老是报403,以前配置好了SSH私钥与公钥,突然就不管用了,在网上试了好多办法。 有说在idea的gitee插件里重新登陆gitee的。 有说在windows系统中用户账户的windows的凭据中重新输入gitee密码的。 有说在git控制台配置全局登录用户名的。 都!没!

jenkins下载插件,提示:unable to find valid certification path to requested target,解决办法

1.设置升级站点 地址:http://mirror.esuni.jp/jenkins/updates/update-center.json 2.下载 插件Skip Certificate Check的安装文件,地址如下 https://plugins.jenkins.io/skip-certificate-check/#releases 3.jenkins,高级中上传此插件即可解决 

CentOS6在使用yum install 时提示镜像源路径不存在:PYCURL ERROR 22 - “The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ mv CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Base.repo.backup wget http://mirrors.163.com/.help/CentOS6-Base-163.repo yum clean all yum repolist [root@nginx_test yum.repos.d]# yum -y install net-tools Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Setting up Install

1251 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL

1、报错信息 2、不懂英文的可以用百度翻译、有道翻译、QQ在线翻译(快捷键Ctrl+Alt+O)等工具帮助翻译  3、原因 你现在用的MySQL客户端太旧,连不上远程数据库 4、解决办法 下载最新的客户端 5、最新的Navicat的安装教程和资源 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1JK411V7bQ

mvn build报错:unable to find valid certification path to requested target

由于公司运维调整了网络安全策略,导致使用maven编译的时候报 Could not transfer artifact xxx from/to xxx sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid cer

The requested contract was not found

使用openzeppelin 部署可以升级的合约时,遇到了 The requested contract was not found. Make sure the source code is available for compilation 官网的常见问题给给出了答案 Frequently Asked Questions - OpenZeppelin Docshttps://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/

onvif error:The action requested requires authorization and the sender is not authorized

onvif获取配置信息时报错: 报错代码: self.media_profile = self.media.GetProfiles()[0] # 获取配置信息 报错信息: onvif.exceptions.ONVIFError: Unknown error: The action requested requires authorization and the sender is not authorized 这已经是第二次遇见了,所以