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增加字段 PUT 环境.merchant_2/_mapping/_doc?include_type_name=true { "properties": { "REBATE_STATUS":{ "type":"text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "SAP MM Vendor Rebate Process
SAP MM Vendor Rebate Process REBATE PROCESS IN PURCHASE Rebate agreement is contract that is made between the vendor & the buyer for giving certain percentage of discounts on supplying over a particular value of material. The below mentioned is the神奇而陌生的jqgrid
最近在研究jqgrid的单元格编辑功能,由衷感到其神奇而强大的地方,同时也默默的忍受着没有完整API而造成的使用困难,深深的为那些没有亲自编写代码却不断的copy文章发布人员的可恶,下面我将通过自己的亲身体会并且附送代码和解释的方式为大家送上一份福利: 1.从官网上下载jquery.jqGrid.