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1017 [USACO 2007 Ope B]Bronze Cow Party dij 板子题

链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/26077/1017来源:牛客网 题目描述 One cow from each of N farms (1 <= N <= 1000) conveniently numbered 1..N is attending the big cow party to be held at farm #X (1 <= X <= N). Each of M (1 <

第一次排位赛 I. Farm

第一次排位赛 I. Farm 一道数学二维几何问题,少用高中的方程思维,多用一些math库里的东西,像反三角函数这样,直接计算出角度值进而计算就可。 记得 保留小数位数 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; signed main() { int t; cin>>t; int k=0; double s1,s2; while(t--

Plato Farm已经步入顶级元宇宙的行列了吗?

从2021年开始,GameFi赛道迎来了整体的爆发,尤其是一些顶级GameFi游戏的表现,让我们进一步看到了这个赛道整体的爆发力以及发展的潜力。目前,在这GameFi板块中,除了Decentraland、The SandBox以及Axie Infinity、Farmers World等头部应用外,也涌现出了一些黑马GameFi应用,比如在Tokens

[USACO16OPEN]Closing the Farm 题解

本题有两道一模一样的题目,改个数据范围即可 AC。 题目1 | 题目2 题意简述 给定一张无向图,每次删去一个点,问每次操作后图是否联通。 分析 判断图是否联通可以想到使用并查集来维护。但是并查集很难实现删除操作,那如何处理呢? 并查集的核心是“并”和“查”,既然题目要求每次删去一个

P2921 [USACO08DEC]Trick or Treat on the Farm G

原题链接 分析 这题蛮简单的,就不多说什么了。 记录的主要原因是,有个比较有意思的小用法。 如果图是一个基环树森林,这时,我们要求的是,对于其中每个点,从该点出发最多能过多少个不重复的点。可以跑一个tarjan,接下来,就在跑出来的拓扑图上,跑一个最长路就得到答案了 Ac_code #include<bit


A Visit to Guangming Farm Opens Students Eyes [1] Sponsored by the Student Union, a total of 30 students paid a visit toGuangming Farm, a local farm 50 kilometers away from our university onJune 8, 2019. Guangming Farm is a state-owned farm mainly planted

CF1594F Ideal Farm (思维+数学)

链接 题意: 给出 n , s , k n , s , k n,s,k,求是否所有的长度为

[cf1528F]AmShZ Farm

考虑$a_{i}$是"more-equal"的组合意义,有以下构造—— 有$n$个位置,每一次选择一个位置$a_{i}$,在$a_{i}$之后(包括$a_{i}$)的第一个空位上停一辆车,那么$a_{i}$即要求每一辆车都可以停(不存在停到第$n+1$个位置及以后的情况) 关于这个问题,可以在之后新增一个位置,并将整个序列变成一个环,那

Spring Boot配置—— yml 配置map

背景 一次需要在yml配置文件中,需要配置Map格式的数据。 配置 yml文件配置如下 dingtalk: farm-notify: farm-0001: https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=678b352043933dd7f2cbd09520e32a72d27b2005e23897dbb9b23c2524de122f properties属性获取 @Co

[CF1528F]AmShZ Farm

题目 传送门 to CF 思路 显然 m o r e − e q u

[USACO08DEC]Trick or Treat on the Farm

嘟嘟嘟   这道题有一个特别重要的一点,就是节点数为 n 的图只有 n 条边,于是就有一下几个性质: 1.每一个点的出度都为1。 2.一个k个节点的强连通分量都是有k条边的环,而且这个环不会通往其他的点,只可能有别的点通往这个环。 所以说,对于一个在环中的点,答案就是这个环的节点数(包括自环),

[CF1528F]AmShZ Farm

壹、题目描述 ¶ 传送门to CF. 贰、题解 ¶ \(a,b\) 都数组由 \([1,n]\) 中的数字组成, \(a\) 数组长度为 \(n\) ,并且满足给任意元素加上任意非负数后能变成某个排列, \(b\) 数组长度为 \(k\) ,满足 \(a_{b_1}=a_{b_2}=...=a_{b_k}\) (注意我们没有要求 \(a,b\) 数组的元素两两不同)


