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// smart pointer implements

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;

template<typename T> class SharePtr;

template<typename T> 
class ResPtr { // manage res of memory
    T* res_p;    // point res
    int use_num; // count

    ResPtr(T *p) : res_p(p), use_num(1){
        cout << "the constructor of ResPtr\n";
        delete res_p;
        cout << "the destructor of ResPtr\n";
    friend class SharePtr<T>;

template<typename T>
class SharePtr {
    SharePtr(T *p, T i) : ptr(new ResPtr<T>(p)), val(i){
        cout << "the constructor of SharePtr and the use count is " << ptr->use_num << endl;;

    SharePtr(const SharePtr& rhs) : ptr(rhs.ptr), val(rhs.val) {
        cout << "the copy constructor of SharePtr and the use of count is " << ptr->use_num << endl;

    ~SharePtr() {
        cout << "the destructor of SharePtr and the use of count is " << ptr->use_num << endl;
        if(--ptr->use_num == 0){
            cout << "relese memory\n";
            delete ptr;


    T &operator*(){
        return *this->ptr->res_p;
    T *operator->(){
        return this->ptr->res_p;

    ResPtr<T> *ptr; // point use_count
    T val;

// test code 
int main() {

        SharePtr<int> hpa = SharePtr<int>{ new int (42), 100 };
            // copy three objects
            SharePtr<int> hpb{hpa};
            SharePtr<int> hpc{hpb};
            SharePtr<int> hpd{hpc};
        cout << "inner end\n";
    cout << "middle end\n";
    return 0;


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/MasterYan576356467/p/12178486.html