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1080 MOOC期终成绩——25分

对于在中国大学MOOC学习“数据结构”课程的学生,想要获得一张合格证书,必须首先获得不少于200分的在线编程作业分,然后总评获得不少于60分(满分100)。总评成绩的计算公式为 G = (G期中x 40% + G期末x 60%),如果 G期中 > G期末;否则总评 G 就是 G期末。这里 G期中 和 G期末 分别为学生的期


HTML+CSS+JS制作一个黑灰色简约时钟 1. 效果图: 2. 特点:这次借鉴了网络上的代码,利用JS动态创建元素,减少html语句的数量,也便于与vue、react等语言进行结合。 3. 代码实现: <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <titl


本节介绍 python 和 golang 中的 条件语句。 这里我们编写一个实例程序,需求如下: 用户录入考生成绩,程序首先判断录入情况是否正常,如果录入正常,则根据成绩的分布情况,输出成绩的等级 "优秀" ”良好“ ”中等“ ”较差“ ,并打印成绩的实际值。 python import sys msg = input("请输

Source Insight 配色临时笔记

Default Text 0,0,0Window Background 235,231,216Selection Bar 204,193,179Printed Default Text 0,0,0Printed Window Background 255,255,255Change Marks 255,255,0Saved Change Marks 189,221,186Current Line Indicator 230,230,230End of File 192,192,192Applica

opencv(python) 图像分割

图像分割 基于阈值 优点:灰度阈值化,简单,快速,广泛用于硬件处理图像,如:FPGA实时图像处理 场景:各个物体不接触,物体和背景灰度值差别较明显,阈值处理效果好 基于边缘 返回结果:边缘检测的结果是点,不能作为图像分割的点,需要进一步处理,将边缘点沿着图形边界连接,形成边缘链。 检测算子

School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne COMP90073 Security Analytics

School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne COMP90073 Security Analytics, Semester 2 2021 Project 2: Machine learning based cyberattack detection Release: Tue 31 Aug 2021 Due: 1pm, Tue 12 Oct 2021 Marks: The Project will contri

COMPSCI 351 Model Solutions

StudentName: COMPSCI 351TEST 1 - Model SolutionsSECOND SEMESTER 2020/2021COMPUTER SCIENCEFundamentals of Database SystemsTime Allowed: FORTY FIVE (45) minutesNOTE:– The test is closed book.– No calculators are permitted.– Attempt ALL questions in this tes


****大 学 课 程 考 核 试 卷    xxxx— xxxx学年第x学期   xxxx 级  xxxx 专业(类)    考核科目  大学英语二 课程类别 必修  考核类型 考试 考核方式 闭卷 卷别 A    Part I  Listening Comprehension (30 marks, 1 mark) Section A Directions: In this


Full-Time DiplomaBUSINESS FINANCE (FIN2101)CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT 1TERM OF JANUARY 2021 – MARCH 2021Individual Assignment (30%)Total marks: 50 marksInstructions:1. Type out your assignment in Word document and submit it through the D2L by thedeadline.2. In

python 之选择结构(if --elif --else)

python中有三种结构:顺序结构、选择结构、循环结构,此处介绍选择结构。 if -- else 结构: if 判断条件:   执行语句 else:   执行语句 当if后面的判断条件为真(True)时,执行冒号后面的语句,否则执行else后面的语句,注意语句缩进。 if 判断表达式可用 <=, >=,  !=,  ==, > , <  #


辅导案例-MATH10069 The University of Edinburgh College of Science and Engineering School of Mathematics Mathematics 3 Honours MATH10069 Honours Algebra Wednesday 8th May 2019 2.30pm – 5.30pm Chairman of Examiners – Professor A Olde Daalhuis External Ex

ENG5322: Civil Engineering Skills

ENG5322: Civil Engineering Skills MComputer programming class test10th November 2020Instructions:● You are given 90mins to complete all questions.● The test comprises of 3 questions each with 20 marks available for each (60 total).● When finished, you mus

