DelegateCombinations.h /** Declares a delegate that can only bind to one native function at a time */ #define DECLARE_DELEGATE( DelegateName ) FUNC_DECLARE_DELEGATE( DelegateName, void ) /** Declares a broadcast delegate that can bind to multiple native functions simultaneously */ #define DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE( DelegateName ) FUNC_DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE( DelegateName, void ) #define DECLARE_EVENT( OwningType, EventName ) FUNC_DECLARE_EVENT( OwningType, EventName, void ) /** Declares a blueprint-accessible delegate that can only bind to one UFUNCTION at a time */ #define DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE( DelegateName ) BODY_MACRO_COMBINE(CURRENT_FILE_ID,_,__LINE__,_DELEGATE) FUNC_DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE( FWeakObjectPtr, DelegateName, DelegateName##_DelegateWrapper, , FUNC_CONCAT( *this ), void ) /** Declares a blueprint-accessible broadcast delegate that can bind to multiple native UFUNCTIONs simultaneously */ #define DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE( DelegateName ) BODY_MACRO_COMBINE(CURRENT_FILE_ID,_,__LINE__,_DELEGATE) FUNC_DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE( FWeakObjectPtr, DelegateName, DelegateName##_DelegateWrapper, , FUNC_CONCAT( *this ), void )
/** * Binds a UFunction-based member function delegate. * * UFunction delegates keep a weak reference to your object. * You can use ExecuteIfBound() to call them. */ template <typename UObjectTemplate, typename... VarTypes> inline void BindUFunction(UObjectTemplate* InUserObject, const FName& InFunctionName, VarTypes... Vars) { *this = CreateUFunction(InUserObject, InFunctionName, Vars...); }
/** * Binds a UObject-based member function delegate. * * UObject delegates keep a weak reference to your object. * You can use ExecuteIfBound() to call them. */ template <typename UserClass, typename... VarTypes> inline void BindUObject(UserClass* InUserObject, typename TMemFunPtrType<false, UserClass, RetValType (ParamTypes..., VarTypes...)>::Type InFunc, VarTypes... Vars) { static_assert(!TIsConst<UserClass>::Value, "Attempting to bind a delegate with a const object pointer and non-const member function."); *this = CreateUObject(InUserObject, InFunc, Vars...); } template <typename UserClass, typename... VarTypes> inline void BindUObject(const UserClass* InUserObject, typename TMemFunPtrType<true, UserClass, RetValType (ParamTypes..., VarTypes...)>::Type InFunc, VarTypes... Vars) { *this = CreateUObject(InUserObject, InFunc, Vars...); }
/** * Adds a delegate instance to this multicast delegate's invocation list. * * @param Delegate The delegate to add. */ FDelegateHandle Add(const FDelegate& InNewDelegate) { FDelegateHandle Result; if (Super::GetDelegateInstanceProtectedHelper(InNewDelegate)) { Result = Super::AddDelegateInstance(CopyTemp(InNewDelegate)); } return Result; }
/** * Adds a UObject-based member function delegate. * * UObject delegates keep a weak reference to your object. * * @param InUserObject User object to bind to * @param InFunc Class method function address */ template <typename UserClass, typename... VarTypes> inline FDelegateHandle AddUObject(UserClass* InUserObject, typename TMemFunPtrType<false, UserClass, void (ParamTypes..., VarTypes...)>::Type InFunc, VarTypes... Vars) { static_assert(!TIsConst<UserClass>::Value, "Attempting to bind a delegate with a const object pointer and non-const member function."); return Add(FDelegate::CreateUObject(InUserObject, InFunc, Vars...)); }
/** * Removes a delegate instance from this multi-cast delegate's invocation list (performance is O(N)). * * Note that the order of the delegate instances may not be preserved! * * @param Handle The handle of the delegate instance to remove. * @return true if the delegate was successfully removed. */ bool Remove( FDelegateHandle Handle ) { bool bResult = false; if (Handle.IsValid()) { bResult = RemoveDelegateInstance(Handle); } return bResult; }
声明宏 |
描述 |
创建一个动态委托。 |
创建一个动态组播委托。 |
//动态委托可序列化,其函数可按命名查找,但其执行速度比常规委托慢 DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE(FTestDyMulDELEGATE); DECLARE_DYNAMIC_DELEGATE(FTestDyDELEGATE); UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable,BlueprintCallable) FTestDyMulDELEGATE TestDyMulDELEGATE; FTestDyDELEGATE TestDyDELEGATE; UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) void ExDyDELEGATE(); UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) void LogFunc(); UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable) void CallExDyMul(); UFUNCTION() void DyMul_Log();
ATraceCharacter.cpp //绑定 TestDyDELEGATE.BindUFunction(this,TEXT("LogFunc")); TestDyMulDELEGATE.AddDynamic(this,&ATraceCharacter::DyMul_Log); void ATraceCharacter::LogFunc() {
//单播 UE_LOG(LogTemp,Warning,TEXT("DyDELEGATE Excute")) } void ATraceCharacter::ExDyDELEGATE() {
//单播动态委托调用 TestDyDELEGATE.ExecuteIfBound(); } void ATraceCharacter::CallExDyMul() { TestDyMulDELEGATE.Broadcast(); } void ATraceCharacter::DyMul_Log() { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("DyMul_Log")); }
多态多播委托:可在蓝图中调用/c++ Broadcast 调用
标签:委托,void,C++,DelegateName,delegate,Ue4,DECLARE,DELEGATE 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zsymdbk/p/16122459.html