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Delay 500
dm.SetPath "C:\dzpk"
dm.SetDict 0, "pk2.txt"
dm.SetDict 1, "pk1.txt"
dm.SetDict 2, "pk.txt"
Dimenv hwnds,anq
If Form1.Comb绑定模式.ListIndex = 0 Then 
hwnds = dm.FindWindow("WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.33c0d9d", "")
ElseIf Form1.Comb绑定模式.ListIndex = 1 Then
hwnds = dm.FindWindow("WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.297b065_r16_ad1", "")
End If
Delay 550
//TracePrint 对子
//Delay 999
dm_ret = dm.SetWindowState(hwnds, 12)
Delay 100
dm.MoveWindow hwnds, 0, 0
Delay 500
foobar = dm.CreateFoobarRect(hwnd, 0, 670, 500, 100)
dm.SetSimMode 0
If Form1.Combo前台.ListIndex = 0 Then 
dm_ret = dm.BindWindow(hwnds, "normal", "windows3", "windows", 0)
dm_ret = dm.BindWindow(hwnds, "gdi", "dx", "windows", 0)
End If
If dm_ret = 1 Then 
TracePrint "绑定成功"
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 绑定成功" , "ff0000")
End If
AA = 0 : fj = 0
// jinb = dm.Ocr(343,487,460,520,"ffd200-62500c",0.9)
// ss_len = len(jinb)
// If ca = "万" Then 
//     jii=mid(jinb,1,ss_len-1)
//     jinb=jii*10000
// End If
// TracePrint jinb
//Delay 999
Sub zcx
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 开始进入主程序" , "ff0000")
// TracePrint "ALL坐标是:"&ALL
dm_ret = dm.UseDict(0)
If 对子()>"" then
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 现在牌是:"&对子 , "ff0000")
End if
If 游戏中(139, 213, 273, 362, "奶.bmp") > "" Then 
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 点击进入游戏场" , "ff0000")     
yddj 404, 262, 1
Delay 777
End If
If 大厅() > "" Then 
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 点击进入800" , "ff0000")     
yddj 400,211, 1
Delay 777    
End If 
If 游戏中(0, 0, 800, 600, "启动.bmp") > "" Then 
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 点击进入游戏" , "ff0000")     
鼠标移动 游戏中(0, 0, 800, 600, "启动.bmp"),3,3,1999
Delay 777
End If
// duizi = dm.Ocr(428,396,470,425,"231815-090909|e60516-090909",0.9)
// TracePrint duizi
If 游戏中(182, 397, 422, 553, "关闭.bmp") > "" Then 
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 关闭活动" , "ff0000")     
鼠标移动 游戏中(182, 397, 422, 553, "关闭.bmp"),3,3,999
End If
If 弃牌() > "" Then 
Delay 500
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 点击第二个按钮" , "ff0000")

yddj 561, 557, 1
End If

If ALL() = "" AND 对子() > "" and 加注() > "" Then 
TracePrint "开始加注"
Call Plugin.Media.Beep(523, 500)
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 点击第二个按钮" , "ff0000")

