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hbase 启动 java.lang.IllegalStateException: The procedure WAL relies on the ability to hsync for prope

问题场景 今天刚装完hbase,启动后,主节点的 HMaster 直接挂了,但是  backup-masters 启动了,查看了 主节点的 master 的日志如下: 2022-05-09 15:51:16,355 INFO [Thread-14] wal.ProcedureWALFile: Archiving hdfs://hadoop201:8020/hbase/MasterProcWALs/pv2-00000000000000000

The user that is running Vagrant doesn‘t have the proper permissions to write a Vagrantfile to the s

The user that is running Vagrant doesn't have the proper permissions to write a Vagrantfile to the specified location. Please ensure that you call `vagrant init` in a location where the proper permissions are in place to create a Vagrantfile. vagran

LibreOJ #10046

Description 两个字符串 \(A\) 和 \(B\),若 \(A\) 是 \(B\) 的前缀且 \(A\ne B\),则称 \(A\) 是 \(B\) 的 proper 前缀。 两个字符串 \(C\) 和 \(D\),若 \(C\) 是 \(D\) 的 proper 前缀且 \(D\) 是 \(CC\) 的前缀,则称 \(C\) 是 \(D\) 的周期。 给出一个字符串,求它的所有前缀的最大周


1、字符串通过下划线分列(选中这一列->数据->分列),每列首字母大写(=proper(a2)),在合并(=A3&B3&C3) 2、先=proper(),此时字符串里面有下划线(Dp_Cfoam),然后复制出来只取数字,   upper/lower(全部为大写或小写) proper(c5),全部首字母大写 LOWER(MID(C5,1,1))&RIGHT(C5,LEN(C5)-1)


InputStream in=Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream一定要记得close() 在之前写了一个数据库连接的工具类测试,用ClassLoader类的getResource(String name),getResourceAsStream(String name)等方法,使用相对于当前项目的classpath的相对路径

1154 Vertex Coloring (25 分)

A proper vertex coloring is a labeling of the graph's vertices with colors such that no two vertices sharing the same edge have the same color. A coloring using at most k colors is called a (proper) k-coloring. Now you are supposed to tell if a given

j-link The connected j-link is defective. proper operation cannot be guaranteed 问题解决

  在更新完j-link的驱动之后报错 The connected j-link is defective. proper operation cannot be guaranteed。 经过查找资料之后发现是j-link固件和j-link驱动程序不兼容引起的问题。可以升级j-link固件或者降低j-link驱动程序的版本来解决。我这边使用的是升级j-link固件

Codeforces Round #685 (Div. 2) A. Subtract or Divide 构造

Ridbit starts with an integer n. In one move, he can perform one of the following operations: divide n by one of its proper divisors, or subtract 1 from n if n is greater than 1. A proper divisor is a divisor of a number, excluding itself. For example, 1

initQRCodeForInputByteSize cannot find proper rs block info (input data too big?)【将base64字符串转为图片】

前言 之前的同事 误认为二维码是app侧自己生成,直接将base64字符串 作为二维码的内容去生成,一张二维码容不下这么长的内容。就生成失败了。其实只要直接将base64字符串转图片。 initQRCodeForInputByteSize cannot find proper rs block info (input data too big?) code

PAT甲级1154 Vertex Coloring (零基础都能看懂)

1154 Vertex Coloring (25分) A proper vertex coloring is a labeling of the graph’s vertices with colors such that no two vertices sharing the same edge have the same color. A coloring using at most k colors is called a (proper) k-coloring. Now you are


https://www.luogu.org/problem/P3435 这题目中文翻译的有毒 首先翻译一下题目: 如果存在串 B ( B 可以为空) ,使得 A=PB ,那么称 P 是 A 的前缀。 如果 A!= P 并且 P 是 A 的前缀,那么称 P 是 A 的 proper 前缀。 如果 Q 是 A 的 proper 前缀,并且 A是 QQ 的前缀,那么称 Q 是 A 的周期。

真二叉树重构(Proper Rebuild)

真二叉树重构(Proper Rebuild) Description In general, given the preorder traversal sequence and postorder traversal sequence of a binary tree, we cannot determine the binary tree. Figure 1 In Figure 1 for example, although they are two different binary tree,

1154 Vertex Coloring (25 分)

1154 Vertex Coloring (25 分)   A proper vertex coloring is a labeling of the graph's vertices with colors such that no two vertices sharing the same edge have the same color. A coloring using at most k colors is called a (proper) k-coloring. No


RuntimeError: An attempt has been made to start a new process before the current process has finished its bootstrapping phase. This probably means that you are not using fork to start your child processes and you have forgott

OGNL(Object-Graph Navigation Language)使用

  OGNL表达式:https://www.jianshu.com/p/6bc6752d11f4 Apache OGNL:http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-ognl/language-guide.html

PAT (Advanced Level) Practice — 1154 Vertex Coloring (25 分)

题目链接:https://pintia.cn/problem-sets/994805342720868352/problems/1071785301894295552 A proper vertex coloring is a labeling of the graph's vertices with colors such that no two vertices sharing the same edge have the same color. A coloring using at mo