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英语口语 | 升级计划

  英语真的不太行,阅读和写作没问题,听力和口语则严重拉胯。   表现在科研presentation上,则是汇报讲述时,水平一流;一旦被提问,则变成哑巴;最糟糕的,一旦聊起生活,更像个弱智,最简单的日常用语都不会表达。   我最终的目的: 日常能与人顺利交谈; 能做到接近完美的学术汇报;   日常问候


----- Dialogue1 Alan:Hey what's up? girl:why are you wearing a wig? Alan:I am a girl. girl:funny,I can tell by your facial shape that you're not a girl. Alan:I just look kind of masculine. ----- Dialogue2 Alan:Hey,what't up?Why are y

30天英语口语背诵材料:PASSAGE 12 How Technology Helps People?

  Nowadays, we live in an advanced world. We use many new inventions that people long ago never imagined. In the past, people could not regularly communicate with others. It took days ,weeks, or even months just to send a letter. There were no telephones

30天英语口语背诵材料:PASSAGE 11 Caring for the Five Senses

  Everyone has five senses. The five senses are sight, hearing, smell,taste and touch. We use different body parts for different senses. We need to take care of the parts of our bodies that let us use our senses.     For example, you use your eyes for s

30天英语口语背诵材料:PASSAGE 9 Globalization

  In the years after World War Il, the world greatly changed. Much of this was due to new technology. For instance, the jet was developed. This increased the speed that people could travel. There were also advances in telecommunications. Computers and th

30天英语口语背诵材料:PASSAGE 5: Sleep 睡眠

  Scientists suggest that today, most adults get up to two hours' less sleep than they need. As a result, those lacking in sleep are forgetful, tired, less productive and grumpy. Sleep is the time when our bodies and minds are rested and restored.  

小笨霖英语口语1 好棒

It's cool!  Cool!  It is neat!  Neat! = very cool! It is righteous! 少用,very very cool! It's good. Good for you. Good to hear. That's great. very good That's wonderful. very very good. That's incredible. She is pretty.  She


1、微服务(服务拆分、服务注册、服务发现、服务治理,SpringCloud全家桶) 2、数据中台(K8S,云原生) 3、大数据开发(Spark、Flink) 4、区块链(以太坊、NFT) 5、前端Vue框架(前端也要会一些,会用) 6、金融的一些常识(银行业务、资本运作、风险管理、债券、期货、股票证券) 7、英语口语(看了B站何同学


英语已经慢慢渗透入人们的日常生活,想要学好英语一定要多读多听多说多欣赏。小编在此献上日常的英语口语,希望对你有所帮助。 英语口语:谈论住院 1.You haven’t applied for hospitalization. 你还没有申请住院呢。 2.He is in the hospital having his tonsils removed. 他住院要


看了b站上的Rachel's English 的英语语音的视频,了解一个词汇  Ben Franklin Exercises,什么是ben franlink Exercises 呢? 带着这个问题,用了搜索引擎,找到了一个非常不错的网站, https://www.1point3acres.com。https://www.1point3acres.com/bbs/thread-28995-1-1.html 这个网址给


其实提升英语口语无非就两个方面:练习发音和口语运用。 1、练习发音 很多人在刚开始学习英语的时候,由于没有系统的学习音标,或者是受老师的影响,所以发音就有问题。在真正系统的练习口语前,我们首先要纠正我们的发音。如何纠正我们的发音?最快最有效的方法就是跟外国人交流,所以建议


永不言弃 : Never say never你使我的人生变得完整: You complete me我永远爱你: I will always love you从我面前消失: Get out fo my face滚蛋 : go to hell让过去的就过去吧 : let bygones be bygones慢慢来 : Take your time你还在等什么? : What are you waiting for? ---------


自我介绍 Good morning,my teachers.I am glad to have the opportunity to be here.My name is X xx .I come from Xx,Xx,a beautiful county in the west part of Xx. I studied in Xx university of technology as an undergraduate.My major is computer science and t


今日学习内容: 计算机: (1)实现社员管理功能与发布留言功能; (2)安卓端完成登录功能。 考研复试: (1)观看考研复试英语视频,练习英语口语交际。 (2)背英语单词。 (2)复习计算机组成原理与数据库。


  美剧电影英语口语 2018-07-04 16:21:43 英语 阅读(0) 评论(0) 声明:本文由入驻搜狐公众平台的作者撰写,除搜狐官方账号外,观点仅代表作者本人,不代表搜狐立场。举报   英语口语 英语口语   吉米老师前言:毋庸置疑,音标是学习英语的基础。学好音标能够提高英语发音的准确


你需要多少肉? How much meat do you need? How many potatoes do you want? 你想要几个土豆? 够新鲜吗? Are they fresh enough? 把鱼的内脏掏洗干净 Dress the fish. dress v 清洗干净,去内脏 你在做什么饭? What are you cooking? cook v 做饭 n 厨师 肉要烧焦了。 The meat


模仿的原则: 一、大声模仿: 这一点是非常重要的,有的同学,想要学习英语口语,但是却碍于自己的心理,自卑、内向、不好意思说出 口,就在模仿练习时,小声小气的默读,这样的英语口语练习模仿是不对的,在进行英语口语练习模仿时你 要学会大声的读大声的练,要清清楚楚大声的说出来,不要觉得浮

小能手英语口语学习笔记 1 48个国际音标

音标是后面口语句子的基础,不一定每个音都很标准,但至少要知道元音辅音的大致分类。 1 26个英文字母的发音 26字母虽简单,自己再看看音标,发现自己还是有疏漏。 A a [ei] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] E e [i:] F f [ef] G g [dʒi:] H h [eit∫] I i [ai]

2019.2.22 初级英语口语班 结课

下周进入高级班-纯英语互动教学-商务 ------------------------------ (1)26个字母   留意L  X  Z  N 口型,舌位   (2)元音 : 对口型-肌肉记忆 听录音:纠正自己的发音 元音的近似音辨析:这直接影响到发音的准确度,和听力的辨识度。 (3)辅音 留意 n   留意 Television  , Pleasure  留


2019计划 aim:  愿2018身心灵更健康美丽       action plan: 1,练习英语口语      TED,  English movie, TV series,  listening 可可英语       more speaking 2,提升Oracle技术水平    3,多读书      2 books/month 4,培养好孩子 5,锻炼身体    Yoga, 广