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最近回了一趟老家,看望姥姥姥爷。 阅读大道至简书籍开头 报名雅思培训机构,为期一个月。 学习雅思。第一篇博客——掌握对的学习方法
为什么要写博客? (一)起源 最近在备考雅思,为期不长的时间倒逼我提高学习的效率,并思考到底什么样的学习是有效学习? 今天我要记录一个非常好的观点:学习闭环。 学习闭环: (图片by 知乎语小轩,一位很棒的雅思备考分析者) 反思自己以前的学习方式:基本停留在输入阶段较多,输出很少。 而有效hcの摆烂逆袭之路
hcの2022寒假学习 前言 作死参加ACM和数模,两个需要花大量时间的竞赛,本着不划水的态度,既然参加了还是要打出一些成绩。由于大学时间较短(试验班),一共就三年时间,已经划水过去对半,眼下需要解决的学习方面的任务(还有很多兴趣类的 )除了ACM和数模还有雅思的学习。面对前半个寒假像无怎样学好雅思?
思路就很简单: 资料起手——寻找问题——解决问题——重复循环 具体的工作,你做得有多细,你的下限就有多高。 19年6月15日a类笔试场上岸,我自己是二战上岸,第一次就不多说了,怪自己轻敌+玩心太大,打了一个多月排位然后考雅思,拿个5.5还是心里还是挺不是滋味儿的,毕竟四级470多分在雅思爸香港大学计算机授课型硕士(MSc)申请经验分享
在港大上了一周的课了,对校园和香港的生活也适应些了。闲暇之余,我想分享下我整个的申请历程,也可以给各位学弟学妹们提供参考。 一、先讲下自己的申请背景: 1、985院校(周总理母校hhh) 2、GPA(87.7) 3、雅思6.5如何制定3个月备考雅思听力复习计划(亲身测评)
如何制定3个月备考雅思听力复习计划?一直是各位小主想知道的一件事情。考过雅思的同学都知道,雅思考试分为口语、听力、阅读、写作,想要顺利通过雅思考试,需要我们合理规划时间,那么备考雅思听力用3个月时间怎么备考呢?雅思听力是一个备考周期较长的科目,想要短时间有所提升还是不课程感想 | 下半年的规划
不知道是昨天晚上没有睡好还是咋地,感觉很没有精神。这几天有些思虑过多。活在他人的视野中是一件很无聊的事情。我就不妨完全躺平,接受自己不过是普通人的这样一个完整的事实,然后重新的轻盈起来。 这周的任务相对比较轻松,因为程序基本上挂上去了,但是我对于这结果充满忧心,以及雅思口语P3的逻辑
找最核心的地方 核心-> 玩音乐的好处 然后拉上孩子的关系 然后拉上父母的关系2020-6-16
需要关注:项目,开发能力,论文,入党,雅思 项目:下载门和窗的数据集,用Yolov5训练,检测下训练结果,和杨彤姐讨论。 开发能力:学习spring框架,并用idea实践。 论文:多传感器融合论文多上点心。 雅思:买本雅思单词书开始刷20210420日常
也没啥说的,买到了,今天就能送到 电子版以前就买了,奈何自己的ipad屏幕压坏了,想买新的ipad但是也没货,有货ipad pro要10万多, 想想个人只是拿来看书的,短期内不确定到底要不要买,暂时看看纸质版好了。 替代项也有,什么kindle或者其他平板,kindle算了,功能太少,其他平板因为没用过安卓,不大确定雅思备考攻略
雅思备考攻略 基本情况考试成绩备考时间英语基础 考试流程口试现场对话口试考试流程 视频对话口试考试流程 笔试 备考经验口试听力阅读作文 基本情况 考试成绩 我一共考了三次,如下图所示 第一次成绩6.0(5.5) 第二次成绩6.5(6.0) 第三次成绩7.0(6.0) 虽然成绩不算很2021.03.18--2021.03.25
3.18 leetcode题: 1. 罗马数字转整数 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/roman-to-integer/ 这题足足写了三个小时。。。 先不考虑特殊规则,遍历s,将所有对应的罗马数字相加; 考虑特殊规则,遍历s; 出现IV或IX序列,整数-2; 出现XL或XC序列,整数-20; 出现CD或CM序列,整数-200; 2.复习考研数知乎 - 看 考雅思文章 笔记总结
文章链接: https://www.zhihu.com/question/333937870/answer/779125862 目录: 1、报班可能有用,但你不要把报班和出分之间划等号。 2、不要信大多数回答(包括我这篇)。 3、你记住你必须有自己的节奏,不要被大vor身边人or教育机构带了节奏。 4、虽然我在香港考到的,但是我确信这跟地方剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY109
Many schools demand that the students should wear uniform. Some people think that such a practice undermines students' personality and individuality. What do you think? Most schools in China mandate the wearing of uniforms, which are seen as a symb剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY106
Many people think it's wrong to lock animals up in zoos because it is cruel and serves little purpose. But others think that the animals in zoos can bring happiness to people, especially the kids. What is your opinion? It is now hard to find a city剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY105
Some countries allow women to join the armed forces, while some others think that armed forces such as navy or army don't suit women. Do you agree or disagree? In ancient times, women were thought to bring bad luck to the military and were not all剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY96
Foods are produced more cheaply today by using improved fertilizers and machinery. However, some of the methods used in agriculture are dangerous to human health and local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view? The way we p剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY71
Should people doing different jobs have holidays at different time of the year? What is your opinion? More and more people choose to avoid the holiday seasons to go traveling because tourist sites are invariably overcrowded during public holidays. To en剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY67
Is it necessary to forbid smoking? State your opinion and reasons. Despite the knowledge that smoking is a potential killer, cigarette use is on the rise in most countries. Indeed, people are lighting up at a younger age. Twenty per cent of boys in seco剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY64
Modern technology gives people more free time, but actually they are busier than before. Do you agree or disagree? Like me, most people are busy all day long. There never seems to be a free moment. It is indeed ironic that the so-called time-saving devi剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY60
Many people believe that we have developed into a 'throw-away society' which is filled with plastic bags and rubbish. Do you agree or disagree? It is indeed true that everything comes at a price. We are paying through the nose in terms of envi剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY61
Some people agree that all kinds of jobs should be equally open to men and women. Others think that some jobs should only be suitable for men and women respectively. Discuss and give your opinion. Many of us would be a little amused at the sight of a ma剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY37
Statistics show that cities are increasing in size. What do you think are the causes and posible consequences? Most cities are expanding in terms of population and land area. City residents are daily reminded of this growth by the erection of new high-r剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY23
Newspaper, radio, television and computer each has its merits and drawbacks. What is the most efficient means of acquiring information? Give your reasons. Modern people are blessed with so many means of acquiring information that some of us feel overwh剑桥雅思写作高分范文ESSAY20
Scientific and technological advances bring benefits to our daily life. However, most scientists are no longer able to find the solutions to the problems they have created. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Time and again, science and technology