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sas help: Notes For RTF output, the ~, *, or # can also be used. The \ is a special RTF character. Therefore, it is recommended that you use an escape character other than \ for RTF output. ESCAPECHAR就是做一些 inline formating,简单说就是SAS操作RTF,改变字

think php 框架下拉分页

//以对象的形式获取数据库$data变量的信息,将lastPage()传输至页面 $lastpage = $data->lastPage(); $this->assign('lastpage', $lastpage); <select name="page" id="page" > <option value="1">请选择您要搜索的分


using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class ScalePageScrollView : PageScrollView { #region 字段 // 所有页的object protected GameObject[] items; public float currentScale = 1f; public flo