STATS 380 Statistical Computing

THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLANDSEMESTER 2, 2018Campus: CitySTATISTICSStatistical Computing(Time allowed: THREE Hours)INSTRUCTIONS• Attempt ALL questions.• Total marks are 100.• Calculators are permitted.• R Quick Reference is available in Attachment.Page 1 of

English note2 标点符号

。句号 : period , 逗号 : comma : 冒号 : colon ; 分号 : semicolon ! 感叹号 : exclamation mark ? 问号 : question mark \ - 连字符 : hyphen —— 破折号 : dash "" “” 双引号 : quotation marks '' ‘’ 单引号 : single quotation marks () 圆括号 : round brackets []【

VIM - 标记基础

概述 vim 标签 背景 编辑文档时, 有时候需要在几个 点 来回跳转 单纯的 移动, 需要费神去找 精确的 搜索, 又要输入太多的字符 ctrl + o 和 ctrl + i, 我又用不好, 这种跳转, 类似于链表 我需要一个 相对方便 的跳转办法 听说 标记 挺好用的, 我想试试 环境 OS


    Python中有很多内置函数,内置函数会使代码变得更加精简且高效。这篇博文主要介绍filter函数。 filter() 函数,filter英文含义为过滤,在Python中用于过滤序列,过滤掉不符合条件的元素,返回由符合条件元素组成的新列表。 该函数有两个参数,一个为函数,一个为序列,序列的每个元素作

GGR376 Regression

GGR376Assignment 2: Regression44 MarksRegression: Modelling the relationship between a response (or dependent variable) and one ormore explanatory variables (or independent variables). linear regression is a linear approach tomodelling the relationship.Be

CO7216 Semantic Web

CO7216 Semantic WebCoursework 2SPARQL and OWL(Individual work)Important Dates:Handed out: 20-Feb-2020Deadline: 10-March-2020 at 17:00 GMTPlease ensure that you submit your work on time.• This coursework counts as 10% of your final module mark (25% of cour


Vue总结 1、指令: v-bind, v-if="seen", v-for="todo in todos", v-on 指令添加一个事件监听器, <button v-on:click="reverseMessage">逆转消息</button> v-if: 1、v-if 是“真实”的条件渲染,因为它会确保条件块(conditional block)在切换的过程中, 完整地销毁(destroy)和重新创

IY2840 Threat Detection and Core

IY2840 – Coursework 1: Threat Detection and CoreConcepts in Computer SecurityDeadline: 27th Feb 2020. Each sub-question is worth 10 marks (out of 100). This is anblind submission, and submissions are to be made in PDF format on Moodle. This courseworkcoun


目录一、总结二、C代码三、Python代码 一、总结 没写代码久了,重新看了一遍python的列表和字典 关于C的链表: 链表的节点可以用列表和字典嵌套来实现 关于排序: sorted()是python自带的函数, 用sorted()来排序是一个比较简便的方法 可参考:《python中的lambda函数与sorted函数》

EENGM2100 Systems and Signal Processing

MSc in Communications Systems and Signal Processing(2019-2020)Communication Systems M (EENGM2100) - Information theory courseworkInstructor: Robert Piechocki, TA: Ioannis Papoutsidakis1. A ternary memoryless channel is discribed by the following probabili

Introduction to Computer Security – G6077

Introduction to Computer Security – G6077 Weighting: 50% of marks for the module Released: Submission deadline: Thursday 12th of December by 16:00 as an e-submission to Canvas You must work on this assignment on your own. The standard Informatics rules

COMP518 Assignment 3

COMP518 Assignment 3 (of 3)The submission of your solutions should be in PDF or DOC format. The MySQL commands in questions 1 and 2 should be submitted separately in a plain text format (.TXT) file. You may include your MySQL code also in the pdf file, f

159.251 - Software Design and Construction

Massey University159.251 - Software Design and ConstructionAssignment 2 (Individual) 2019 (19%)DeadlinesYou must submit your final work using the stream submission system no later than Friday15 Nov. 2019 before 23:59. Please note that without an extension