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As a developer on your team,you write code to address tasks that are signed to you.Of course you build frequently and checked all your units passed.And at any point you can use visual studio's pending changes features to review exactly what changes you've made.You're almost ready to check in your code, but your team uses Code Reviews to improve code quality.With Visual Studios Code Review feature,you can request and perform code reviews without ever leaving the IDE.Within the Code Review page, you can add one or more of your team members as reviewers, it often helps to have someone make sure that the code you've written does what it's supposed to do and that it does it efficiently.It's also great to have a second set of eyes to look for problems that are difficult to see when you've been looking at the same code for too long. You can increasing transparency by choosing meaningful titles and by adding descriptions to your code reviewer quests.Tell your reviewers a little bit of about what you are asking them to look at.In some cases,you might provide a brief explanation of a feature you have permitted or how you fixed about it.When you submit your review quest,your code doesn't even have to be checked in.It can be active in your workspace,or it could be suspended.You can configure team foundation server to notify reviewers by e-mail so they know right away that they have a code review waiting for them,even if they aren't runnning Visual Studio for currently logged into TFS.

In addition to the e-mail,each viewer will see the request appear in their own My Work page where they have the option to decline the requests or they can accept.To provide a thorough review,they will likely want to see a side-by-side comparison of the changes that you've made.Visual Studio also supports Inline, Left-Only and Right-Only views to compare files.Reviewers can add comments to a specific block of code or make a comment about a specific file.Or they can send an overall comment that applies for the review as a whole.When you complete a review,it just takes a single button click to send all those comments to TFS,where they could be shared with the rest of your team.Another reviewer may choose to comment on your comments.In other words,a team can engage in a dialogue about a new feature or bug fix and all the comments are stored right alongside the relevant code.Each reviewer indicates when they are finished with their view and of course this information gets recorded in Team Foundation Server.At all times,the original requester can view the current status of the review.They know which reviewers have accepted or declined and they can participate in the discussion surrounding the changes made.

The Code Review feature in Visual Studio 2021 helps you to collaborate with your team to improve code quality and get valuable feedback,all from within Visual Studio.

为什么要进行code review?




选择TFS进行code review的好处:

无缝结合VS,两者结合紧密进行项目管理非常方便,从需求分析、开发、测试、维护,几乎可以贯穿软件开发的整个生命周期。TFS是一个应用程序生命周期管理解决方案,SVN和Git仅是源代码控制。TFS能进行源代码控制以及问题跟踪,文档管理,报告,持续集成,用于测试的虚拟实验室等。TFS的Source Control和SVN是集中式源代码控制,Git是分布式的。


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zjw1980/p/14829434.html