yddj 561, 557, 1 
End if
Delay 999
If 游戏中(685, 178, 800, 404, "领取奖励.bmp") > "" Then 
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 领取奖励" , "ff0000")
鼠标移动 游戏中(685, 178, 800, 404, "领取奖励.bmp"),2,2,999
End If
If 游戏中(592, 498, 798, 599, "自动坐下.bmp|坐下.bmp") > "" Then 
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 自动坐下" , "ff0000")
鼠标移动 游戏中(592, 498, 798, 599, "自动坐下.bmp|坐下.bmp"),2,2,1366
End If 
End Sub
Sub 站起()
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 站起" , "ff0000")
While zhanqi() = ""
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 点击返回站起" , "ff0000")
yddj 31,31,1
Delay 999
If 游戏中(0, 0, 800, 600, "启动.bmp") > "" or 游戏中(139, 213, 273, 362, "奶.bmp") > ""Then 
Exit Sub 
End if
While zhanqi() > ""
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 点击站起" , "ff0000")
鼠标移动 zhanqi(),3,3,999
If 游戏中(0, 0, 800, 600, "启动.bmp") > "" or 游戏中(139, 213, 273, 362, "奶.bmp") > ""Then 
Exit Sub 
End if
End Sub
Sub 换桌()
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 准备开始换桌" , "ff0000")
dm_ret = dm.UseDict(2)
While huanz() = ""
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 准备返回大厅" , "ff0000")
yddj 31,31,1
Delay 777
If 游戏中(0, 0, 800, 600, "启动.bmp") > "" or 游戏中(139, 213, 273, 362, "奶.bmp") > ""Then 
Exit Sub 
End if
If 游戏中(182, 397, 422, 553, "关闭.bmp") > "" Then 
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 关闭活动" , "ff0000")     
鼠标移动 游戏中(182, 397, 422, 553, "关闭.bmp"),3,3,999
End If
While huanz() > ""
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 点击返回" , "ff0000")    
yddj 115,47,1
Delay 777
If 游戏中(0, 0, 800, 600, "启动.bmp") > "" Then 
Exit Sub 
End if
While 大厅() = "" and datediff("s",dtt,now)<15
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 等待返回大厅" , "ff0000")        
Delay 888
If 游戏中(139, 213, 273, 362, "奶.bmp") > "" Then 
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 点击进入游戏场" , "ff0000")     
yddj 404, 262, 1
Delay 777
End If
If 游戏中(0, 0, 800, 600, "启动.bmp") > "" Then 
Exit Sub 
End If
If 游戏中(182, 397, 422, 553, "关闭.bmp") > "" Then 
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 关闭活动" , "ff0000")     
鼠标移动 游戏中(182, 397, 422, 553, "关闭.bmp"),3,3,999
End If
If 大厅() > "" Then 
If fjj=1 Then 
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 800房间" , "ff0000")
yddj 277,69,2
dtx = 401 : dty = 212
ElseIf fjj=2 Then     
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 2000房间" , "ff0000")
yddj 277,69,2
dtx = 593 : dty = 212
ElseIf fjj=4 Then     
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 4000房间" , "ff0000")
yddj 277,69,2
dtx = 203 : dty = 451
ElseIf fjj=6 Then     
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 6000房间" , "ff0000")
yddj 277,69,2
dtx = 405 : dty = 451
ElseIf fjj=10 Then     
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 一万房间" , "ff0000")
yddj 277,69,2
dtx = 593 : dty = 451
fj = 10000
ElseIf fjj=20 Then     
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 2万房间" , "ff0000")
yddj 400,72,2
dtx = 214 : dty = 215
fj = 20000 
ElseIf fjj=40 Then     
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 4万房间" , "ff0000")
yddj 400,72,2
dtx = 400 : dty = 215
fj = 40000
ElseIf fjj=80 Then     
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 8万房间" , "ff0000")
yddj 400,72,2
dtx = 603 : dty = 215
fj = 80000
ElseIf fjj=200 Then     
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 20万房间" , "ff0000")
yddj 400,72,2
dtx = 410 : dty = 447
fj = 200000
ElseIf fjj=400 Then     
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 40万房间" , "ff0000")
yddj 400,72,2
dtx = 403 : dty = 451
fj = 400000
ElseIf fjj=800 Then     
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&"80万房间" , "ff0000")
yddj 400,72,2
dtx = 593 : dty = 451
fj = 800000
End If
Delay 999
While 大厅() > ""
sj=now: dm_ret = dm.FoobarPrintText(foobar, sj&" 点击进入房间" , "ff0000")
yddj dtx, dty, 1
Delay 888
End If
    dm_ret = dm.UseDict(0)
End Sub
Function 按钮()
按钮="":按钮=zt(638,372,784,551, "按钮.bmp","020202", 0.9,1)
End Function
Function 大厅()
大厅="":大厅=zt(314,76,497,206, "大厅.bmp","020202", 0.9,1)
End Function
Function huanz()
huanz="":huanz=zz(19,10,208,160, "换桌", "e8b772-665032", 0.9)
End Function
Function zhanqi()
zhanqi="":zhanqi=zz(58,137,178,235, "站起", "e8b772-665032", 0.9)
End Function
Function 对子()
对子 = "" : 对子 = zz(428,396,470,425, "1010|JJ|QQ|KK|AA", "231815-090909|e60516-090909", 0.9)
// 426, 381, 492, 427
End Function
//Function 对子()
// 对子 = "" : 对子 = zz(428,396,470,425, "10|J|Q|K|A|AQ|AK|AJ|JA|QA|AQ|KA", "c5ede8-4d5c51", 0.9)
// // 426, 381, 492, 427
//End Function
Function **()
**="":**=zt(400,367,540,505, "红黑10.bmp|黑红Q.bmp|红黑K.bmp","020202", 0.9,1)
End Function
Function 加注()
加注="":加注=zt(304,491,795,600, "加注.bmp","020202", 0.9,1)
End Function
Function yddj(qx,qy,yz)
dm.MoveTo qx, qy
Delay 500
For yz
Delay 20
Delay 130
End Function
Function 弃牌()
弃牌="":弃牌=zt(304,491,795,600, "弃牌.bmp","020202", 0.9,1)
End Function
Function ALL()
ALL="":ALL=zt(304,491,800,600, "ALL.bmp|ALL1.bmp","020202", 0.9,1)
End Function

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/seyou/p/10849380.html