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manjaro clion/pycharm 快捷方式
步骤差不多, 1.首先下载>> https://www.jetbrains.com.cn/pycharm/download/download-thanks.html?platform=linux 2.解压到一个文件夹, 我在work目录下建了一个applictions 文件夹 存放 3.创建软链接到 /usr/bin下面 ln -s /home/work/applications/clion-2022.2/bin/clion.shMenuetos32桌面- launche_applications的作用
做了一个简单实验,将Launcher.asm中第55行的launch_applications代码注释掉,看看效果如何,如下图: 1 不显示背景桌面和图标以及底部的任务栏了。这说明是由launch_applications这段代码将3个应用放入相应的位置,然后画出来的。 2.启动开始时是显示滚动条的,然后就停止了。 3.可以用鼠标Mac清除垃圾
链接 如何在Mac上安全彻底的卸载软件? 补充 活动监视器(Activity Monitor) 位于/ Applications / Utilities /文件夹中 作用:类似于windows中的任务管理器macbook M1芯片 arm64 安装部分软件出错的解决方案
M1芯片默认使用的arm64架构,可以使用如下命令查看:uname -a 当我安装了brew(https://www.cnblogs.com/rxbook/p/16377843.html), 再使用brew安装kafka、librdkafka的时候,都是没问题的,参考 https://www.cnblogs.com/rxbook/p/10877784.html 然后安装完php-rdkafka扩展的时候,也给你的AppImage创建桌面快捷方式
运行环境:Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 1.首先准备好AppImage文件并放在一个你知道的地方 2.打开终端,在/usr/share/applications下新建APP.desktop文件(APP可以改成你的应用名称) cd /usr/share/applications sudo touch APP.desktop 3. root模式下使用vi编辑qi编辑APP.desktop文件,填入以下乌班图下设置桌面快捷方式(应用图标快速启动)
乌班图下设置桌面快捷方式(应用图标快速启动) 以idea为例 1.在官网下载安装包 比如这个:ideaIU-2021.1.3.tar.gz 2.解压到本地合适的位置 3.首先进去/usr/share/applications/复制一个简单点的desktop作为快捷启动 4.复制好了之后修改里面的内容,配置好name,sh,图标 [Desktop Entry] Na应用合理化
Application Rationalization - The Definitive Guide | LeanIX Application Rationalization - The Definitive Guide | LeanIX Application portfolio rationalization is the act of streamlining the existing application portfolio with an explicit goal of improvingExtreme expected values and their applications in quantum metrology
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.023718 Eq.(48): \[\left< \left( n_a-n_b \right) ^2 \right> -\left< \left( n_a-n_b \right) \right> ^2 \\ c\left( |\phi 0\rangle +|0\phi \rangle \right) \\ |\phi \rangle =\sqrt{p_n}|n\rangle \IDEA2021 在jsp文件中 写out报错
报错原因: 是因为没有关联好服务器; 解决方案 File --> Project structure --> Modules --> 选中当前的模板 --> Dependencies --> Module SDK下面的加号 --> Applications Server Libraries 下面的TomcatMac OSX中带参数启动应用程序(如Chrome)的方法比较
以Google Chrome使用单独代理参数上网方式为例,介绍两种Mac OSX系统下带参数启动应用程序的方法,并进行方法比较。 方法一: 1.打开 Terminal 进入终端状态,默认的提示符应该是 $; 2.进入 Chrome.app 目录; $ cd "/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/" 3.将原MacOs XCode10.1 添加快捷复制一行,删除一行
先执行命令修改权限 sudo chmod 666 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Frameworks/IDEKit.framework/Resources/IDETextKeyBindingSet.plist sudo chmod 777 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Frameworks/IDEKit.framework/Resources/ 修改plist 打开 /Applications/XcodeAdvanced Techniques in Logic Synthesis, Optimizations and Applications
2011年的书,更像是论文集,不同章的作者不同,好多亚洲名字。1 IntroductionSunil P. Khatri and Kanupriya Gulati1.1 Logic Decomposition1.2 Boolean Satisfiability1.3 Boolean Matching1.4 Logic OptimizationPart I Logic Decomposition2 Logic Synthesis by Signal-Driven DecomTransfer KDE application styles to GTK applications
Due to the pluralism embodied in Linux software design and user proclivity, window styles for applications developed with different GUI frameworks are controlled and exhibited separately. Therefore, in my KDE environment, the look-and-feel configuration oTransfer KDE application styles to GTK applications
