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蓝桥杯 C语言训练【2182】——打印图案
蓝桥杯 C语言训练【2182】——打印图案 1.题目要求: 刚刚学习了printf,来试着打印一个三角图案吧 2.样例输入、输出: 输入:无 输出: ------※ —※…※ -※※※※※ (因空格显示不出,这里用“-”代替空格) 3.C语言代码: #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf(" *\n"); printf("Lost Cows(线段树) POJ - 2182
N (2 <= N <= 8,000) cows have unique brands in the range 1..N. In a spectacular display of poor judgment, they visited the neighborhood 'watering hole' and drank a few too many beers before dinner. When it was time to line up for their evePOJ-2182-Lost Cows题解
Lost Cows 题目传送门 题意 FJ有n头牛,编号 1~n ,但是这些牛并没有按照编号排队,但是 FJ 知道每头牛前面有几头编号比这头牛编号小,现在问你每头牛的编号。 题解 从最后一头牛开始,其它牛都已经在队列里,假如这头牛前面有 x 头牛编号比它小,那么这头牛就是编号第 x 小(按编号从zookeeper伪集群安装
# 下载压缩包 wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.5.5/apache-zookeeper-3.5.5.tar.gz # 解压到指定目录 tar -xzvf apache-zookeeper-3.5.5.tar.gz -C $install_dir # 复制配置文件 cp $install_dir/conf/zoo_sample.cfg zk1.cfgcp $install_dir/c