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import datetime import chinese_calendar def get_holidays(year=None, include_weekends=True): """ 获取某一年的所有节假日,默认当年 :param year: which year :param include_weekends: False for excluding Saturdays and Sundays :return: list


Should people doing different jobs have holidays at different time of the year? What is your opinion?   More and more people choose to avoid the holiday seasons to go traveling because tourist sites are invariably overcrowded during public holidays. To en


文章目录 引入1 Holidays数据集:图像搜索2 Copydays数据集:副本检测使用须知 引入   下载地址:http://lear.inrialpes.fr/people/jegou/data.php#holidays 1 Holidays数据集:图像搜索   该数据集主要包含一些个人假期照片,包括了多种场景 (自然、建筑、人文等)。数据集共5

How to Best Spend Our Leisure Time

     Most of us find it difficult to spend our leisure properly. When we have holidays, we usually feel bored and do not know what to do. Some just sit in a sofa watching TV , while others stay in bed to make an adventure in dreams.      Actually, the f