Due to the pluralism embodied in Linux software design and user proclivity, window styles for applications developed with different GUI frameworks are controlled and exhibited separately. Therefore, in my KDE environment, the look-and-feel configuration oCustomers, markets and applications
Customers, markets and applications Dr Keivan Aghasi, Cambridge Judge Entrepreneurship Centre Technologies can potentially be of interest to various market segments and different customers. Given the limited availability of resources, the company needs tMacOS M1芯片 Transmit5破解
一.经过抓包与IDA分析已知, 返回值为1即为已激活状态 -[TRSubscriptionManager subscriptionStatus] 二.通过IDA修改可执行文件 1.修改-[TRSubscriptionManager subscriptionStatus]返回值 mov x0,#1 2.保存修改,写入到Transmit 三.修复 签名 sudo codesign -fds - /ApplicaWindows、Mac 命令行启动程序(为了查看Electron打包后主进程日志)
原因 最近碰有人问怎么查看主进程日志,简单写一下windows、mac如何启动了。主要是面向新手、老手自动滑过吧 启动方式 Windows 启动命令行 Powershell 或 CMD 进入到程序的安装目录。以XMind Zen 为例: #Powershell PS C:\Program Files\XMind ZEN> .\XMind.exe #CMD C:\Program Fi2021-11-12
一、原理 Beyond Compare每次启动后会先检查注册信息,试用期到期后就不能继续使用。解决方法是在启动前,先删除注册信息,然后再启动,这样就可以永久免费试用了。 二、下载 首先下载Beyond Compare最新版本,链接如下:https://www.scootersoftware.com/download.php 三、安装 下载完ida mac安装2021年10月23号,mac11.6安装成功
系统版本 sudo chmod 777 给了相关权限 还是没法运行 sudo chmod 777 ida64.app sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine ida64.app 即可运行 链接地址Oracle Cloud Applications:Oracle HCM Analytics提供了预构建的KPI和仪表盘
HCM Analytics Oracle HCM Analytics offers pre-built KPIs and dashboards to answer critical business questions across the entire recruit-to-retire process. HR management and professionals can access data and advanced analytics that explain the root causesOracle Cloud Applications:NetSuite构建了第一套统一的云应用程序套件
NetSuite Applications NetSuite built the first unified suite of cloud applications that companies can use to run their entire business – all in one place. Organizations around the world use NetSuite to more easily grow and adapt to change. “NetSuite isOracle Cloud Applications:Oracle供应链规划有助于同步供应和需求、检测问题、确定竞争需求的优先级
Supply Chain Planning Oracle Supply Chain Planning helps synchronize supply and demand, detect issues, prioritize competing demands, and route and schedule global supply to minimize disruptions. The solution uses scenario modeling and machine learning toOracle Cloud Applications:Oracle Manufacturing提高了离散、流程、混合模式和基于项目的制造的质量和生产效率
Manufacturing Oracle Manufacturing increases the quality and production efficiency of discrete, process, mixed-mode, and project-based manufacturing. Based on machine learning and IoT, this all-in-one, integrated, and scalable solution helps produce anyt复杂的表单:Form Design for Complex Applications
复杂的表单:Form Design for Complex Applications https://medium.com/nextux/form-design-for-complex-applications-d8a1d025eba6 Modal 低复杂和少 input Focus 看到的,被遮罩层遮着的内容就没办法看的清楚,也没法对比 Multi-document 可拖动窗格 有点类似 windowA Survey on Knowledge Graphs: Representation, Acquisition and Applications -知识图谱综述
本文是对论文 A Survey on Knowledge Graphs: Representation, Acquisition and Applications阅读汇报: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i6U4udyVKm0y8F3MkZDSjQ 提取码:js6e --来自百度网盘超级会员V5的分享