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Multiply(Intro) Write a function that will receive 2 numbers as input and it should return the multiplication of these 2 numbers. Input: Two arguments. Both are of type int. Output: Int. Example: mult_two(2, 3) == 6 mult_two(1, 0) == 0 code: def mult_tw【py.checkio】【HOME】Between Markers
题目:在text中找出begin,end之间的子字符串; 我的代码: def between_markers(text: str, begin: str, end: str) -> str: """ returns substring between two given markers """ # your code here if begin not in text and end notcheckio练习题归纳----Replace First
题目描述: 大概的意思就是将列表中的第一个元素放到列表的最后面,一个元素的列表或者空列表返回列表本身。 题解1: 思路:使用列表中的pop()方法将第一个值弹出并返回,返回的值使用列表中的append()方法添加入items列表中,这样就可以实现将列表的第一个值放在最后面,因为当列表为空时python练习之CheckiO-ELEMENTARY小岛
End Zeros Try to find out how many zeros a given number has at the end. Example: end_zeros(0) == 1 end_zeros(1) == 0 end_zeros(10) == 1 end_zeros(101) == 0 #我的答案 def end_zeros(num: int) -> int: # your code here num=str(num) llen=len(num)