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could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to cli
错误信息 System.InvalidOperationException : The LINQ expression 'DbSet<Entity>() .GroupJoin( inner: DbSet<Entity>(), outerKeySelector: b => b.Id, innerKeySelector: c => c.ForeignId, resultSelectcould not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to cli
The LINQ expression 'DbSet<Supplies>() .Where(s => s.alarmState == "缺货") .Where(s => !(__invalidList_0 .Any(y => s.id == y.id)))' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a f【收藏】Chrome 错误代码:ERR_UNSAFE_PORT
不想修改浏览器设置的就改用其它端口吧,搜索了一下,Firefox也有类似的端口限制;如果非要使用类似的端口, 我们要做的是允许访问非常规端口地址,解决办法:选中Google Chrome 快捷方式,右键属性,在”目标”对应文本框添加: --explicitly-allowed-ports=87,6666,556,6667 允许多个端口以逗号Oracle警告日志WARNING : Parameter _linux_prepage_large_pages Is Explicitly Disabled
Oracle警告日志WARNING : Parameter _linux_prepage_large_pages Is Explicitly Disabled 在集群上创建了6个实例后,启动实例警告日志有如下警告信息: Starting ORACLE instance (normal) ************************ Large Pages Information ******************* Per process代码规范性检查
原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/lingear/p/5996046.html [主要] A method/constructor shouldnt explicitly throw java.lang.Exception 方法或构造方法不应该显式的抛Exception It is unclear which exceptions that can be thrown from the methAndroid Studio 3.0+ Annotation processors must be explicitly declared now
把Android Studio 升级到3.0+ 版本的时候出现该问题: 可以看到 给了我们两种解决办法: 1、 即 给出现问题的三方 加上 annotationProcessor配置 2 在相应的module的gradle文件中,使用javaCompileOptions defaultConfig { applicationId "com.xxx.xxx