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HDU1712 ACboy needs your help(分组背包)
每种课程学习不同天数可以获得不同价值,这可以看成一个组,那么题目就是分组背包的模板题了。 1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 #define maxn 105 5 using namespace std; 6 int a[maxn][maxn],dp[maxn]; 7 int n,m; 8 9 int main(){ 10英语作文 自己写的 很垃圾
Dear headmaster: As the old sings goes: Sharp tools make good works. To improve our students’ Physical function and fitness, our school must equipment with perfect sports facilities. When l wandered in the school yesterday,I find that there are lots of spselenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to
跟着视频学习python爬取网页信息,结果出现如下问题: 在网页上搜索各种资料,最终解决该问题,所以记录一下: 1.查看自己浏览器的版本号,点击“三个点--帮助--关于Google Chrome"就可以看到当前浏览器的版本; 2. 看到自己浏览器的版本号后,下载相对应版本的谷歌浏览器驱动(地址:https://[@vue/compiler-sfc] `defineProps` is a compiler macro and no longer needs to be imported.
Vue3项目遇到编译警告 或 错误翻译 英文:[@vue/compiler-sfc] 翻译:Vue 单文件组件 (SFC) 编译警告。 原文:defineProps is a compiler macro and no longer needs to be imported. 翻译:defineProps 只是编译器宏,不再需要导入。 原文:defineEmits is a compiler macro and no longeORA-00821: Specified value of sga_target 3072M is too small, needs to be at least 12896M
在测试PlateSpine克隆的数据库服务器时,由于资源有限,克隆过来的数据库服务器只给了9G的内存,结果在测试时,老是会出现OOMkiller导致宕机,即out of memory killer,是linux下面当内存耗尽时的的一种处理机制。当内存较少时,OOM会遍历整个进程链表,然后根据进程的内存使用情况763. 划分字母区间(滑动窗口,贪心)
分析:运用滑动窗口的思想,开needs哈希表和窗口哈希表,由于要划分尽可能多的片段,那么只要当前窗口中全部元素都满足了needs的数量(同一字母只在一个片段中),就立即断开,保证尽可能多的数量 class Solution { public: vector<int> partitionLabels(string s) { unorderedPrepared statement needs to be re-prepared问题
执行存储过程时Java代码报错:java.sql.SQLException: Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared;单独调用存储过程也是报错:Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared,代码和存储过程没问题;这是数据库设置问题 查看这以下配置: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%table_open_cache%';SHOW VA软件提示“setup has detected that your computer needs to be rebooted before continuing”相关信息解决方法
网络上的解决方法可用,但有一个小trick出现在PendingFileRenameOperations 这一个注册表选项在左侧树形结构中不出现,参考网络上的方法:点击 Session Manager,在右侧列出的条目中找到该选项删除即可。 参考链接: https://blog.csdn.net/dingbaobao_250/article/details/5657194【中等638】 大礼包
【中等638】 大礼包 (2021.10.24) 1. 问题描述 在 LeetCode 商店中, 有 n 件在售的物品。每件物品都有对应的价格。然而,也有一些大礼包,每个大礼包以优惠的价格捆绑销售一组物品。 给你一个整数数组 price 表示物品价格,其中 price[i] 是第 i 件物品的价格。另有一个整数数组 neleetcode638大礼包
在 LeetCode 商店中, 有 n 件在售的物品。每件物品都有对应的价格。然而,也有一些大礼包,每个大礼包以优惠的价格捆绑销售一组物品。 给你一个整数数组 price 表示物品价格,其中 price[i] 是第 i 件物品的价格。另有一个整数数组 needs 表示购物清单,其中 needs[i] 是需要购买第 i 件物WebDriverException: Message: 'MicrosoftWebDriver.exe' executable needs to be in PATH.
