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Spring4All社区正式招募Spring Guides翻译小分队~



随着微服务的流行,Spring Boot/Cloud的崛起,Spring Source几乎再一次要成为Java的代名词。那么我们如何才能快速的学习和入门Spring呢?除了很多国内高手编写的一些教程之外,有没有更为官方的指导呢?实际上,在Spring官方网站中是有非常优秀的教程页面的:https://spring.io/guides。






原文:Securing a Web Application译者:徐靖峰校对:程序猿DD

本文由spring4all.com翻译小分队创作,采用知识共享-署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际 许可协议进行许可。



Getting Started Guides

Designed to be completed in 15-30 minutes, these guides provide quick, hands-on instructions for building the "Hello World" of any development task with Spring. In most cases, the only prerequisites are a JDK and a text editor.

Building a RESTful Web ServiceLearn how to create a RESTful web service with Spring.
Scheduling TasksLearn how to schedule tasks with Spring.
Consuming a RESTful Web ServiceLearn how to retrieve web page data with Spring's RestTemplate.
Building Java Projects with MavenLearn how to build a Java project with Gradle.
Accessing Relational Data using JDBC with SpringLearn how to access relational data with Spring.
Uploading FilesLearn how to build a Spring application that accepts multi-part file uploads.
Authenticating a User with LDAPLearn how to secure an application with LDAP.
Registering an Application with FacebookLearn how to register an application to integrate with Facebook.
Messaging with RedisLearn how to use Redis as a message broker.
Registering an Application with TwitterLearn how to register apps with Twitter.
Messaging with RabbitMQLearn how to create a simple publish-and-subscribe application with Spring and RabbitMQ.
Accessing Twitter DataLearn how to access user data from Twitter.
Accessing Facebook DataLearn how to access Facebook information from an application.
Accessing Data with Neo4jLearn how to persist objects and relationships in Neo4j's NoSQL data store.
Validating Form InputLearn how to perform form validation with Spring.
Building a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot ActuatorLearn how to create a RESTful Web service with Spring Boot Actuator.
Messaging with JMSLearn how to publish and subscribe to messages using a JMS broker.
Creating a Batch ServiceLearn how to create a basic batch-driven solution.
Securing a Web ApplicationLearn how to protect your web application with Spring Security.
Building a Hypermedia-Driven RESTful Web ServiceLearn how to create a hypermedia-driven RESTful Web service with Spring.
Accessing Data with GemFireLearn how to build an application using Gemfire's data fabric.
Integrating DataLearn how to build an application that uses Spring Integration to fetch data, process it, and write it to a file.
Caching Data with GemFireLearn how to cache data in GemFire.
Managing TransactionsLearn how to wrap key parts of code with transactions.
Accessing Data with JPALearn how to work with JPA data persistence using Spring Data JPA.
Accessing Data with MongoDBLearn how to persist data in MongoDB.
Serving Web Content with Spring MVCLearn how to create a web page with Spring MVC.
Converting a Spring Boot JAR Application to a WARLearn how to convert your Spring Boot JAR-based application to a WAR file.
Creating Asynchronous MethodsLearn how to create asynchronous service methods.
Handling Form SubmissionLearn how to create and submit a web form with Spring.
Building an Application with Spring BootLearn how to build an application with minimal configuration.
Using WebSocket to build an interactive web applicationLearn how to the send and receive messages between a browser and the server over a WebSocket
Working a Getting Started guide with STSLearn how to import a Getting Started guide with Spring Tool Suite (STS).
Consuming a RESTful Web Service with AngularJSLearn how to retrieve web page data with AngularJS.
Consuming a RESTful Web Service with rest.jsLearn how to retrieve web page data with rest.js.
Consuming a RESTful Web Service with jQueryLearn how to retrieve web page data with jQuery.
Enabling Cross Origin Requests for a RESTful Web ServiceLearn how to create a RESTful web service with Spring that support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
Building Spring YARN Projects with GradleLearn how to build a Spring YARN Project with Gradle
Building Spring YARN Projects with MavenLearn how to build a Spring YARN Project with Maven
Simple YARN ApplicationLearn how to build a simple Spring YARN application
Testing YARN ApplicationLearn how to test a Spring YARN application
Batch YARN ApplicationLearn how to build a Spring Batch YARN application
Restartable Batch YARN ApplicationLearn how to build a restartable Spring Batch YARN application
Consuming a SOAP web serviceLearn how to create a client that consumes a WSDL-based service
Accessing JPA Data with RESTLearn how to work with RESTful, hypermedia-based data persistence using Spring Data REST.
Accessing Neo4j Data with RESTLearn how to work with RESTful, hypermedia-based data persistence using Spring Data REST.
Accessing MongoDB Data with RESTLearn how to work with RESTful, hypermedia-based data persistence using Spring Data REST.
Accessing GemFire Data with RESTLearn how to work with RESTful, hypermedia-based data persistence using Spring Data REST.
Producing a SOAP web serviceLearn how to create a SOAP-based web service with Spring.
Simple Single Project YARN ApplicationLearn how to build a simple Spring YARN application
Caching Data with SpringLearn how to cache data in memory with Spring
Deploying to Cloud Foundry from STSLearn how to deploy a Spring application to Cloud Foundry from STS
Spring Boot with DockerLearn how to create a Docker container from a Spring Boot application with Maven or Gradle
Working a Getting Started guide with IntelliJ IDEALearn how to work a Getting Started guide with IntelliJ IDEA.
Creating CRUD UI with VaadinUse Vaadin and Spring Data JPA to build a dynamic UI
Service Registration and DiscoveryLearn how to register and find services with Eureka
Centralized ConfigurationLearn how to manage application settings from an external, centralized source
Routing and FilteringLearn how to route and filter requests to a microservice using Netflix Zuul
Circuit BreakerLearn how to degrade gracefully services using Hystrix
Client Side Load Balancing with Ribbon and Spring CloudDynamically support services coming up and going down without interrupting the client
Testing the Web LayerLearn how to test Spring Boot applications and MVC controllers.
Accessing data with MySQLLearn how to set up and manage user accounts on MySQL and how to configure Spring Boot to connect to it at runtime.
Creating a Multi Module ProjectLearn how to build a library and package it for consumption in a Spring Boot application
Creating API Documentation with RestdocsLearn how to generate documentation for HTTP endpoints using Spring Restdocs

Topical Guides

Designed to be read and comprehended in an hour or less, providing more wide-ranging or subjective content than a getting started guide.

Spring Security ArchitectureTopical guide to Spring Security, how the bits fit together and how they interact with Spring Boot


Designed to be completed in 2-3 hours, these guides provide deeper, in-context explorations of enterprise application development topics, leaving you ready to implement real-world solutions.

Building REST services with SpringLearn how to easily build, test, and secure RESTful services with Spring
Spring Security and Angular JSA tutorial on how to use Spring Security with a single page application with various backend architectures, ranging from a simple single server to an API gateway with OAuth2 authentication.
React.js and Spring Data RESTA tutorial based on the 5-part blog series by Greg Turnquist
Spring Boot and OAuth2A tutorial on "social" login and single sign on with Facebook and Github

来源: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15127675/2825159