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MathProblem 79 Three humans, three monkeys, and a boat problem

One one side of a river are three humans, one big monkey, two small monkeys, and one boat. Each of the humans and the big monkey are strong enough to row the boat. The boat can fit one or two bodies (regardless of size). If at any time at either side of t


881. Boats to Save People Medium You are given an array people where people[i] is the weight of the ith person, and an infinite number of boats where each boat can carry a maximum weight of limit. Each boat carries at most two people at the sa


利用python遍历文件夹里每个txt文件 需求:有一个文件夹,里面有很多txt文件,现在需要查看每个txt文件是否有关键词"boat",如果有,则计数加一,注意每个txt文件里面可能有多个"boat",但只计数一个。最后输出有几个txt文件里面有关键词"boat" import os def read_path(file_pathname):


对象能不能直接访问私有成员?分两种情况,如果是在类(包括友元类)内定义的对象,可以,在类外,不行。 举个简单的例子 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Boat; class Car; class Boat{ private: int weight; public: Boat(int a){ weight = a; } int getwei


效果图: 没找到合适的背景就自己画了个,大家如果有更好看的可以换一下。。。   步骤 1 创建Axes及图片导入 窗口创建: Mainfig=figure('units','pixels','position',[50 100 760 400],... 'Numbertitle','off','menubar','none�


效果图: 没找到合适的背景就自己画了个,大家如果有更好看的可以换一下。。。 步骤 1 创建Axes及图片导入 窗口创建: Mainfig=figure('units','pixels','position',[50 100 760 400],... 'Numbertitle','off','menubar','none'




进入查看:2021-2022学年学英语报九年级第8期答案及试题   The day was hot. The stockade was even hotter. Everyone was sleepy. I moved slowly and quietly through the forest to the shore. I looked toward the Hispaniola. Silver and one of the crew were leaving the s

0881. Boats to Save People (M)

Boats to Save People (M) 题目 The i-th person has weight people[i], and each boat can carry a maximum weight of limit. Each boat carries at most 2 people at the same time, provided the sum of the weight of those people is at most limit. Return the minimum n


leafletjs是啥: 画地图的:https://leafletjs.com/ 如何旋转marker (icon): 引入github项目:https://github.com/bbecquet/Leaflet.RotatedMarker 如何使用: var boat_marker = L.marker([set_lat, set_long], { pid: guid(), // rotationAngle: 45, icon: boatIcon, draggable:




题目 \(N\)个位置,每个位置要么不选,要么选\([ a_i, b_i ]\)中的一个数; 问最后的单调上升序列(mod 1e9+7)有多少种; \(1 \le N \le 500\) 题解 orz abclzr 直接\(dp\)最后一位是什么数字的话只能得到31分 将数字离散化分段,第\(i\)段为\([l_i,r_i)\),设\(f_{i,j}\)表示第i个位置选的数