使用python运行selenium,加载EDGE浏览器时报错:'MicrosoftWebDriver.exe' executable needs to be in PATH. 但是驱动路径已经加入到Path当中,浏览器对应版本正确。 解决方案:将EDGE浏览器的驱动程序名 msedgedriver 改为 MicrosoftWebDriver。ORA-01113: file 13 needs media recovery
摘要 运行cnvnator检测CNV变异,一般用法网上有,这里说几点特殊的。 注意 # generate histogram needs per chromosome per file cnvnator -root file.root -his 50 -d scaffold/ # bin size evaluation cnvnator -root file.root -his 30 -d scaffold/ cnvnator -root file.root -stACboy needs your help again!(栈和队列)HDU - 1702
题目:ACboy needs your help again! 中文大意 ACboy was kidnapped!! he miss his mother very much and is very scare now.You can’t image how dark the room he was put into is, so poor : (. As a smart ACMer, you want to get ACboy out of the monster’s labyLeetcode 638 大礼包 DP
JAVA DP: public final int shoppingOffers(List<Integer> price, List<List<Integer>> special, List<Integer> needs) { Map<String, Integer> cache = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); return search(price, spORA-01195: online backup of file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent
ORA-01195: online backup of file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent 问题背景: 客户测试环境启动报错,协助排查处理 1> 启动日志 1 SQL> startup; 2 ORACLE instance started. 3 4 Total System Global Area 1603411968 bytes 5 Fixed Size 2213776 bytesApp权限—normal and dangerous permissions
Determine What Permissions Your App Needs Normal Permissions Every Android app runs in a limited-access sandbox. If an app needs to use resources or information outside of its own sandbox, the app has to request the appropriate permission. You decl‘chromedriver‘ executable needs to be in PATH - 对应解决办法(win10)
Win10,Jupyter notebook 1,默认浏览器设置为谷歌 2,下载chromedriver.exe 下载地址→https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/chromedriver/ 版本选择对应参考→chrome://version/ 3,exe文件放在chrome与Anaconda根目录 C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application(常规是这个) D:\Softwar每日随机一题 leetcode638. 大礼包
题: 思:深搜暴力解法 码: public static int shoppingOffers(List<Integer> price, List<List<Integer>> special, List<Integer> needs) { // 深搜 要使得needs的所有元素恰好变为0时,所需的最小的价格和 // 对于needs的每一项,只要不为0,就有以下几种选择:ACboy needs your help again! 航电1702 map
Shopping *Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 8470 Accepted Submission(s): 3020 * Problem Description Every girl likes shopping,so does dandelion.Now she finds the shop is increasing the2021/1/10
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eK4y157Na 16分41秒——18分46秒 很多时候自己会去看一些游戏直播,但是其实那样的快乐也只是短暂的快乐,终究无法触及到心灵的深处。不知为何,突然又想点开b站,突然看到了一个视频,突然觉得结尾的话突然戳到了心里去,反反复复看了几遍。外教课004_3_complexity_analysis
Complexity analysis Complexity analysis analyses an algorithm establish its correctnessdetermining the amount of resources it needs in this lecture focus on time complexity space complexity - Amount of memory the algorithm needstime complexity - Amount oIoT platforms that deserves to be noticed
IoT platforms that deserves to be noticed When you are developing an IoT project, you often need to connect, communicate, and collect real-time data from sensors, cameras, and actuators to other devices. Then this bridge becomes especially important. It nleetcode刷题笔记七十六题 最小覆盖子串
leetcode刷题笔记七十六题 最小覆盖子串 源地址:76. 最小覆盖子串 问题描述: 给你一个字符串 S、一个字符串 T,请在字符串 S 里面找出:包含 T 所有字符的最小子串。 示例: 输入: S = "ADOBECODEBANC", T = "ABC" 输出: "BANC" 说明: 如果 S 中不存这样的子串,则返回空字符串 ""。 如果 S计算机英语讲课笔记(2020-6-13)
Each time when we do the sign-in work, we will convert a string of numbers into a gesture/graph. Now we think it’s a piece of cake after we have practiced it over and over again. Practice makes perfect, right? Let‘s take a look at the first Java progr