While exploring his many farms, Farmer John has discovered a number of amazing wormholes. A wormhole is very peculiar because it is a one-way path that delivers you to its destination at a time that is BEFORE you entered the wormhole! Each of FJ's fa


In a room, there were four candles burning. It was 1 quiet that you could hear them Monty Roberts was the son of a horse trainer who would go from farm to farm and ranch to It was my first year of teaching in a special needs classroom and I wasn’t sure

POJ3259 Wormholes(链式前向星+SPFA判断负环)

Wormholes   Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 83995   Accepted: 31141 Description While exploring his many farms, Farmer John has discovered a number of amazing wormholes. A wormhole is very peculiar because it is a o

利用colinux制作tinycolinx,在ecs上打造server farm和vps iaas环境代替docker

本文关键字:将tinycorelinux装在硬盘上,custom tinycore linux kernel,tcl3安装使用方法,tcl安装到硬盘,自定义linux rootfs,利用colinux代替docker组建容器。单机端口反代重用技术,内网转发复用端口 在《阿里云上利用virtiope+colinux实现linux系统盘动态无损多分区》中我们用colin

动物农场 Animal Farm【读后思】


P3037 [USACO11DEC]Simplifying the Farm G[最小生成树]

前言 \(Kruscal\)的进一步应用以及\(set\)去重应用,输入输出没翻译,练习一下英语水平吧(其实是懒得搞)(逃 题目描述 Farmer John has been taking an evening algorithms course at his local university, and he has just learned about minimum spanning trees. However, Farmer John

#1198:Farm Irrigation(DFS + 并查集)

Farm Irrigation **Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 4991 Accepted Submission(s): 2143 ** Problem Description Benny has a spacious farm land to irrigate. The farm land is a rectangle, an

P3144 [USACO16OPEN]Closing the Farm S

算法 并查集+逆序 思路 首先读入相连的点,但这里不能直接合并建立并查集,因为并查集没有Ctrl+Z操作(就是无法分离两个已经合并的集合),所以我们要先存起来,等所有的询问都读入之后,倒着进行操作。 我们考虑怎样倒着操作: 首先,读入数据,把所有的数据都存起来,其中x[i],y[i]表示第i次读入的


原来字段: { "_id" : ObjectId("5df0a28e406405edeac5001f"), "username" : "修改这一条,别的还存在不", "password" : "xxxxxxxxxxx", "open_id" : "123456789", "union_id&quo

Agri-Net POJ - 1258 最小生成树值Prim算法

Farmer John has been elected mayor of his town! One of his campaign promises was to bring internet connectivity to all farms in the area. He needs your help, of course. Farmer John ordered a high speed connection for his farm and is going to share his con

LG2921 [USACO2008DEC]Trick or Treat on the Farm 内向基环树

问题描述 LG2921 题解 发现一共有 \(n\) 个点,每个点只有一条出边,即只有 \(n\) 条边,于是就是一个内向基环树。 \(\mathrm{Tarjan}\) 缩点。 但是这个题比较猥琐的就是有自环。 所以断定一个强联通分量 \(i\) 是环的条件是 \(size_i>1\) 。 然后记搜求答案,特判自环。 \(\mathrm{Co

Farm Tour 最小费用流

When FJ’s friends visit him on the farm, he likes to show them around. His farm comprises N (1 <= N <= 1000) fields numbered 1…N, the first of which contains his house and the Nth of which contains the big barn. A total M (1 <= M <= 10000) pat

P2921 [USACO08DEC]在农场万圣节Trick or Treat on the Farm(tarjan)

给你一张无向图,保证每个点的出边只有一条 求出从每个点出发,直到访问到已经访问过的点时经过的点数 tarjan线缩点,环会被缩成一个强连通分量,不难发现环上的所有点的答案都是环长 最后来一遍dfs,求出所有点到环的距离 第一次dfs没写return,WA的莫名其妙 代码: #include <bits/stdc++.h>