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Elastic Searchable snapshot功能初探 三 (frozen tier)

文章目录 演示思路准备数据创建快照仓库与快照关联快照仓库与快照mount searchable snapshot挂载选项full_copyshared_cache 测试可搜索快照总结 3月23号,Elastic又发布了最新的7.12版本。在这个版本中,最重要的一个更新是frozen tier的发布。相比于之前版本的cold tier(

解决冲突 : AutoMatic merge failed;fix conflicts and then commit the result

冲突的类型 逻辑冲突 git自动处理(合并/应用补丁)成功,但是逻辑上是有问题的。 比如另外一个人修改了文件名,但我还使用老的文件名,这种情况下自动处理是能成功的,但实际上是有问题的。 又比如,函数返回值含义变化,但我还使用老的含义,这种情况自动处理成功,但可能隐藏着重大BUG。 这种问题,

stop to merge develope into your own branch

 Use rebase instead: 1. git checkout develop 2. git pull 3. git checkout feature/#X-my_feature 4. git rebase origin/develop   If there are some conflicts : 5. resolved conflicts 6. git rebase --continue 7. if there are still conflicts, go to 5 

转:Intellij idea Version Control File Status Colors ( 版本控制文件状态颜色 )

https://blog.csdn.net/Bruce_Lee__/article/details/80261308 Added —— 添加 Added in not active changelist —— 在不活跃的变更列表中添加 Changelist conflict —— 变更列表中存在冲突 Copied —— 复制的文件 Deleted —— 删除的文件 Deleted from file system —— 从

Solve Conflicts in RPM installation

Problem I want to offline install some rpms for an application, I put all dependencies for that application in a dedicated directory. The problem is it will cause conflicts with the old installed ones, I also want to keep old existing rpms because they ma

CentOS 5 6 - php53-common conflicts with php-common

You have PHP 5.1.6 installed on CentOS 5.6 and want to update to PHP 5.3 like this: yum install php53 php53-cli php53-common php53-gd php53-imap php53-intl php53-mbstring php53-mysql php53-odbc php53-pdo php53-pspell php53-snmp php53-xml php53-xmlrpc The