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进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报七年级第18期答案及试题 Since early February, 218 people have been removed and taken to hospitals after testing positive for the novel coronavirus. Many remain quarantined on the ship, which originally set sail on Jan. 20th with牛客多校第十场 1003 (hdu6693) Valentine's Day 贪心/概率
题意: 有许多物品,每个物品有一定概率让女朋友开心。你想让女朋友开心且只开心一次,让你挑一些物品,使得这个只开心一次的概率最大,求最大概率。 题解: 设物品i让女朋友开心的概率为$p_i$ 若你挑选了1-k共k个物品,则可记女朋友一次都开心不了的概率$w_0=\prod _{i=1}^k (1-p_i)$ 女朋友恰hdu6693 Valentine's Day
题目好难懂orz自闭 题意: 某人要给他女朋友买礼物,他想求他买的这些礼物让他女朋友只笑一次的概率最大是多少 但是他也没给你他要买哪些,, 题解: 贪心从最大的开始买,假设选了前k件最大的,那么答案就是 想办法优化这个 一般我们的操作就是前缀和和前缀积 化简、 设前缀积 上面式L253 Valentine's Day
Are you ready for Valentine's Day, my fellow stargazers? Not sure if you know this, but the astrology weather will be extra charming this year, so it should be a groovy time. However, I'm going to share the advice you should follow for Valentine