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market-clearing price 市场出清价格 market equilibrium 市场均衡 locational marginal pricing (LMP) 节点边际价格 convex hull pricing 凸包定价 uplift payment 上调费用 make-whole payment aggregate cost 总成本 marginal cost 边际成本 reactive power 无功功率

Multifactor Explanations of Asset Pricing Anomalies学术翻译

摘要: 先前的研究表明,普通股的平均回报率与公司的规模、收益/价格、现金流/价格、账面市值权益、历史销售增长、历史长期回报和历史短期回报等特征有关。因为这些平均回报的模式显然不能用CAPM来解释,所以它们被称为异常。我们发现,在三因素模型中,除了短期收益的持续外,异常现象基本


一、访问 strapi 数据 1、获取内容 # 获取 restaurants 所有内容 GET http://localhost:1337/restaurants # 获取 restaurants 中 id = 1 的内容 GET http://localhost:1337/restaurants/1 # 获取 restaurants 中内容的数量 GET http://localhost:1337/restaurants/count

SAP SD 基础知识之定价配置(Pricing Configuration)

SAP SD 基础知识之定价配置(Pricing Configuration)   销售定价策略的配置,主要通过如下配置菜单完成,       一,定价配置之条件表(Condition table) 条件表Condition table 包含可用来创建相应条件记录的Keys,比如:Condition table :Material; Customer/Material。我们可以根据业务

SAP SD 基础知识之定价中的条件技术(Condition Technique in Pricing)

SAP SD 基础知识之定价中的条件技术(Condition Technique in Pricing)   一,定价程序Pricing Procedure        所有定价中允许的条件类型都包含在定价程序中;        通过为每个条件定义requirements来决定系统将如何使用条件;        业务凭证中系统访问条件的

Opportunity在Fiori cloud system上编辑之后超时的根源分析

Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 1:29 PM Subject: RE: Opportunity在Fiori cloud system上edit之后timeout的root cause I checked CRZ system log and found the error root cause shown like below screen-shot. The hostname not found. It’s probably the RFC caller h

SO Pricing

SO上定价相关的表  prcd_elements     搜索条件: knumv = vbak-knumv           AND kposn = vbap-posnr          AND kinak <> 'X'.

How to find implementation of Requirement defined in Pricing Procedure

In Pricing Procedure customizing, we can define a number for Requirement ( routine ) for each condition type. Requirement is used to programmatically control whether a condition type could be involved in condition determination. 2 means Item with pric

SDNU 1155.Pizza Pricing

Description Pizza has always been a staple on college campuses. After the downturn in the economy, it is more important than ever to get the best deal, namely the lowest cost per square inch. Consider, for example, the following menu for a store sellin