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chap8-fluent python

浅拷贝 VS 深拷贝 # In[] # list 生成一个新的引用对象,只是用alst完成初始化 alst = [1,2,3,4,5] blst=list(alst) alst.append(6) print(blst) # In[] alst = [1,2,3,4,5] blst=alst # 浅拷贝,两者同时变化 alst.append(6) print(blst) # In[] from copy import copy alst =


目录浅复制(拷贝)深拷贝不要使用可变参数做默认值 浅复制(拷贝) 浅复制:如果容器中有可变对象如,列表,字典等,那么副本中存在的是源容器可变对象的引用 复制列表的两种方式: >>> L1 = [1,2,3,4] >>> L2 = list(L1) # 方式一 >>> L3 = L1[:] # 方式二 >>> L1 == L2 == L3


进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报七年级第18期答案及试题   Since early February, 218 people have been removed and taken to hospitals after testing positive for the novel coronavirus. Many remain quarantined on the ship, which originally set sail on Jan. 20th with

Using over() In SQL

1. Introduction In this article we will discuss over() function in SQL. over() is used in conjunction with other functions and mostly it means scatter the previous function's result over the original table rows.   2. The Data We will use classical da


3 Text 1 How can the train operators possibly justify yet another increase to rail passenger fares? It has become a grimly reliable annual ritual: every January the cost of travelling by train rises, imposing a significant extra burden on those who have n

Facebook时序工具库 Kats 中文教程(个人首发)

Facebook时序工具库 Kats 中文教程 1. Kats是什么?2. 我将如何使用Kats2.1 在Python中安装Kats2.2 实例2.2.1 预测2.2.2 推理预测2.3 TSFeatures 3. 中文教程4. 更新进度 1. Kats是什么? Kats是Facebook在June 18th刚刚发布的一个专门为了时间序列服务的工具库。它作为一

CSCI 1110:

CSCI 1110: Assignment 4Due: 8:00 am, Tuesday, November 24, 2020The purpose of this assignment is to reinforce your understanding of linear datastructures such as lists and queues. For this problem you will be provided with sampletests in Mimir. All input



对象引用 可变性 垃圾回收

1 #变量标注 别名 相等性 2 #变量是对象的标识,相当于对象的标签,而不是将对象装入变量的盒子,一个对象可以有多个标签。 3 list1 = [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]] 4 print(id(list1[1]), id(2)) 5 #2、两个变量名相互赋值不会产生新对象,只是将赋值变量名对应的对象上多添加了一个别名,

《流畅的Python》Object References, Mutability, and Recycling--第8章

Object References, Mutability, and Recycling   本章章节: Variables Are Not Boxes identity , Equality ,  Aliases Copies are shallow by default Function Parameters as references del and Garbage Collection Weak References Tricks Python Plays with Immutable Va